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Japan to transfer $3 billion from frozen Russian assets to Ukraine, Zelenskyy says

  • So many Russians crying about this after opting in to an undemocratic fiat currency.

    • When did they opt-in the fiat currency, exactly?

      what other option did they have?

      And, most importantly, what was the last product (other than fiat) you bought with crypto?

      Stop burning our planet, billionaire wannabe.

      • You're asking what other option they had out of one side of your mouth, while criticizing that option out the other side.

        Why is my pizza place anecdotally accepting crypto important? If my answer was supposed to be "nothing [I just don't want it seized because I was born in an imperialist oligarchy too]", what was going to be your response?

        Since you're not offering an alternative yourself, it sounds like you're suggesting they stay on the Ruble. Which hurts the environment even more (encourages consumption) and worsens inequality even more (Cantillon effect).

        If you do have a better option, then I'd like to hear that!