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Moratorium on Luigi posting.

I don't fucking care about this guy he is probably not the shooter and you all taking the feds/NYPD word on this need to check youself. You are fucking disgraceful. Any and all Luigi posting is banned from this comm going forward. Do some self crit.

  • This should've been the sticky. People were unironically dissecting the "manifesto" that he didn't release. This website wasted time arguing about him as a person when the real conversation should be about how the state routinely frames innocent people, especially Black men, for crimes they didn't commit and how the state also routinely tries shoving narratives down people's throats (seriously, how many times did they change the narrative about the weapon?)

    And remember, if the brows don't fit, you must acquit.

  • i agree with nako on this one more than the previous navelgazing - trial hasn't progressed an inch and therefore not a shred of evidence has been presented. any news coming out, other than statements from luigi's lawyer, are crafted statements from the NYPD and FBI to a compliant corporate media specifically designed to influence any jury into associating the name luigi with "CEO murderer" and should be fucking dismissed out of hand.

    in fact, the only thing that should be happening from now on is a mass campaign of sowing doubt about all facets of the case.
    there's no proof luigi was the adjuster, there's no proof luigi was holding a gun when arrested, there's no real proof of a single fucking thing - only bullshit claims from a pack of bumbling pigs who cannot be trusted whatsoever and should never be given any benefit of the doubt ever, who couldn't find the adjuster for 5 days and didn't know a fucking thing. If a police officer is speaking, either out of their own mouth or through a mouthpiece in the press, they're fucking lying and should be laughed at and spat on

    • They changed narratives about the gun at least two times (from a Glock to an obscure firearm to 3d printed gun), they released that "manifesto" that is uncharacteristically short compared with other shooter manifestos (ie the intern typing the manifesto had to rush to type a short fake one and push it out to the press in a timely manner), footage either doesn't match his facial features and clothes or is too unreliable from compression/video artifacts to pin him as the shooter, and the whole thing about him getting caught at McDonalds doesn't really stand up to scrutiny honestly.

      Shit like "uh aktually, he shot the CEO because he has a fucked up back and got fucked over by UnitedHealth" doesn't mean a goddamn thing because it's trivially easy to find millions of USians who were also fucked over by UnitedHealth. There is probably at least a million USians, personally ruined by UnitedHealth or had family/friends who were personally ruined by UnitedHealth, who wanted that CEO dead. The shooter was just one out of a million who stepped up.

      The only real hole behind Luigi being a patsy is that the state tends to not use rich kids as patsies. But there's nothing stopping Luigi from being a copycat with no real plan who got caught at an unfortunate time and who the state is trying to pin as the shooter. It does explain the massive discrepancy between how the shooter was so calm at liquidating the CEO (most people who have never killed before, and certainly sheltered rich kids who have never faced real adversity, don't have it in them to be so calm after taking someone's life) and was so good at covering their tracks and how the official narrative portrays the post-shooting actions of the shooter as being a bumbling idiot.

      At the end of the day, people can and will believe what they want to believe. I don't really care whether people actually think Luigi did it or not, but please have some discernment. ACAB includes not uncritically swallowing whatever narrative the pigs are trying to push.

    • And a mass campaign sharing the names and addresses of other healthcare execs. For funsies.

  • Thank you

    Like, I get jokes sometimes, but literally pounding this shit into the ground when LITERALLY NOBODY KNOWS ANYTHING and knowing that the Pigs lie constantly to cover their asses


    I know this is just a little website, a little birthday website, but c'mon people, we have better things to do than just parrot

    shit, but in a funny way

  • I actually got around to reading the """Manifesto""" today and it's exactly what a 40 year old cop who dropped out of high school would think an Ivy League zoomer would sound like.

    Like this popo with doughnut crumbs down the front of his shirt starting to type in the way he normally types on Facebook and then hitting backspace 25 times (instead of ctrl+a or holding down backspace) because you're not fabricating evidence for your average shooter, you're fabricating evidence for an Ivy League shooter. Oh, oh shit. How do upper class people speak?

    Hmm... They say "Oh I do declare!". And they're polite because that's how they are on TV. That means he would say sorry for causing a scene. But wait, he would use a bigger word. "Oh, I do apologize." God dammit you're a genius! Lets throw in some left-adjacent lingo aaaaaaand

    End result:

    "The spiral notebook, if present1, has some straggling notes and To Do lists that illuminate the gist2 of it. My tech is pretty locked down because I work in engineering so probably not much info3 there. I do apologize4 for any strife of traumas but it had to be done. Frankly, these parasites simply had it coming.5"

    1 yes that is definitely how educated zoomers speak

    2 why yes, it shall shed light on the situation. Wait, no, illuminate! It shall illuminate the.... gist! of it

    3 oh shit he's supposed to be tech bro adjacent.... uhh, my shit's locked down bro, I'm an engineer, you can't get much info outta that y'know bro, crytpo blockchain encryption

    4 Oh I do declare that I apologize for the situation at hand and I am sincerely sorry for strife and.... synonym for strife...

    5 I do apologize, but also this is a rich person wait what would a zoomer call it... b... boogie? Autocorrect isn't helping me here. What's another lingo? Parasite! Haha. I'm terribly sorry for trauma and strife but also this subhuman parasite deserved to die.

    Yeah IF Luigi is the guy, they planted the gun and manifesto. Someone trolling the cops with a fake backpack of monopoly money and writing on bullet casings isn't going to write a dogshit manifesto like that.

  • In the case that Luigi really is just a patsy, what kind of predictions can we make about the trial? I'm thinking there are two ways this might go.

    There is a possibility the feds have serious dirt on this Luigi person and as such he's willing to cooperate with his own framing. If that's true, then Luigi won't tell the press he believes he is being framed, and he will not deny being the shooter. Instead his defense will focus solely on highlighting factors that might reduce his sentence. Either that or he'll take a plea deal.

    If Luigi is not in on it, and he really is just some poor schmuck picked off the street for his resemblance to the shooter, then we'll probably hear him actually argue he was framed, right? In that case he's going to die under mysterious circumstances real soon.

    • then we'll probably hear him actually argue he was framed

      already has and the daily beast posted an article alluding to possible planting of evidence

    • He could also just be an attention-seeker claiming he's the shooter. No shortage of those, instant popularity without doing much. In which case he might dispute certain details, but still claim overall credit.

      He could have even faked the whole thing by intentionally carrying a 3d gun, then acting extremely suspicious in mcdonalds, getting the cops called and claiming to them that he's the shooter. Altoona then forwarded that to the NYPD and they said "sure why not, this is the best tip we've gotten so far, let's run with it."

      • I had the same thought a little while ago, but didn't really consider it seriously because it feels a lot like wishful thinking that someone would risk literally their entire life pretending to be the Adjuster for clout.

        But if that is the case, I guess we can only hope evidence to the contrary comes out during the trial.

  • More like SNOREatorium.

    Because the Luigi posts were getting boring.

    Or maybe because I'm sleepy, hard to tell.

  • When do you think Luigi was identified as the patsy? Please let me know if you see cop-supplied assumptions in the below or if I'm missing anything.

    (a) Before the fed-planned shooting. They looked for a reasonable match for their assassin. I'm not even dismissing this one but not going to type out a lot if nobody thinks this is the case.

    (b) Before the independent shooting. The feds keep tabs on a big list of people who have dropped off the grid and can reasonably match pretty much any height, race and build to take the fall for major "crimes" committed by a masked individual. Overly complex.

    (c) After the fed-planned shooting. Including for completeness' sake but it would be pretty hilarious if they didn't plan that far ahead.

    (d) After the independent shooting, before he got to Altoona. NYPD didn't want to hog the credit and figured the Altoona PD needed some time in the spotlight.

    (e) After the independent shooting, after he got to Altoona, before finding out that he had dropped off the grid. The cops were just extremely lucky that their close-enough match happened to have been a ghost for a long time before the shooting.

    (f) After the independent shooting, after he got to Altoona, after finding out that he had dropped off the grid, before getting his ID. Altoona PD have been hiding the power level of their surveillance state and can use McDonalds-level security cameras to figure out that you've been laying low for months.

    (g) After the independent shooting, after he got to Altoona, after finding out that he had dropped off the grid, after getting his ID. They've been stopping tall athletic white dudes with eyebrows all across the country until they hit the jackpot with Luigi and convincing everyone they let go not to talk about it.

  • But but but the police are the paragons of truth and honesty! There is no way they would just lie about something to cover it up conveniently for them

    edit: writing this made me sick. Fuck all cops, everything they have to say, and anyone who listens to them.

  • what you think the police might have lied about the shooter's identity and planted the evidence on him??? since when have they ever done that????