2024 Pornhub Visitors by Operating System
2024 Pornhub Visitors by Operating System
We reached 5.1% market share!
We need to grow that 0.5%!
2024 Pornhub Visitors by Operating System
We reached 5.1% market share!
We need to grow that 0.5%!
The steam deck does seem like a good device for "bedtime" browsing.
More seriously, this data is probably less biased toward tech literate users than most similar surveys that get published here. This is really encouraging
The year of the Linux desktop!
Dammit, you beat me to it
Dammit, you beat meat to it!
Valve is about to make this happen.
The most compelling evidence I've ever seen for the elusive "year of the Linux Desktop".
Also great evidence that Windows is not dying, no matter what the Linux fanboys claim.
The thing is Linux doesn't need to topple Windows. Linux just needs a big enough market share for companies to go "maybe we should also offer official support for Linux?"
Oh god, don't say that. You're going to summon them. I'm getting out of here...
Windows' growth is double the absolute percentage of Linux's total even with its growth.
It's essentially the year of "Not Apple."
Always pornhub
and I thought iPhones were for wankers ☞( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞
Guilty as charged.
Remember kids, when you watch porn on Windows, Bill watches with you.
I'm counting on it.
A better, more factual, reminder is that if you're not using a VPN, your ISP is recording all of that, and potentially selling that information.
This is not fear mongering, like the comment I'm replying to. It's very real.
They can see what website you go to, and how much data you exchange with it, but not what specific page on that site you're looking at or what specific data you send (for example my ISP can't tell that I'm making this specific comment).
Provided the site is using SSL of course.
True, though all they can see is the domains/IPs and the rough traffic flow, nothing specific. And I'm not fearmongering, I'm making a joke. :P
iirc, in the EU its illegal for isps to collect or sell data.
I hope he likes my taste
0.4% Other: BSD-BDSM
BMSD is now KinkOS.
The Kink Desktop Environment is my favorite.
Hypothesis: Pornhub is effected by a lot of the bans in places like Texas. I don't see ChromeOS or Apple users as the kind of folks who know how to find their ways around those bans, but Windows and Linux users are more likely to via VPNs and such.
Affected*. I don't think special effects are involved.
1 : to cause to come into being
2 a : to bring about often by surmounting obstacles : accomplish effect a settlement of a dispute
b : to put into operation
Effect is a perfectly fine verb. It's wrong in this case, but it doesn't imply the use of special effects.
You say that but I added after effects to the money shot. (It's confetti).
Possibly a factor, but I don't think a quarter of Apple users are affected by those bans.
I see what you mean but it doesn’t take much to download a VPN app and hit the big green button
I had the same thought! Lol, on reddit I'd lay ideas like this out and get an ocean of "Reeeeee!" in response to it from Apple fans. But I think it's very true.
Posted above but I will put it here for visibility also.
Texas is the largest state to be affected by the pornhub ban, and Texas makes up 9% of the US population. Including all 12 of the states with pornhub restrictions, the total is actually 24% of the US population. Those are big enough numbers to swing stats.
Now you have to consider which users are more likely to know how to use a VPN on their system and realize that a lot of traffic is being re-routed through other states and countries.
sad to see the 3ds isn't on there this year
Who knew this would be the year Linux on the wankoff.
Chrome OS
Those are supposed to be for homework...
ChromeOS is for the internet and the internet is for porn. Ergo, vis-a-vis, concordantly...
Anatomy & physiology research
Your school administrator is watching with you!
All the iPhone users can afford OnlyFans.
jokes aside it's probably because of US states banning porn sites, and Apple makes up for like 80% of US phones
You're way off. In November 2024 iOS only made up 56% of the current market share. In October, android and iOS nearly achieved parity with one another.
Worldwide, Android holds 71% of the market share. I wonder if this will change if and when Chinese companies gain traction with their own alternative OS's, though.
How? Id imagine they broke after purchasing their $900 monitor stand
Or iphone users are only a small percentage of phone users?
This graph isn't US-centric and Android is a lot more popular in the world. The US is the skewed one here.
6.9% when?
Is the huge shift shift from iOS to Android to the fact iPhone users are typically less tech savvy, so places that banned porn hub (like Texas) effectively banned those users, who also weren't savvy enough to use a VPN?
Which doesn't include any of the kids those moronic laws are purported to protect.
I was going to suggest the cost of living crisis has made people adopt more reasonably priced phone options
My operating system:
My pecker:
It’s the year of the Linux desktop!!!
The beatings will continue, even after morale has improved!!
I'm doing my part!
In this case the beatings have improved morale.
The hangings will continue until productivity returns to normal levels
I’d be curious to compare this with total internet usage shares
The internet penetration rate is 67.4% at this time
That's an entire 67.4% higher than my penetration rate percentage.
I'm really curious as to what OSs comprise those "Other", both for desktop and mobile
Stuff like BSD, Minix, maybe some curios individuals on Solaris? For mobile, Symbian, Windows Mobile? Also, probably all that don't report their OS in the user agent.
For the desktop maybe Haiku and Plan9 as well. I don't know if those would be more or less popular than Minix and Solaris though.
Plan 9
Probably things like TVs and set top boxes.
Apple is slipping.
No one with "that's me" and "furiously masturbating"?
Arch actually.
0,4% of desktop users come form Solaris?
0.0002% come from Plan 9, somehow.
I don't like how the bar graphs, obviously supposed to show percentage points, actually show relative percent change.
What graph works better to show relative percentage change?
A line graph shows proportional change over time inherently. "50% growth" isn't something that ever justifies being presented as the focus of a graph of any sort.
Vrooom go OSS!
Haha hello anon
Now adjust it for total market share of the OSs and you'll arrive at the conclusion, everybody wanks equally.
Conclusion: People with linux fuck.
People with Linux *rub~
Sometimes, occasionally, even other people.
According to statcounter WE are currently at 4.03% market share.
Sorry, I think extra 1% is me rubbing more than one out a day.
I'm curious about mobile vs desktop.
Yeah. I suspect most of the desktop platforms are shrinking. Maybe even all of them.
Pornhub wrapped, haha. I do appreciate the stats, though.
Forget grow by 0.5, we need to grow by 1.8%!
Apple BTFO.
Or you can stop using a website that exploits women but sure. I thought Linux users have more than two neurons firing off. get your hand out of your pants and back on the keybord, there's PRs to do!
Dude, this is capitalism. Everyone is being exploited. I don't know that the PornHub, or the company that owns them, is any worse than any other large corporation.
there was sarcasm mixed in this, but i am not fan of some porn.