Why are we pretending like this isn't prudent on NYPD's part? If this weren't 2000 miles away I'd probably show up, if not to try and bust him out then at the very least to throw shit at the cops and yell. And if I'm considering driving a prius thru the fence to free the guy, I can only imagine what the non suburban-cishet-white-male-techie demographic is feeling about it.
So, given that 4 students is equal to 1 cop and that 1 CEO is more or less equal to 30 cop,
We can say that a student is equal to 0.25 cop
So a CEO is equal to 120 students live.
As they have been around 70 victim to school shooting by year and around 300 school shooting for the last 3 years in the USA, we can deduct that the death of a CEO is around 2 year of school shooting combined (not taking into account the wounded) so around 600 school shooting.
Well, Elon and Donald have taken care of the "salaried" thing now. But yes, they are showing him off like Hannibal Lector. They have treated worse people better, but they just killed "blacks", not CEOs.
"The function of that police action, those interventions in Central America and the Middle East, is system sustaining. It is to maintain that overall system. You don't look at the particular cost. I can demonstrate to you that in every single bank robbery, the cost of the police was more than the actual money that the robbers took from the bank. Does that mean there's no economic interest involved? They're not protecting the banks? No! Of course it's economic; of course they're defending the banks. If they didn't stop that bank robbery, regardless of the cost, it could jeopardize the entire banking system. There are people who believe that the function of the police is to fight crime. That's not true; the function of the police is social control and protection of property."
Dude caused a dip in US GDP, stop acting shocked authorities are making a show of it.
The second CEOs start considering moving to Canada or UK over the US, the economy is done. It's already a serious risk due to way more poor people with guns than most other countries.