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💿 - 2024 DAY 9 SOLUTIONS -💿

Day 9: Disk Fragmenter

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  • Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
  • You can send code in code blocks by using three backticks, the code, and then three backticks or use something such as if you prefer sending it through a URL



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  • Haskell

    Not a lot of time to come up with a pretty solution today; sorry.

    Ugly first solution
    import Data.List
    import Data.Maybe
    import Data.Sequence (Seq)
    import Data.Sequence qualified as Seq
    readInput :: String -> Seq (Maybe Int, Int)
    readInput =
        . zip (intersperse Nothing $ map Just [0 ..])
        . (map (read . singleton) . head . lines)
    expand :: Seq (Maybe Int, Int) -> [Maybe Int]
    expand = concatMap (uncurry $ flip replicate)
    compact :: Seq (Maybe Int, Int) -> Seq (Maybe Int, Int)
    compact chunks =
      case Seq.spanr (isNothing . fst) chunks of
        (suffix, Seq.Empty) -> suffix
        (suffix, chunks' Seq.:|> file@(_, fileSize)) ->
          case Seq.breakl (\(id, size) -> isNothing id && size >= fileSize) chunks' of
            (_, Seq.Empty) -> compact chunks' Seq.>< file Seq.<| suffix
            (prefix, (Nothing, gapSize) Seq.:<| chunks'') ->
              compact $ prefix Seq.>< file Seq.<| (Nothing, gapSize - fileSize) Seq.<| chunks'' Seq.>< (Nothing, fileSize) Seq.<| suffix
    part1, part2 :: Seq (Maybe Int, Int) -> Int
    part1 input =
      let blocks = dropWhileEnd isNothing $ expand input
          files = catMaybes blocks
          space = length blocks - length files
          compacted = take (length files) $ fill blocks (reverse files)
       in sum $ zipWith (*) [0 ..] compacted
        fill (Nothing : xs) (y : ys) = y : fill xs ys
        fill (Just x : xs) ys = x : fill xs ys
    part2 = sum . zipWith (\i id -> maybe 0 (* i) id) [0 ..] . expand . compact
    main = do
      input <- readInput <$> readFile "input09"
      print $ part1 input
      print $ part2 input
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