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  • I'm sure this is a hot take with how common I see the shit talking about multiverse being lazy.

    The multiverse idea is dope.

    It's only the way they have been using it that sucks.

    Into the Spider-Verse did it right. The comics have done it right. Cartoon series from the 80's and 90's did it right. The current MCU era is using it wrong.

  • The Marvel universe is mainly there to create possibilities to make more money, not to tell a good story. Granted I have hardly seen any of the movies/series, but after Avengers I never saw a reason to. Marvel realised Avengers was good and now they pulled out as much stuff out of the universe to fill a seemingly endless stream of "storytelling".

  • They're consistent.

    Which is not great when it comes to making compelling art (IMO), but it makes for a predictable experience with a known value which appeals to many people.

    Not really my thing, but I'm glad people like it. Everything doesn't have to be for me.