Came here to fix the headline, glad someone beat me to it! Stop coddling and start calling people out for who they are. If it walks like a Nazi and quacks like a Nazi, it’s a Nazi
But not in the ways that matter to them. Fascism was characterized by nationalizing private enterprises to transfer wealth and power from the government to the chosen elite. They want to privatize government enterprises to transfer wealth and power from the government to the chosen elite. Totally different, you see?
His grandparents were Nazis. His parents intentionally moved to Apartheid South Africa where they ran illegal emerald mines. He's said he needs H1B visas because he wants to drastically overwork his "employees" and if they're not on H1B visas they'll leave. Is anyone at all surprised by this?
Unfortunately people weren’t convinced to get the fuck out and vote so. Y’know
Neoliberals complaining about people not wanting to vote for neoliberals just always reminds me of "nice guys" upset women picked the bear.
You don't understand why they made that decision, and rather than try to understand why so that you could better yourself, you're gonna keep stomping your feet for years saying only an idiot would pick a bear.
So while being marched to the gulag you're the guy that turns to the guy next to you and proudly proclaims "don't blame me, I voted for the bear". How bold
Its weird these days. Parties that some call as nazi, are praising, and supporting putin, who is an ex-KGB agent, praising stalin, and trying to re-build the soviet union. Most of the "right wingers" now support putin, AFD too (and putin supports them too, to destabilise democracies).
Kind of is, yeah. As folks never tire of pointing out, the American electoral system only permits two major parties. As a basic principle, they're occupying one of those slots, so it is their job to stop the other party. If they lack the juice to do it, then they should step aside and let somebody else have a crack at it. It's part of the bargain that if they want to hold onto the power, they've gotta take some blame.
His political power is premised in large part on the supposition that his following on X is authentic. Given his interests in AI, self-professed belief that Twitter, as it used to be called, is overrun by bots, and ownership and control of X, is there any reason to believe that this is true? How do we know that his human following hasn't declined precipitously since his hard-right turn and been steadily replaced by bot accounts?
I know, you'll say "but--richest man--can buy politicians" and I say yes, but only on credit which could get yanked away at any time, should his following be revealed as inauthentic. His net worth is premised mostly on stock shares in a company with serious problems (which he is doing nothing to solve) facing stiff competition in a troubled niche industry (the electric car market). He had to borrow huge amounts of money in order to buy Twitter because he does not have the cash and if he were to sell that much money in Tesla shares it would cause an investor panic and precipitous decline in his net worth.
And so now we can see why he likely had to buy Twitter; he probably had no choice: the company was likely about to expose or tamp down on his fraudulent and bot-driven following, which would create loss of investor confidence in his brands, which is the only thing propping them up given their weak fundamentals. The Emperor has no clothes, folks.
So what? He'll be wholly irrelevant in a few short weeks.You wanna bring up Hillary's emails while you're at it? Maybe Hunter Biden's laptop? It would be a whole lot more useful to focus that energy on the incoming pro-genocide administration.
Hold on, did you just equate Biden’s unconditional support for Zionism with emails or a laptop? I voted for Hillary in 2016 and Biden in 2020. I am not dumb, I know what is fake drama and what’s a genocide. This dismissiveness of the genocide is why the Democrats lost my vote and many other Arab and Muslim Americans minorities. Though they lost for other reasons since Arabs and Muslims are a small minority, but I digress.
Did you focus your energy on opposing the genocide during the past 450 days or only when the president is Republican? The Biden administration vetoed three ceasefire votes in the UN, agreeing to any one of them would have meant no genocide for Trump to make worse.
HE! Is the most powerful?!?!? I could beat him at arm wrestling with a horse tranquilizer iv straight to my throat! And I know atleast 2 POWERLIFTERS that could throw me around like a rag doll. All this dude has is technology he bought from other people and people he bought and paid for. Dudes as weak as a spy character in gaming, more duplicitous tho.
This is so cringe, LMFAO, what an absolute loser thing to post online. I hate Musk as much as the next sane person, but this comes off so pathetic, you straight up sound 12.