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Donald Trump announces plan to change elections


Donald Trump announced plans to reform U.S. elections, including mandating paper ballots, same-day voting, voter ID, and proof of citizenship, while eliminating mail-in voting.

Trump criticized California’s ban on requiring voter ID, calling for a nationwide overhaul. Though mail-in and early voting surged during the pandemic, Trump has long opposed these methods, claiming fraud, despite evidence showing fraud rates are extremely low.

Critics argue his proposals could disproportionately affect rural, disabled, and nonwhite voters, potentially disenfranchising key Democratic-leaning groups.

The reforms would mark significant shifts in U.S. election policies.

  • Still following putin I see. Wait until he tries to change Presidential term limits.

  • cuts out 80% of the elderly vote in one swift motion

    cuts out unprepared idiots who don't know any better before they leave their house

    There goes his voters.

  • Anyone else get those Republican mailers that said to be sure to get your mail-in ballot early? (I mean, like, a bunch of them.)

  • Jesus fuck. If this asshole gets rid of mail-in voting in Colorado...our voting system here is FANTASTIC.

    The qons ruin every thing. They plan on making everyone miserable and breaking everything.