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Police question man with gun, suppressor and fake IDs in Pennsylvania in connection with health care CEO killing, sources say

  • New type of guy just dropped: Guy who loves AI and is willing to kill anyone who uses it in a detrimental way because they're giving it a bad name.

  • lol was he actually planning to kill other people if this is real?

    If he's gonna keep the gun and suppressor around he might as well have just made the gun work properly to begin with, everyones assumption about it not cycling was that he obviously was just planning to toss the gun and suppressor afterwards.

  • Why the fuck would you still have the gun with a suppressor a week after the doing it? Could you not run off to South America for a few weeks? You escaped on a bus and they can't identify you.

    Authorities also recovered a “fraudulent New Jersey ID matching the ID our suspect used to check into his New York City hostel before the shooting,”


    There's no way.

    In addition to the weapon and fake ID found on the suspect, Tisch said, police recovered “clothing, including a mask, consistent with those worn by our wanted individual.”


    What did he forget to fucking shower in the past week so he had gunpowder residue on him still?

  • Yep, time for the shittiest timeline.

    I think again we have to think about how to manage and work around

    . After all, looks like this person is going to have dogshit ideology. So rather than hope for more single combat we must organize so that an ideologically coherent (not pure, just left-wing) coalition can agitate and fight for real change.

    I think this also gets to "the death of one CEO is inconsequential, the overturning of the system is our goal, therefore we do not support adventurism because it does not achieve goals" thinking. We're now going to have to articulate how a left program is superior to the weird right wing reactionary brain worms this guy might well have.

  • This seems as faked as epsteins suicide. The NY bourgeoisie were putting a ton of pressure on the NYPD to find someone who killed one of their own class, and the cops picked the first patsy who turned up, and are claiming the evidence fits.

  • I dunno, if he really was the guy, wouldn't the police have shot him dead?

    Maybe the Pennsylvania police wouldn't have as much motivation to off him as the NYPD, but still... if he's really the guy, the government now risks a good-looking dude most people like to be interviewed on why he did it. Not to mention a drawn out court case. They're risking nationwide radicalization, even if this guy really is a cringe Elon fan. Yes, even if this guy isn't a leftist and hasn't changed in the last few months, he could still be a "healthcare pls" kinda fella.

    Or... and I'm absolutely getting into conspiracy theories here... some libertarian saw this shit on the news, somehow had access to private investigation info like the exact fake ID card used (Maybe he knows some cops? Maybe anonymous is leaking info?), and already owned a similar enough gun. He thought, "Yeah, this sounds like a money making opportunity, and since I didn't do it they'll ultimately find me innocent anyway", and travels to a different area full of health insurance vampires. I can't imagine the amount of donations, fame, and maybe even book and movie deals this kind of folk hero could get in the future.