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Why can't someone create a public alternative to health insurance in the USA?

Health insurance at its core is very simple. You put money in, you go to doctor, insurance pay doctor. But in the USA, the insurance denies everything they possibly can. Money put in doesn't ever see a doctor or your health costs, it goes right to the stockholders....

So why doesn't someone just make a non-profit health insurance company where there's no stock, no executives, just public servants and aggressive price negotiation where your medical bills are actually paid with the money put in?

  • Insurance companies make money by indirectly extorting customers, be they individuals or businesses, through pricing schemes with healthcare providers. The American healthcare system is designed and priced around people having insurance, as you've noticed. This leads to insanely high bills for what should be simple things. An ambulance ride often costs over $1,000 without insurance, for example. In a nutshell, they've created a system where they are both the problem and the solution. Why don't they start behaving more ethically? Well, from a money standpoint, why would you become less corrupt when you can collect more money by being corrupt?

    Changing insurance providers, or even just certain coverage choices, isn't easy. We have what are called "enrollment periods" in the US when you can do this, and the only other times are under major life changes such as marriage or having a child. As another user noted, most people get insurance through their employer. The company (usually) pays the lion's share of the premiums; otherwise, the plans would be completely out of reach to employees. My plan would be four times as expensive to me if I was paying for it out of pocket.

    As a result, starting something like what you want on a national level would be extraordinarily expensive, hard to compete with established players, and likely legally troublesome. Don't get me wrong, we need reform pretty badly, but those reasons are why it hasn't really taken off.

    • The company (usually) pays the lion’s share of the premiums; otherwise, the plans would be completely out of reach to employees.

      Which is just smoke and mirrors because the insurance the company pays is part of the cost to employ, aka they are paying with money that would have gone on the paycheck. The company insurance scheme limits choice.

    • I feel like you in many others blame the insurance companies for basically everything which is fair, but what you are excluding conveniently is the fact that it's not just the insurance companies that are doing this extortion, it's also the leaders and people in charge. Hospital administration, pharmacy managers, and so many others. If everyone started saying no and stopped allowing this, it would never happen. If they cut out the insurance companies entirely and started making their own decisions on treatments and if the insurance doesn't cover it, so be it, we'll eat the cost, That's kind of the way the world worked before insurance became so big and massive. We take care of people in our hospitals and health care system and figure out the payment and insurance later. Would that be costly, probably. But it's not as bad as the fear mongers want people to think it would be, that's what I feel. They want us to think that healthcare is so expensive without insurance that no one would ever possibly be able to afford it in a thousand years so we have to have insurance, when that's not really the case, there were times when people simply did not have health insurance widely, and they still went to the doctor or went to the hospital. I mean hell look at other countries?

  • It's incredibly simple. Complacency. Greed takes root, nobody cares enough, and greed takes further and further root. The US has constructed its society into one where it is entirely normalised for someone to see a homeless person, and say "they earned it".

    Healthcare--and, by extension, everything else--will only change, when the people work to make that change. Simple as. As of now, corporations make change instead. Perhaps, what's transpiring proves a turning point, but I'm not willing to believe that yet.

  • American capitalists are really, really good at cracking down on any civil attempt at unionising and/or improving society at the cost of the ultra rich.

    You could recite the extensive history of violence, but honestly the greatest achievement is in the propaganda. Solidarity seems to be commonly understood - by all classes - as having to take the bill for somebody even poorer than yourself, and nobody seems to be comfortable with the idea that they might themselves one day benefit.

    Americans can't have good things before they start fighting back. Read up on union history. Organize. Educate. Teach people what solidarity is and what the Battle of Blair Mountain was. Learn what was taken away from you, and help others understand as well. Begin locally.

    Either that, or keep watching the fascists take over day by day, as they have been doing for decades.

  • A public system specifically would mean it's run by the government. So that would need to be created by the government. Which means you'd need all relevant voting systems to vote in favour of it, which isn't likely... especially given the last presidential election.

    I imagine the biggest challenge of creating a non-profit health insurance thing is one of two things.

    Firstly, anyone who has that much money would probably rather open a charity.

    Secondly, people actually DO commit fraudulent claims, or try to claim things that they don't need or that the health insurance company decided that they won't cover. If the company doesn't try to filter these out, it'd be losing more money than it expected to...and it'd go out of business.

    Another factor is that being in the insurance business is already a losing model if you want to do good in the world. Hospitals will charge jacked up rates because they don't have to worry about what a person can pay. They try to extract as much as they can out of the big insurance corporation, since the patient doesn't care what the insurance company has to pay. So this non-profit insurance company would be paying as much as any other insurance company, more than any patient would be paying, and so it'd be losing money even just paying out all of its valid and covered claims, let alone the fake and unnecessary ones.

    So, maybe you want to partner with the hospitals because, why should you pay as much as the evil companies, right?

    Well, that sounds great from a consumer sense. But from a business perspective, that'd be suicide for the hospital -- why would any other insurance company do business with that hospital if they're giving one company discounts unfairly?

    Or...maybe they do give discounts. But then they make less money and can't pay the doctors as much (who can leave for work elsewhere), or buy the newest equipment, etc.

    But if they do want to give discounts and just charge the company what things actually that point, you might as well be a charity.

    And even then, you still need to budget for validating the claims that come in, because how do you choose who gets covered, and within that group, who gets priority?

  • As soon as a politician attempts to do so in a serious fashion, they will have to fight the entire lobbying (see bribery) might of the insurance indistry.

    Thats why im amazed Mitt Romney (IIRC he was governer at the time) was able to do what he did in Massachusettes (state mandated healthcare with a state run insurer, along with private entities not wanting him out of office). That system threaded the political needle, the dems got their state run healthcare marketplace, and the repubs got their "this is good for business" from their handlers, and once the paint dried, he still had the clout to move to up to congress and make a run for the white house. Later, the ACA/ObamaCare was based off that system, yah kids, ObamaCare is technically a Republican invention (say that at thanksgiving and see which relatives squirm).

    Thats about the most "for the public good" model we could make at the time to make most everyone happy, and its not great. Some of the regulations like "no pre-existing condition denials" are pretty damn important now, to the point that .95 cant throw the baby out with the bathwater without pissing a lot of people off.

  • Insurance company profits are already capped by law. I don't think your ideal insurance company can possibly be that much better for the customer than the already-available options are.

    The companies must spend at least 80 cents of every dollar they collect in premiums from small businesses and individuals on health care, and 85 cents per dollar for large employers. The remaining 15 to 20 percent is all they are allowed under the Affordable Care Act to spend on administrative costs like overhead and marketing and to keep as profit. Any additional revenues are to be returned to consumers in the form of rebates.

    Note that the remaining 15 to 20 percent has to cover all the costs of actually running the company. It isn't just profit.

    Furthermore, insurance companies do have to compete with each other on price. Denying a lot of claims helps them offer cheaper policies. Employers who provide insurance want the cheapest policy that their employees will tolerate and healthy people want the cheapest policy that they expect to protect them from sudden, catastrophic expenses. (I'm relatively young and healthy and I have never even seriously considered picking a policy other than the cheapest one whenever I had a choice.)

    In this context, if your business plan is to spend more money per customer than the existing insurance companies do, and your target market is people unhappy with their current insurance companies (these people probably have expensive problems) then you're not going to do too well...