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How am I supposed to obtain income?

I had a job. The company didn’t realize that they actually had to sell product to stay in business. Almost all of the workforce was let go or furloughed. I’ve been unemployed for over a month now.

I’ve filled out dozens upon dozens of job apps, starting even before I lost my job. I have my resume public on job listings sites for employers and hiring agencies to find, and I’ve sent my resume to employers and hiring agencies directly. I look through the listings on job boards for each day, mostly limiting my search to a wage that would allow me to make ends meet at home. I’ve solicited and implemented advice from resume design experts. I’ve had one in-person interview, a few preliminary phone interviews, and a couple of message conversations between recruiters and myself. The one in-person interview I had would not have paid enough for my monthly expenses and I was overqualified for the position; they decided against hiring me. I had another interview scheduled and confirmed via a hiring agency’s AI text bot and a human agent’s text; I drove to the scheduled interview place and time and they had no idea that I was supposed to be interviewed. All other communication has either been flat-out rejection or just left me hanging.

I have a Bachelor’s of Science degree from a top 25 ranked university in the US. I have no criminal record. I do have multiple disabilities but they are generally mitigable enough to not affect my work. I have references of my (now) former boss and a (now) former coworker who both praise my impact and aptitude in the factory and office workplace. I’m evidently overqualified for positions that don’t require higher experiences and I’m underqualified for nearly everything else; I can’t get experience in most niche or broad fields because nearly every position requires these experiences to have already been met. I try to follow all the invisible rules of applying and social etiquette. I am too physically ugly to sell my body. It feels like there’s always been a magical aura about me that makes people dislike me no matter how much I try to do the ethically or socially right thing. How am I supposed to get an income to survive?

  • Honestly my dude. Lie.

    Find a job you're interested in and then tell them that you have the experience needed to do that job. Make shit up if you have to. Get the job and then learn how to do it as you go.

    I'm probably going to get down voted for this. I don't fucking care. It's the truth. If you're telling recruiters the absolute Rock solid truth then you're giving them all of the cards and they are going to try to get you to underbid your abilities and skills but if you'll put the effort in and just reach a little bit you'll be fine.

    Like, I wouldn't say apply to be a doctor when you don't have a medical degree or anything but apply for that senior position when you only have a Junior's skill. Go for executive vice administrator or senior associate programmer or sysdmin Ii or whatever the fuck is a step above your actual capabilities and then do your God damnedest to grow into the role in the first six to eight weeks of the job and more than likely you'll be fine.

    Back in the day I did very similar and it has worked out swimmingly for me and I believe you're a smart person and that you're capable and that you can succeed if you're given the opportunity and if you have to lie to get your foot in the door then fucking lie and go for it, and once they let you in turn that fucking lie into the goddamned truth.

  • You just have to keep applying until you find something.

    Also, have you applied for unemployment? If not, do so immediately.

    • ~~I believe the state deadline to do that was by the Friday after losing the job, and buried in the fine text is a line mentioning that certain info has to be submitted at least a day prior to that Friday. I didn’t have required information for the bureaucracy at that time and I really didn’t expect the process to take so long or to be so absurd. ~~ Edit: The state's phrasing confused me, ignore the strikethroughed text

      I’ve been familiar with the Sisyphean routine of offering myself to other parties only to be met with sharp rejection each and every time since before I entered the job market.

      • What state do you live in? I used to take unemployment claims and there was no requirement to file the initial claim by a specific date (though I'm sure there would eventually be a cutoff). The hard deadlines were once the claim was filled because claimants have to go in weekly and certify that they're still unemployed and actively looking for work. It's possible you can still apply, and layoffs tend to be processed faster. I'd strongly recommend trying. The worst they can say is no.

        Also, I realize your situation really sucks, and I don't want to downplay that at all, but I wouldn't be surprised if at least some of your expectation that you'll be rejected is coming through in interviews. Interviews are at least part about how good your acting skills are, which is ass, but also reality. I have often crippling depression and anxiety, but I'm great at faking positive and confident, and I've been offered most of the jobs I've interviewed for in my life. Not because I'm always the most educated or experienced candidate, but because I seem like I'll be tolerable to work with.

        Oh and lie if you're overqualified - say you're looking to take a step back because you want to go back to school or something. Stupid but people respond better to that than the idea that we want to pay our bills and a job is a job.

      • In any of these situations you've described, do not be the one that stops yourself. You'll probably need to go into the office in person and explain the stress you've been through and how you're unfamiliar with the process.

      • I believe the state deadline to do that was by the Friday after losing the job, and buried in the fine text is a line mentioning that certain info has to be submitted at least a day prior to that Friday. I didn’t have required information for the bureaucracy at that time and I really didn’t expect the process to take so long or to be so absurd.

        you need to talk to someone about this because I really doubt whatever you perceived / were told is accurate. Also employers have a vested interest in you NOT applying for unemployment as many states require them to pay a portion of it when firing/laying off.

  • It has taken me, on average, 6 months to find new work each time I do it and I send hundreds of resumes. So I think you are doing the right things. It just sucks. Sometimes you can get a lead from someone you know and that gets your foot in the door.

    Remember, you are reviewing them as an employer too. If they have a shitty applicant experience, that should play into your decision process (easier said than done when you just want to make rent).

    Feel free to message me if you would like resume or other search help.

  • I will say in advance that I'm sorry this won't help you and it might make you feel worse, so don't read on... when I was in high school back in the 90s, we had a regular substitute teacher. Dr. Bronk. Dr. Bronk had a PhD in some very obscure area of botany and couldn't get a job in his field, so he was a substitute teacher. Even back then I felt bad for him.

  • What country are you in? What field of work are you in?

    Are you able to get job seekers allowance (or equivalent)?

    Job hunting is exactly this kind of grinding numbers game. It's tough. Nobody enjoys it.

    If your CV has been given the ok by design experts then you've got nothing different to do there.

    So besides making "getting a job" your job and continuing to apply relentlessly and chase down opportunities your other task is to downsize your outgoings and expectations until they reflect your reality.

    Apply for lower paying jobs. It's a backstop that doesn't meet your income goals but it's better to be searching for a better job while earning 60% of your target than being unemployed and earning nothing.

    Finally be prepared to put everything on the table. Are you resisting moving? How far away does your search span? What would it look like if you made your outgoings 80% of what they are now? 70%? 60%?

    • USA. End goal of work is engineering or design but I’ll settle for factory or shop floor work or something in between if it pays the bills for the time being.

      The equivalent to Job Seekers Allowance for me is Unemployment Benefits, with rules varying from state to state. Copied from another comment of mine: “[T]he state deadline to [apply] was by the Friday after losing the job, and buried in the fine text is a line mentioning that certain info has to be submitted at least a day prior to that Friday. I didn’t have required information for the bureaucracy at that time and I really didn’t expect the process to take so long or to be so absurd.” In other words, that ship has sailed. Edit: The state's phrasing confused me, ignore the strikethroughed text

      Lower paying jobs tend to think I’m overqualified so they expect to lose me to higher paying job and don’t want to waste training on me. This is something I also experienced before my previous job, which only hired me because they had plans for me to later advance in their company and utilize my qualifications but this never came to fruition.

      I’m locked in a lease that is really cheap for the region and with lots of great amenities and is in the vicinity of multiple industrial centers. I could pay a chunk of change to break the lease but I have nobody whom I could ask to help me move. For my minimum pay ask, I don’t want the commute to be more than 30 minutes, especially with the winter weather coming; if the pay is substantially more than my minimum ask, then I’d accept a longer commute.

      My constants for monthly expenses are rent and internet/cell plan, and electricity and natural gas are both roughly constant and are provided some leeway with the winter cold coming. Factoring these values in with how much of my wage would be deducted to taxes and benefits, this is how I arrived at what I would need in income monthly to pay for groceries, gasoline, and misc. essentials.

  • Does your resume pass an ats import? Try a tool like (don't pay for it, not worth it)

    • I’ll check it out, thanks. A resume reviewer had sent me an ATS scan but it was behind a paywall.

  • In my experience unless you're friends with someone at the company. You need to be a unicorn candidate when applying on your own.

    Entry level is an illusion they want people to take entry level pay with 10+ years of experience.

    I was able to get my first industry job through the career services department at my school. So if your university is as good as they claim they'll have something akin to that.

  • This year in particular has just been a fucking awful job market. I lost my job in January and had severance last a couple months, but even after spending every day reading job boards and filing job applications until I was emotionally exhausted, I had zero callbacks for seven months. It was only a few months ago that I got two interviews, and I got offers from both. As soon as I accepted, I had some other companies suddenly crawling to me with offers. I'm still recovering from my debts accrued in that time, but I'm finally in a much better place now. Keep going at it, and I promise something will crack.

  • So I don't know if you tried looking for state jobs.

    I see you are in Michigan so, apply for something that you’re overqualified for and then work the job until you’re past the probation period.

    Then, apply for the job you want. They hire internally first for pretty much every position. This is how several people's experience go about how they got into their current position with the state at DHHS.

    A popular position for getting your foot in the door is processing food stamp applications. It’s remote and doesn’t require a bachelor’s degree, so having a bachelor’s degree will likely get you an interview.

    Also, this applies in general:

    Applicant recruiting software usually looks for key words.

    Look at the ad & attached position description and highlight the words and phrases used.

    Include them in your resume, cover letter, application. You have to tailor your application to each position. It’s a royal pain, but that’s how most recruiting software works.

    I would also urge you to call the respective departments/agencies HR departments and ask about the position. A current employee may be able to flag your application depending on whom you speak to.

    Either that or try MDOC as some say it is the easiest way into the State. Its not for everyone but its an option. They always look for people.

    So to summarize

    Use exact words and terms from the job description on your application. The software will search and grade your application by these hits.

    Keep it short. Use only one font. The software diagnoses the beginning font and can't read anything that deviates from the font.

    Apply for an entry level position and work your way up to the position you actually want.

    Other options

    Check the community college job postings near where you live! When they are about to start a new semester, they usually have openings

    On that note, The schools are always hiring. It varies depending on the district, but Livonia school for example is looking for the following:

    Manufacturing is ALWAYS hiring. Drive by just about any plant in the Metro Detroit area and probably there will be 'now hiring' signs all over the place.

    No experience will probably start around $15/hr, but if you learn fast & want to advance, there are usually ways to move up pretty quickly.

    Check out’s classifieds if you haven’t already. Again, people often overlook city government jobs but the pay is often decent and have good benefits. Some also tend to browse

    Oakland County seems to have lots of different jobs available.

    Try contacting an agency like kelly or arrow strategies if you're in tech.

    Remember we are near the end of year. December January February are basically dead time for gigs, they all pick up on march