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Sovcit doesn't understand.

  • I'm not sure I understand what this person is even trying to accomplish, and I'm also not sure where or how the person jumped off the deep end to start threatening someone who's caught in the middle. if I was contacted unbidden by a private company contracted by the state to seize some part of my property, I'd probably start off similarly. I'd say to them that I understand they have their contract, and please send me a copy of the executed agreement, since I'm a party to said agreement. Then, since they're a private entity contracted by the government, until my lawyer advises otherwise, I'd make it clear that I would prefer not to deal directly with them on the matter, and instead work directly with the police and the court. Then basically thank them for their time and say that I hope we can speak again under happier circumstances.

    I wouldn't threaten them, or involve them directly in the situation. I want the tow truck guys and the yard guys to just stay out of it while I deal with the cops. Personally, I think that's a fair request - limit the number of parties involved. Because if I deal with the towing / storage company, and they release the vehicle to me without confirming with the court and the cops that they're legally allowed to do so, we're both in hot water. If I deal with the cops and they tell the yard to release it, either they'll comply or they'll have problems that don't start with me.

    Am I being unreasonable?

    • I mean, they’re going to be billing someone for every day that car is there and they know they’re not getting shit from cops.

      • Well, they're certainly not getting it from me either. I didn't agree to them being the ones to tow it, or having my vehicle stored in a private lot. They can sue if they like, but i wasn't a deciding party to the agreement, and I would want to see in writing that I'm responsible for charges I never gave consent to. If it's there in law, fine, I'll pay it, but you can be sure I'll make every possible campaign against it after.

    • This is a sovcit. In very brief terms, they believe that the US turned into a corporation several years ago and, since corporations can't force you to do anything unless you agree to it, individuals don't have to follow any law other than "common law". We're not gonna get into what they mean by common law, but let's just say they pick which laws they like and decide those are the only ones they have to follow. With that said, this is probably what happened:

      Their car got towed so they sent a letter to the towing company saying something like:


      This letter was also full of legal-sounding nonsensical jargon so, understandably, the towing company called them to try to figure out what the hell was going on. After being unable to get anywhere with the sovcit, because that's how it usually goes with them, the towing company just said "screw it, I'll let my lawyer handle it".

      • Oh, I figured that part out pretty quickly; and I can't say that I'm unsympathetic to the cause. Threatening someone with action like a lien that requires the government to enforce that lien makes no sense. I do believe that there's a lot of law that was passed in ways that mean we the people should be able to freely rescind consent, or which violates the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, or which is in direct defiance of the British, French, and Spanish common law treaties that remain the basis of the US legal system.

        That's between me and the officials, though. Between me and everybody else (even cops, btw - they're not elected officials, they're just jackboots doing a job - if they didn't enforce the laws, someone else would, and I'm under no misconception that the replacement would be any nicer), we're all in the shit together and nobody gets out alive - so to quote one of the founding fathers, we must all hang together, or surely we will all hang separately.