The Game awards was bigger than the NFL's Super Bowl.
The Game awards was bigger than the NFL's Super Bowl.
The Game awards was bigger than the NFL's Super Bowl.
Feel like I’m the only one surprised by this. I play games quite often, but I’ve never watched the Game Awards. I’m barely even aware that it exists. Never heard anyone in real life mention it.
I'm not interested either. I play games, but I rarely play new releases because they tend to release in such a bad state. So most of the games I play are a year or two old by the time I get to them, and those wouldn't be featured on this year's awards show.
And yeah, I've never heard anyone talk about it. I have coworkers that watch the Super Bowl, World Cup, etc, but nobody watches game awards.
I didn't even know about it until a year or two ago. but now me and my friends have a tradition of watching it together.
That sounds very wholesome. My friends just talk about their kids or about how we never talk anymore.
I am barely aware of it, definitely don't know about it until it's in progress. I do like cramming a few trailers though, and wondering whether silksong is real
Because honest and true gamers dont give af, we just enjoy playing games
Real Gs move in silence like lasagna.
The World Cup would like a word.
It's on the chart you just can't see it because it cuts off at 160 millionish
Not to mention the CCTV Spring Festival Gala (
This isn’t even remotely close to the biggest.
TIL US represents the world and everyone else watching F1, Tennis, the Olympics, FIFA world cup et al, are not human. Actually unsurprising, given current events, the US elites consider the rest of the world Untermensch.
Yeah what is this comparison? We all know the superbowl exists, but American Football... ew.
Hey, football (no, I'm not prefixing that) rocks. Soccer also rocks. Sports in general rock.
That said, I don't expect anyone outside the US to care about the super bowl, so the audience would basically just be the US. Whereas the audience for game awards is global, so I'd expect that to be much larger than the super bowl.
“Biggest global event” + Super Bowl (- World Cup?)
Biggest GLOBAL even in the WORLD of American only football*
*Other football has 10x the viewers
Maybe is shit that happens every year? The Olympics aren't there neither
I wonder if they included all the additional channels costreaming it?
Probably. That's about 1/3 of the US, and I imagine it's not as interesting outside the US, whereas the game awards has worldwide appeal. If this was US-only, the game awards would be a blip compared to the Super Bowl.
I didn't watch The Game Awards myself, I mostly just know what I've heard about it being more of an industry advertising event rather than a real awards ceremony. And from what I've seen of this year's they aired an obvious AI art trailer and they snubbed ZZZ for the music category, so they're just reinforcing my lack of respect for them.
only an American would be surprised
How is this shocking or even surprising?