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  • I drive a 2018 Subaru Forester. I got it because I wanted a SUV with AWD and a turbo charger. My previous vehicle was a Camaro, and while I loved driving it, having a RWD car in the winter sucks, and I had recently bought a house, so having a vehicle that can carry more than just groceries made sense.

    I was driving the Camaro around Xmas time and there was a light dusting of snow on the highway. I hit a patch of it and started to fish tail, and that scared the hell out of me, so I traded it for the Forester the following fall. The Forester has handled any conditions I've come across so far like a champ, including heavy rain, snow, ice, and muddy hillsides.

    Trading the Camaro in and getting the Forester marked the transition (in my mind) from being a young adult, to becoming an older, more sensible one. I was driving home from work one day, and a Camaro passed me on the highway. I couldn't help but sigh and ask myself why I had to get old. The Forester is a good vehicle and very nice (got the XT Touring package), but the Camaro was way more fun to drive, and I still miss it. I'd like to get another sports car in the future, but we'll see if that happens.

  • 2009 Audi A3 sportback, it was my first “nice” car.

    I keep it around despite the small fortune I’ve spent in maintenance because it’s fun as hell to drive.

  • My legs.

    But, if I was forced to choose, I'd go with an RV, and then live out of it. No in-between. Why?

    I have two preferred modes of living. One is without a car in a walkable area. The other is with a car, and my house is attached to the car. Everybody already gets walkable cities, but having an RV would warrant the freedom to be able to bring all of my possessions anywhere I want, whenever I want. For practicality, I'd use a motorbike for travelling after parking the RV. This is the only way I could own a motor vehicle--it must serve a purpose beyond merely moving a few people and objects between point A and point B. Else, I don't want one.

    The only cars I've been at all interested in otherwise are old Honda Stepwgns, the Peel Trident, station wagons, and, indeed, motorcycles. Still see no point in these when a hypothetical RV would be much better for a solo road trip, and when I can go on a vacation via plane or another friend's car. I'm not going out alone.

    I don't like single-use items. I prefer everything I have be as multi-purpose as possible.

    EDIT: I should probably clarify I would live out of an RV. It's not just a hypothetical alternative, it's something I'm considering.

  • None. I have a license but driving stresses me the fuck out. I have an old bike.

  • When I was stationed in Germany with the US military in 2010, I wrecked my car in a blizzard. It was totaled; I couldn't drive it anymore and I needed to get to work every day, so I dropped cash on a used 2006 Mazda 3. It was a 5-speed manual and was in immaculate condition. The former owner had detailed journal entries and receipts for every bit of maintenance they'd ever done. They were only selling it because they had more cars than they needed at the time and they needed some quick cash.

    Fast forward to 2020... I was stationed in Nebraska and my Mazda 3 was finally showing its age. I had driven it across most of Europe and half of the US, and its mileage was approaching 200K. I was in the market for a new car.

    I found myself "deployed" to South Carolina for 4 months during the pandemic, and while I was there, my wife called me up and asked if I wanted her to buy a new car for me. Apparently, some married friends of hers bought a brand-new 6-speed 2017 Mazda 3 Touring Edition as their daily driver to college classes. But their entry to college was delayed a few years, then the pandemic hit and all classes moved online. So it was just cluttering up their garage. They had 5 cars and hardly drove any of them, so they decided to sell 4 of them during the pandemic.

    The 2017 Mazda 3 had only 7,000 miles on it. And they sold it to me for $17K cash. It was a helluva deal! I sold my 2006 Mazda 3 to a coworker and my wife bought the 2017 version for me. And I've been driving it since. It's way nicer than my older version, and the previous owners had even paid for some upgrades to the base car.

    I'm retired now, since 2022, and I don't need to drive as much as I used to, but I always take my 2017 Mazda 3 when I leave the house. I enjoy cruising around in that car. It's not a super fancy luxury car, but it's the nicest car I've ever owned. I'm hoping I can get a solid decade or more out of this car before I need another one.

  • I recently switched from a Suzuki Spacia to a Nissan Sakura.

    In Japan, the roads are narrow, so a Kei car is very convenient.

  • 2008 F350 Diesel. I'm a farmer so there's a good chance there will be something covered in oil/shit/blood/ice/mud or combination thereof in the box at any given time. I can put a pallet of seed or a 1000L tote of fertilizer in the back. And I can pull a 35' flat deck loaded with bales with it. And honestly it gets fairly good mileage on the highway when its empty. It has about 1100km of range on a tank if I keep my foot out of it.

    I'd love an electric that does what it does, but that's a pipedream for a few years yet. Maybe when I've driven this into the ground it'll be a thing.

  • 2016 Hyundai Accent. It was cheap and what I could afford. I will run it into the ground before I get another one. She works and she's tough. She got me across country with a full trailer attached to her and is just fine. She's filthy, but she is mine. And I love her.

  • 2007 Toyota Prius because it gets 45mpg and I have to drive about 45 miles to get to work

    2006 Nissan Frontier for when I need a truck. It has the same specs as the Tacoma, just as reliable, and a lot cheaper in the used market.

  • I don't have a car, but I sometimes drive my wife's car which is a Volvo S60.
    Before I moved countries I had a green Opel Agila, and what made it mine was that I played in cash for it.

  • 2022 Porsche Taycan 4S Cross Turismo

    • It's electric and electricity is cheap in the Seattle area, especially from 11pm to 7am for me when it's $0.044 per kwh
    • It charges very quickly on roadtrips, up to 270 kw or 5%-80% in about 20 minutes (did Seattle to Vegas and back in it!)
    • it's a wagon so it's very practical. both our big dogs fit in there and we've taken them on some shorter roadtrips. I even got a roofbox for it, and it didn't impact the range as badly as I'd feared
    • the driving experience is wonderful. it's not even close to the fastest Taycan but the 4S even at second lowest trim is without question fast enough, but the real enjoyment comes from the handling on top of that, it's just so so so good
    • keeps up with GT3 RS at the track, though that might be more about GT3 RS owners babying their cars than anything else
    • its comfy and quiet and communicative

    While I'm not exactly thrilled about the massive depreciation, I don't see any other car now or in the foreseeable future that can also do all the things it does well without being a fucking SUV or crossover or truck.

    Also if Taycans get cheap enough for more people to get into them, I hope more people do, cuz even the absolute lowest spec, zero options, smallest battery sedan is a solidly excellent car

  • We were until recently a one car household (my wife and I both work from home). So I drove a 2019 Toyota Camry. Why? Because that's what my wife wanted.

    My sister got a new car so I bought her old one off of her so I could have a backup on the rare times we needed two. It's a 2012 Ford Fiesta. Why? Because it was cheap ($2k) and it gets good gas mileage. I also like the car because I'm a minimalist at heart. It's very simple and I like that.