Steam Winter Sale Featured Deep Discounts - any recommendations?
Steam Winter Sale Featured Deep Discounts - any recommendations?

Especially great deals on some of the all-time greats

Steam Winter Sale Featured Deep Discounts - any recommendations?
Especially great deals on some of the all-time greats
Any of the classic valve games (half life, portal, and their sequels). If auto shooters are your thing, vampire survivors is less than a small coffee. Dead space (the remake) is $15. Halo MCC is $10. Titanfall 2 is $3. The “new” tomb raider trilogy are all less than $5 each or get the bundle. Alan wake is $5. Prey is $3. And Batman Arkham origins is $2.
Just a handful of good games for cheap. There’s many more out there.
Prey is awesome. I recently finished it after getting it in de the summer sale. Highly recommend!
Second this on Prey. Definitely is a love letter to immersive Sims like System Shock and Deus Ex. Hell there is a rumor that before Bethesda wanted to cover up the homicide of Prey 2, "Prey" 2017 was going to be called Neuroshock. Shame Arkane Austin was forced into live service shit with RedFall that they obviously had zero interest in and most original Arkane alumni left before the inevitable closure when they saw the writing on the wall.
Lot of great suggestions here- I grabbed MCC myself. Was kinda stunned that it's... I think five games ranging from absolutely era defining (at least for me) to solid games. For $10 I'm not sure that can be beat.
From that list :
Edit : fuck me i edited my comment and accidentally deleted the paragraph about Firewatch, tldr beautiful art direction
Titanfall 2 multiplayer is still up and running! Both PvP and Co-op!
Oh yeah coop was my favourite, the difficulty always felt right
All excellent recommendations, and I'll triple down on the Vermintide 2 recommendation. One of the best bang for buck indi games out there. Darktide has similarly hit a state where I can recommend it as well finally, even if it took an embarrassingly long time to get to a Vermintide 2 level of playability. If you like the -tide games, give it a go.
I go most of those but not Titanfall 2. Thanks for the tip!
Grim dawn is the best arpg of all time imo even better than d2
It's like $2.50
But the DLC is 10x that
And it works offline.
Ballionaire is a pretty great stoner game. It's a pachinko roguelite--excuse me, autobonker
Shamelessly copying my comment:
In order,
Chorus - AA paranormal 3d spaceship combat game
Cyber Hook - First person grapple hook platform racer
Tangle Tower - Charming point and click detective game
Patch Quest - Bullet hell roguelike
Subsurface Circular - Robot murder mystery visual novel
Yes Your Grace - Addictive story driven king resource management game
They Bleed Pixels - Brutal 2d action platformer
Devil Daggers - Single arena fps where you try to survive 500 seconds (and fail)
Loop Hero Soundtrack - The game is pretty well known, but its soundtrack is amazing enough to buy or pirate even if you don't want to play it
South Park: The Stick of Truth is a great RPG. You don't have to be a South Park fan to enjoy it, but it certainly doesn't hurt.
And if you are a fan, the game feels just like playing maybe a half season of the show. Jumping right in to episode after episode!
Xcom 2 complete for like 10 or so. Excellent deal
Gonna shill for war of the chosen real quick:
WotC fixes a lot of serious integral problems in the base game. In my opinion, XCOM enemy unknown is better than XCOM 2, but WotC easily beats both. So if you've heard bad things about XCOM 2, then keep in mind it's probably fixed in WotC.
Picked up Firewatch and Divinity Original Sin 1&2.
FW is a short and sweet walking sim. Well worth the £1.60 or whatever I paid for it.
No opinion on DOS yet because I doubt I'll play that before the new year.
Divinity 2 is great, it's similar to BG3 (since the same studio made it) just not as long / expansive. The main gimmick of the game is you can spill shit on the floor to change how the next battle plays out, barrelmancers will love it.
Cant go wrong with Grim Dawn. One of the best modern arpgs with regular huge updates, expansions and modding support.
Just when I thought I kicked that game they bringing out a new expansion
I played through it again a couple months ago but when I went to check the DLC it looks like they haven't ever done more than 35% discount even though they came out in 2017 and 2019. Meanwhile the base game has done 90% off in the past (also the current price). Guess they figure if you like it enough to go looking for DLC you'll probably pay more.
The Binding of Isaac Rebirth Complete Bundle as well as its individual components are at a new all time low. The game is an absolute classic and IMO it's still the best at what it does. It's perfect on the Steam Deck too.
If you like the base game I highly recommend all the DLCs. Besides a ton of new content they also add many quality of life changes that make the game even more enjoyable.
These are the ones I was interested in.
I went for a few bundles because I already owned thief sim and one of the metro games, so the bundles were an even better deal.
I checked the steam db website and a lot of these were all time low.
Yay for state of decay 2!
At first I thought you had “CHANGED” and immediately thought “ah, fellow degenerate”
That game is way too hard tho
Pillars of eternity series. $25.
Europa Universalis Ultimate is like $45 Gonna see if i have the patience for that map game madness.
Europa Universalis Ultimate
It's my favorite game, but you really need to put in a ton of time to really get much out of it.
That said, EU5 is probably going to be announced sometime next year given the dev diaries we've had, which means this will probably get another steep discount (and maybe a Humble Bundle or something) and you may want to just get the next game after a year or so. It's a good price IMO, but I only recommend getting it if you'll play it in the next few months.
Planetcoaster for 1,89€ is hard to beat
I rarely buy games even on sale (don't remember when I last bought a game, must not have been this year) but I'm definitely getting that one! That's a steal. Just... how do I set a reminder to buy it in the morning? (okay I added an event in my calendar, I think I'm good)
Here's another reminder just in case!
Hey, it's me, your reminder. Did you buy your game?
From The Depths.
Half off, stupid time sink.
Incredibly hard an unintuitive though. Expect to need to watch countless tutorials before you build something usable. Defo not really for people who game like 3hrs a week.
Oh yes, the learning curve is almost a wall.
I wish there was something between World of Warships and Mr. Here's Literal Hours Worth of Interactive Presentations to Learn my Bespoke Mechanics. I haven't found the time, nor the strength, to have another go at it—and I'm not sure if I ever will. Neat concept, though.
Thats the joy of the time sink the game is. I wish to find at least one more game like it I can really get into.
Patient in that it came out way back at the beginning of twenty ‘ought twenty-four, cheap in that its fifty percent off; the new prince of Persia game is precisely correctly priced at twenty dollars and fun as hell.
My suggestion for the steam winter sale is chech out the GOG winter sale. But maybe that's just me.
Maybe make a separate post for it?
The Last Case of Benedict Fox being around 90% off was the only one with an acceptable price tag for me. Got it even cheaper via a bundle because I already owned Arise.
Touhou Artificial Dream in Arcadia. Sort of a recent fangame title, by today's standards, but if you're looking for some cool mid-to-late-1990s-inspired PC dungeoneering action (Shin Megami Tensei being a heavy inspiration), it's currently at ninety-two percent off.
Touhou... Now that's a name I haven't heard since 2010
The Owlcat Pathfinder CRPGs aren't on the deep discounts list, but Kingmaker is 85% off ($2.99) and Wrath Of The Righteous is 70% off ($11.99). Both are solid games.
Do you have any sources for this? I tried to look into it, but I can't find them making any political statements and they seem to be mostly centred in Cyprus, so how much do they actually support Russia besides being (originally?) Russian and thus at risk if speaking out against Putin?
Well, shit. TIL. That sucks.
Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous is an amazing game if you can look past the politics though. Also, the spyware thing is pretty standard now - it's usually called "telemetry" in most EULAs. I haven't read it closely enough to know if they're overreaching any worse than others, but they did walk back including the AppFlyer tool after pushback from users.
Can someone recommend some good 3-player games? Already bought Aliens: FE and I'm sick of Apex and DOOM.
It's not very patient gamer of me, but if you want specifically 3-player games Space Marine 2 comes to mind immediately. Kinda pricey, though.
The Trine series comes to mind
I picked up scribblenauts unmasked for like 90% off, I've always loved the series (though I find unlimited has fewer puzzles...)
Diablo 4 is 40$cad, but it's working really well on the steam deck.
I'd recommend Last Epoch, lots of interesting customization options but not overwhelming like PoE.
I did not expect when I created a rogue to be using 2 handed maces, but zipping around swinging the heaviest weapon I could find 5 times a second was very satisfying.
I have been considering this. Is it a fun solo game? Any problems on the deck, like small text? I also wonder if there are any problems with it being always online.
Yeah it's fun if you like games with a dark atmosphere. The text is perfect and the game is fully voiced over as well. The interface gets some time getting used to. It's a lot of features crammed on the screen.