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Trans Megathread for the Week of December 2nd, 2024, to December 8th, 2024

Hi everyone and welcome to the new Megathread :) For my first Mega I want to share a special interest of mine: the magnetic field and how to understand its behavior intuitively.

I'm guessing most of us have played with magnets before at some point and have felt that mysterious force pushing them apart or pulling them together, depending on how the magnets are oriented toward each other. Some of you may have also seen diagrams like this

(By Geek3 - Own work,This file was derived from: Ironfilings cylindermagnet.svg This file was derived from: Magnet compasses.svg, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Or done an experiment where you visualize the magnetic field lines with iron filings like this

(Public domain, Newton Henry Black, Harvey N. Davis (1913) Practical Physics, The MacMillan Co., USA, p. 242, fig. 200)

These lines represent the shape of the magnetic field. The way you can interpret them is that if you place a compass in the field, the compass will align with the field lines at that point. And the closer the lines are to each other, the stronger the magnetic field is in that area. Also, magnetic field lines always form closed loops. They appear to end at the poles of a magnet, but actually they continue on inside the magnet. They do however exit/enter the magnet at the poles.

"But Witchy," you may ask, "why are the lines so concentrated at the poles but then they spread out so much as they travel from one pole of the magnet to the other?" Excellent question my theoretical student XD.

This is I think the key point that was a bit of a eureka moment for me when I realized it a long time ago when I was studying this stuff: the magnetic field lines "want" to be as short as possible while also "wanting" to be as far apart as possible. And when I say want, it does actually behave a little bit like a desire, as the magnetic objects in this field will experience a magnetic force tryin gthe move the object to spread out the field lines and make them shorter.

Let's use this picture I grabbed from Wikipedia as an example:

(By Geek3 - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

the bar magnet creates a strong magnetic field at the poles, which means lots of magnetic field lines are squeezed closely together at the poles where they enter/exit the magnet. These lines don't want to be so tightly packed together, so they immediately start spreading out but also immediately start curving towards the opposite pole to try to keep the distance short. If you then try to bring the north pole of another bar magnet close to the north pole of this one, both have magnetic field lines coming out trying to get to their respective south poles, but now even more tightly packed together as you bring the magnets together. Since the magnetic field lines don't want to be so close together, both magnets experience a force pushing each other away so that the magnetic field lines aren't being pushed together so tight.

Similarly, if the south pole of one bar magnet is brought near the north pole of another, the magnetic field lines exiting the north pole of one want to go to the south pole, but the closest south pole is the south pole of the other magnet being brought close, so now the lines go through both magnets before looping back around:

(By Geek3 - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

However, between the closest poles of the two magnets, the lines are still concentrated but will try to spread out between the poles. Since the lines want to be as short as possible and don't want to spread out, the magnetic field exerts a force on the bar magnets pulling them together, since that would shorten the lines between the poles down to pretty much nothing.

Finally, a few of you may have been wondering what determines how much the magnetic field lines want to spread out vs shorten. These two tendencies are in opposition pretty much all the time, since spreading the lines out more requires making them longer. This is determined by something called the magnetic permeability which is a property of the materials that the field is passing through (even air or a vacuum). High permeability materials tend to concentrate the magnetic field lines more and allow them to get shorter, while low permeability materials tend to force the lines to spread out and lengthen. Examples of materials with high permeability are iron, cobalt, and other magnetic or ferromagnetic materials. Low permeability are pretty much anything that doesn't experience force in a magnetic field, so most things.

Post thumbnail attribution: (By Omegatron - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Anyway I hope some of you enjoyed this rant or find the information here useful. I can talk about magnets all day so feel free to hit me up if you want, though my inbox will be overflowing for the next week I'm guessing.

Enjoy the Mega!

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  • hi, does anyone wanna make the mega in the upcoming weeks? if so, reply to this post and i'll add you to the list!

    the list as it stands:

            GayTuckerCarlson* (12/9 - 12/15)
        SadArtemis (12/16 - 12/22)
        AshenWolf*  (12/23 - 12/29)
        Eco* (12/30 - 1/5)
        oscardejarjayes* (1/6 (The Darkest Day in Our Democracy.) - 1/12)
        EstraDoll (3/2 - 3/8)

    ā€‹ * after name denotes someone who has posted before and will be skipped by first-time posters

  • hi trans megaā€¦ sorry for not posting in a very long time. iā€™m completely absorbed in working on a very labor-intensive comic project. itā€™s about two commie transes murdering a ceo, which i swear i planned out weeks before todayā€™s current events.

  • It took long as fuck but I think the chuds I work with are starting to catch on to the fact that I'm not really one of them. Completely unprompted, one of them took me aside and said "by the way [buh's IRL name], just sou you know I'm not racist, I just like telling racist jokes", then proceeded to tell a pretty racist joke a few minutes later šŸ˜¬

  • friend did my makeup FINALLY & it's a lil heartbreaking to see the smoking artschool dropout who never was

    oh well time to use my newfound power in completely irresponsible ways

  • Me: spends years putting together a wardrobe of women's clothing, months of laser hair removal, work with a voice coach, come out to friends, change pronouns, change name, fight to get access to HRT, spend the last year posting on trans forum, socialize with trans folks, be happy and excited for first time in years.

    My brain: you sure are a weird guy.

    Folks, when does it stop?

  • being a trans woman, especially at "still pretty early" in transition is weird because i am a woman, i fully believe that, but at the same time I also feel like I'm just... Too new here to really say much about what it's like with any confidence? Like, I don't pass, and there's still a lot of femme experiences out there that I've just never experienced firsthand or really done so it's like "Yeah I'm a woman but also what does it mean to be a woman? What's it truly like? idk man I just got here"

  • My androgynous ass who not-so-secretly yearns to dress a bit more feminine:

    The two wolves inside of me:

    Let's get into lolita fashion!

    Dye our hair, get piercings, dress alt

    Fuck offfff I don't even want to do any of the second things!!! Bad wolf!

  • Well, it's official. I have to refresh my entire clothing lineup. It's not the worst. I'm just throwing out a bunch of Yetee t-shirts cause I'm a nerd, but absolutely none of them fit anymore aside from the ladies' 2XLs that I bought, which is very few. The XL shirts make me feel like I'm being constricted to death, which is a large amount of my clothing. I actually started to breathe heavier due to the constriction. But I need clothes and bras. The bras are going to be wildly expensive. I can only guess that there are few places that have bras that will properly fit my new breasts at this point. Probably pushing a G or H at this point, so it's going to be difficult af.

    However, this is good because it means that, while I have a small nerdy ass lineup of shirts, I can finally get the witchy clothes I've been wanting. And I can also get cute af bras instead of just shopping clearance (mainly because clearance is simply no longer an option at this size). I just gotta wait for the tax return and I should be able to swing it since I just sunk good cash into the things making me get new clothes in the first place >w> At least I didn't lose too much time from work since it's WFH so that wasn't so bad.

  • My professor was right when he said that trying to write/talk like a "centrist" is difficult. I mean, I knew he was right, but I've almost completed a 1200 word speech for fake Hubert Humphrey and I think that it might be one of the fluffiest things I've ever written

    Pic related

  • my next preliminary laser hair removal treatment that was supposed to be tomorrow morning just got cancelled last minute. next opening is likely next month

    please get this fucking hair off my face ASAP i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it

  • ::: spoiler venting into the void (school related) I hate how horrible communication is at my school. Why am I finding out at the end of the semester before my last that I need to take more classes? Why was this information not available on the online dashboard that literally shows this information? Why, on a website that is designed to tell me what classes I need to take, are the classes wrong?

    I know I'll probably be able to work things out somehow, I always do, but that doesn't mean I'm not getting really bad anxiety over this. Classes get expensive, and the fact that I've been taking classes I don't actually need just makes me upset. I've been working really hard on one of those classes, not to mention the amount of time (and money!) I've put into them. I know it's not over, but it's really feeling like it is

    . I probably need anxiety medication or something (I say something like this every time, I'm a mess), because the smallest things can make me feel like such a mess and send me spiraling. :::

  • I made this edit recently and I find it kinda hilarious:

    If you are interested in SciFi novels and gender theory you might find it funny too. I don't actually mean anything by it but the name is just too perfect not to take advantage of the opportunity it offers.

    Unlimited Gendercide Upon the Cis World!!

  • Spent the morning sucking at Elden Ring, spent the afternoon struggling to take a hot bath because the plumbing is broken, Christmas Market canceled due to the weather being miserable

    Time to pig out with gf and watch Gossip Girl

  • Dating apps actually suck so bad when you're looking at straight people. Queer people on dating apps are like, actually communicative. Straight people just hit you with a "hey" and that's it