(camera focuses on the news playing on a TV in a home in the countryside, slowly pulling back away from the monitor)
"...thanks to their efforts, experts have now stated with certainty that this threat has been eradicated..."
(the camera has pulled back enough that the screen is framed by an outside window with a tree trunk coming into frame from the right)
"...and many communities in the northwest united states can breathe easier knowing that these dreaded hornets are no longer found on our shores. Reporting from Seattle..."
(focus shifts to the tree bark. Buzzing is heard, getting louder and louder until a single murder hornet queen lands on the tree. Cut to black. Roll credits)
Yeah sure "murder hornets". Like "murder japs", "murder communists", "murder vietnamese", "murder gays", "murder blacks" or "murder arabs" before. I think I'll hold off celebrating until I know how much oil those hornets had in stock.
America hasn't won any war since WWII, and that includes wars against drugs, countries, people, religions, etc. I highly doubt they won this one. I remember "mission accomplished"
It sounds stupid but I really want to imagine China was behind all this as a test run of bio warfare via invasive species and there's just some random CCP agent going Rats! We've been foiled again. Start dumping more corn syrup into our honey exports!