I had a car that didn't like when the weather was cold and damp. It wasn't too happy about being parked on a slope, either.
Did the car actually have human emotions? No, of course not, but as a human it was both easy and natural to frame and process it that way.
Instead of it simply being "God made made in his own image", the truth is probably that there's more than a little of "man made God in his own image" too.
I’m not sure if the metaphor of you anthropomorphizing an inanimate object is the best one to criticize the projection of one’s own desires and wills onto a fantasy deity. For one thing, your car actually exists, even if its emotions do not. Also, believing that your car simply doesn’t like cold and damp weather is a rather harmless belief. For a person to believe that a god’s will reflects their personal wishes and desires is inherently dangerous. I’m not aware of anyone rationalizing hate crimes because they thought the car didn’t like a certain group of people.
I’m not sure if the metaphor of you anthropomorphizing an inanimate object is the best one to criticize the projection of one’s own desires and wills onto a fantasy deity.
I'm not criticising.
People are welcome to follow a religion if they want to.
I know that I can no more disprove the existence of a god than prove the existence of one. I know that anybody doing something bad in the name of a god is either lying or being coerced.
Believing that make believable is real is a psychotic decision. That’s just medical science. And if you believe that psychotic bullshit called “God” is real, you need to have your brain electrocuted until you stop believing it such ridiculous bullshit.
That’s the standard medical treatment for severe psychotic illusion. And until anyone, ever, praise God, exist, then it is a psychotic delusion that, by any common sense, must be electro zapped from your brain.
I appreciate it might be hyperbole, but you're advocating causing actual harm to people who find comfort in religion. Honestly, that sounds more psychotic.
I'm taking a guess here, based on your spelling (all those 'z's) that you're American. It's probably worth me pointing out that the US has some pretty grotesque implementations of many religions, particularly Christianity - but they are a poor reflection of religion in general.
I'm not overly religious (didn't even go to Church on Christmas!), but know a lot of good people are. If they find praying, attending services or reading the literature helps them get through life, I won't argue against it.
Prove it then. Oh, you can’t? That’s because it’s a delusion and a hallucination, the product of your severely mentally ill brain.
The rest of rational people understand that you belong in a mental hospital, not anywhere else.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. In their absence, one can simply dismiss them as the ravings of a madman.
Wanna proved me wrong? Then submit evidence of your ridiculous and childish superstitious, your believe in magic. Since nobody in the last 250,000 years of human existence has ever been able to prove their magical hallucinations are real, I’m confident you’ll only prove that your brain is made of dog shit. You’re a mentally ill and a danger to society.
If so, what do you want me to prove? That religion exists? I mean, it does - there are loads of them and the very oldest evidence of a prehistoric settlement is a temple complex, suggesting that religions have existed for over ten thousand years at least.
I've already said that the existence of a god can't be proven or disproven.
The only thing I'm arguing with you about is letting people practice religion if they find comfort in doing so.
You've advocated institutionalising and using surgical techniques on people for their beliefs. And then called me mentally ill and a danger to society.
Neat. The guy's argument with you has accidentally leaked into another community, with him replying to me and another poster with ad hominem attacks and desires to see us (who never mentioned religion) institutionalized.
Oh this is where it started?? I was wondering why this EleventhHour dude was replying to me so strangely. I think they might've had some kind of weird anti-religious episode.
Projecting your mental illness on me doesn’t change the fact that you’re mentally ill
Get right with the world, and realize that your brain is broken and that supernatural magic isn’t real.
Unless you can prove it? Of course you can’t. Because you’re mentally ill and magic isn’t real. Get therapy. Better yet, get institutionalized for the rest of your life so your mental illness doesn’t spread.