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Speedrun video games

The Greatest Speedrunner Of All Time

spoiler: "Suigi‬ now holds all 5 world records in Super Mario 64. He is the greatest speedrunner ever."

Suigi's current Mario 64 world records:

120 Star

70 Star

16 Star

1 Star

0 Star

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  • I like the source material Karl puts forward, but sometimes it feels like he's seriously padding for time, which is a problem when he already tends to heavily simplify complex speedrunning tricks

    There's also the ick I got when he talked about how, no matter what, the video outflow rate is entirely based on the sponsored ad deals he makes, but that problem's already infected most of YouTube

    • I do have mixed feelings about Karl, but these types of videos from him are good. And he covers 90s Doom games so he's earned my subscription lol