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  • Um, what's the difference between this and Zorin OS?

    It's Linux with Wine, that has a theme that looks like Windows. I'll be honest, I'm running Mint with Cinnamon, and since I was already heavily in the FOSS world for gaming, etc., when people see my current PC at a glance, they can't tell the difference between it and my Win10 PC (except for the LM logo on the start menu). I have Wine and DOSBox-X installed too, so I don't need VMWare or another VM set up.

    Some people absolutely do want this. Some people even want it in a 'push-the-button' style solution. We call those people 'users'.

    • I've never understood this. You go through all the trouble of switching OSes, presumably because you don't like something about it, and then proceed to make it look exactly like what you had?

      I personally don't care what my desktop looks like, I hide as much of the desktop stuff so there's more space on screen for what I actually care about. I used GNOME for a year or so because he had a better Wayland implementation, and now I'm on KDE because I wanted to try out Plasma 6 (spoiler, it fixed my Wayland problems) and as long as I can use a key combo to type an app name to launch, I don't have a strong preference between them. I really don't care much between the two, I don't see much of the desktop anyway. I used to use a tiling WM, but I got tired of random apps messing stuff up and then Wayland scrambled the entire ecosystem up, so I bailed.

      I admit I did install a "Windows XP" theme when I first switched to Linux, and again when the "aero" theme came out, but I only left it on for a couple days, and mostly to troll friends.

      I'm glad the choice exists, I guess I just don't understand it.

      • Sometimes the impetus to change OS is not UX related.

        In my current case, it's got nothing whatsoever to do with liking or not liking Windows. I actually like Windows 9x, XP, 7, and 10. I bought a computer and wanted to install a clean OS on it (it came with Ubuntu, which I loathe visually and general UX-wise, because it feels like a Mac and seems like no matter what I do, something breaks). I had a choice: go through the effort on my other machine of pirating Win10, or just install Linux. I decided to go with Mint, because it supports the software I want and there's a feeling of familiarity, so muscle memory still works. I had to learn things like using Alt+F2 rather than Win+R, but I feel like I'm in a safer environment to learn than just "here's a new OS, good luck", because I can access those things in the GUI until I learn to do otherwise. Having Wine and DOSBox-X are because I have software that's for Windows or DOS that I like. I still haven't found a solid replacement for Notepad++, for example; and that's not including games.

        There's also the "use Linux to make old machines work better and safer" use-case, especially for older people. My mom, for instance, is almost 80. She knew DOS, and she's been acclimated to Windows over 30-odd years. If I want to make her older machine safer and more efficient, I'd install Mint on it compared to something else (I actually can't, because her tax software is Windows-only and does not work correctly in Wine), because again, she'll feel that she's in a safer environment. She already uses OpenOffice (specifically not LibreOffice, because of the print layout differences - seemingly small things like kerning and the like can have a significant effect), and Firefox. She was using Thunderbird for a while but switched to webmail, just for simplicity. I'd have to walk her through PySol, AisleRiot, or another solitaire program, but I'm pretty confident that I could do that. So it should work like Windows for her, except for all the things she won't use.

      • I've never understood this. You go through all the trouble of switching OSes, presumably because you don't like something about it, and then proceed to make it look exactly like what you had?

        What's hard to understand about familiarity?

      • I did the same for my mom, coming from XP and using it basically just for browsing, mail and look at photos Zorin an almost painless transition. That said, I admit that mimicing W11 interface wasn't the best choice.