DivestOS Shut down!?!?
DivestOS Shut down!?!?
This is wild because I had never heard of this news anywhere. R.I.P. DivestOS, my favorite mobile OS. Anyone know of a project with a similiar goal of deblobbing android?
DivestOS Shut down!?!?
This is wild because I had never heard of this news anywhere. R.I.P. DivestOS, my favorite mobile OS. Anyone know of a project with a similiar goal of deblobbing android?
Yup! I didn't use much of their software but I did like Mull. I'm currently mull-ing over what browser to use next.
I loved Hypatia, its the only floss antivirus for android
Woah, I never knew Hypatia is part of the Divest team. Here I thought I was unaffected by the shutdown... I wonder if they'll keep the av updates coming, since they are provided by ClamAV.
Edit: Looks like the script that converts clamav to hypatia compatible packages is public, I'm tempted to run it myself and host the files on my own server. That way I can just set the database override link within the app to my domain and done.
Fennec obviously
Not obviously. Fennec doesn't have all the same privacy protections that Mull did. I think Tor is the only browser left that has everything I want but I don't want to use Tor for general purpose browsing.
GrapheneOS is a similar philosophy as divest, remove as much risk surface as possible. Only pixel phones getting security firmware updates are supported though
yeah for ancient pixel users like me it's impossible to get modern android... I'm using lineage for now and i'll wait to see how this plays out.
you could always build GOS yourself and use the older targets (and get the vendor files from the aosp)
It's more elbow grease, but its not too much
I mean.... I upgrade every ~2/3 years.
But only during sales and only with boosted trade ins.
This year I got two 9s for ~$150 with boosted trade ins for my 7pro/8pro and holiday sale.
There's even a ::: spoiler 10% off referral: REF-KLO02BCXE32GOJVRD02QC2J :::
And technically Graphene has extended legacy support for:
Cheaper than worrying about battery replacement for old crusty pixles >.>
Did you know that not everyone on Lemmy has or wants a Google Pixel?
No one said they do
I don't have any opinion about what phone you want to have. Be happy.
I'm satisfying the OPs question, with real actionable data. I'm not running around down voting people because they like things I don't like.
However if you, or someone with your same attitude, wants to pick up the DivestOS repos and builds, I will applaud and cheer!
Hush. That's like saying everyone on lemmy uses Debian or arch.
Oh. Wait.
I know it's a lot of hard work but I hope a group of people pick this project up.
R.I.P. DivertOS.
I'm using lineageOS. You can choose whether to add Gapps (google bundle) to it. By default there's no google anything. Most devices officially supported by the project work great from what I've seen. It makes old phones faster in some cases.
IMO it doesn't go far enough with deblobbing and removing nonfree software, but for the time being i'll switch to it. Hope someone continues this project.
DivestOS was a fork of it for good reasons. LineageOS doesn't offer the same privacy or security features Divest had in the first place. https://divestos.org/index.html
I didn't see a reason. Did Tavi give one and I missed it?
I posted this comment elsewhere:
In case anyone is curious as to why, here's a direct quote from them (Tavi) in Fairphone forum:
As mentioned, it is the 10 year anniversary. That is a long time and I need to move onto other projects in life.
They also have this for those looking to replace Mull: https://divestos.org/pages/browsers
Oh good. I was hoping it was a "moving on" reason, as opposed to a catastrophic one. Thanks for settling my nerves lol
That's so cute! I work with an OS release from 2002. Like, the OS has been around, and we're just working with Major Version 10, until it life-cycles out at age 27, when we're on just v11 (11.4 today).
Maybe there'll be a v12, maybe it's not for another 27 years and I'll be dead. Who knows?
Back to Fennec i guess...
I didn't either.
Check out calyxOS, only tricky part is that it's mostly for pixels.
For new pixels
No, I'm running it on my pixel 3 right now.