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  • If I can play videogames in my head while I'm at work, great. If my addict dopamine brain gets highjacked so that I don't know how to do anything except consume ads then bad.

    • It will be the latter, and if you complain then people will call you a "privacy nutjob" because it will be considered normal

      "Experiencing life without the chip is like stealing content"

      I can hear it now

      • thats so true. "no-ones forcing you to get chipped (unless you want to work or buy anything or enter a mall or ...)"

  • Should a profit-driven company do it?

    HELL NO!

    Should it be researched so one day it can be done cheaply, safely, healthily, with absolute control given to the person receiving the hardware?


    • It'll never happen. As long as there is any kind of economy there will be some greedy fuck running nike ads in your brain every time you think about shoes.

  • I can see them being a game changer for the medical industry, but before I'd trust putting them into anyone's brains they need to be regulated into the ground first.