One time, I put my hand out to stop a kid from running into the street.
Most people were like "Woah that kid almost died." But one Karen looking woman had a "How dare you touch that child" look.
I'm not going to stop saving kids who run into the street. But it did make me question when to involve myself or not. And I can see a lot of people hesitating because some fuckface has something stupid to say.
Some US states do not have Good Samaritan laws. This means that you could save someone's life, they could sue you, and they could win. It's pretty fucked up.
I live in a very strict and conservative country and once a young girl passed out in front of everyone. Her sister was panicking screaming at her to try to breath. I'm usually a savior vigilante type of guy whenever and wherever the situation but sadly at that time I was wearing shorts. So my immediate reaction was to nope out and pretend I didn't see anything. They had to bring another woman who was working close by to do CPR and resuscitate her. The girl then survived obviously. I later had feelings of guilt that I did not step in to help, but in the same time I could've been jailed for touching her and worse get beaten by everyone there. what an awful dilemma ...
In order to use a defibrillator, you have to remove everything from a person's chest. This includes the bra and to even shave chest hair to be able to apply the pads correctly.
I've always thought that it would be troublesome for a man to have to apply a defibrillator to a woman if someone assumes foul play because of their own issues.
Life over dignity in that situation, everyone else be damned.
Honestly, I don't find it all that surprising. Men are wise to err on the side of caution when it comes to even the appearance of improper behavior and I could see how many might freeze up in such a situation, even if they knew CPR.
I remember a woman talking about how some kids were running around naked near their house and he had to call her, and she was kind of grumbling about how he wouldn't just handle it himself. I had to explain that I would have done exactly the same. There is no WAY as an adult male I'd be accosting underage naked children and asking where their parents were, etc., unless they were in danger of freezing or other dangers. This woman was acting like her husband was being lazy and/or a wuss. He was just using his head.
The more significant finding here is 40% of people don't get CPR - I think this mostly comes down to public ignorance. It's not like most schools make their students CPR certified. I got mine through Boyscouts, but a lot of people don't really get that kind of education.
I wouldn't be surprised if that explains the gender difference, too. Due to ignorance a lot of people might not really grasp the difference between chest compressions and fondling someone's chest 🙄
The puritanical culture we have is the ruin of everything. We wouldn't be overly thoughtful about consent this and that if not for awful people getting away with sex crimes left and right, even in current day. Guess what? If you're not a rapist, don't hold yourself to the same stringent standard - do the fucking CPR and save a life.
Not surprising. This aligns with other studies around women and cardiac problems. People have a bias toward identifying the symptoms that men show, and women often have a tendency to display different symptoms.
Of course, because the people trained in CPR are generally men. And men aren't gonna risk getting accused of SA by helping a woman. It's just too risky. What's the point?
This Radiolab Episode always comes to my mind when people bring up CPR in any context. Apparently doctors overwhelmingly don't wish to be resuscitated for a good reason...
No way I help a woman in that situation. Zero chance unless I already know them well. not casually well, they have to know mebin return. So basically family and nothing further.
I know CPR.
Reap what you sow society.
I had a woman ask me to get I her car to figure out why it wasn't starting for her one time, this isn't even close to CPR and that feeling of dread hit me and I refused. No way I'm putting myself in even greater danger.
I know the reality is thing will likely be fine in both situations. Then I remember multiple women telling lies in my life, accusing me of things I never did.
I had to go to court and has her admit on stand she lied. I almost went to jail and she got off Scott free. That isn't justice.
With how much more weight women's voices get and how much favourably the justice system views women compared to men. Yeah no, fuck that, I will not put myself in a situation where a woman can tell another lie to ruin another life.
How's that woke working out for you now... Most men are so shit scared of going near a female that it actually back fires. In the process you killed chivalry too...