Must be a giant Linux user at this house
Must be a giant Linux user at this house
Must be a giant Linux user at this house
Not Arch though. It would say so.
I do too, brother. I do too.
Red hat obviously.
The useless tiny lawn:tree/shrub ratio in this neighborhood is extremely depressing.
The grass looks like my doormat:
I've seen doormats that look more alive than this lawn...
Damn right. The first thing I thought when I saw that pic. What a nightmare. Thought of walking my dog or kids on that street makes me depressed.
I feel overheated just looking at the picture.
So are the brick veneers and cookie-cutter layouts
I think this is my neighborhood. If not, it might as well be.
Plant a tree, it looks so... civilized.
I planted an oak and a redbud this year. In a couple decades they'll look okay, I hope. Literally have to wrap them with special paper to keep them from getting sunburned while they are small.
This area naturally only grows trees along creek beds. The natural plants are Blackland Prairie- tall grasses and "weeds." The HOA would have a cow if I let it go natural.
ew, Red Hat
it's more likely they're a regular-sized linux user and it's only their inflatable penguin which is giant
Or, they are compensating for their size.
Threatening HOA notice in 3... 2.. 1.
Bruh, why the fuck is the grass length in the negatives? no surprise its fucking shit brown. america smh.
I'm not sure why it is cut so short. However, it doesn't hurt anything as the grass is dormant.
Suburban desert
I think 48/50 states have been considered to be in at least moderate drought, for a few years now.
I can tell,
I don't think I've ever seen that kind of bloat with Linux.
This is what happens if you modprobe *
Or a fan of Movietone cartoons
Mario 64 fan
A gentu soul probably.
Inflatables are the worst.