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Most in Germany want Australia-style social media ban: poll


A YouGov poll revealed that 77% of Germans support banning social media for those under 16, similar to a new Australian law.

The survey found that 82% believe social media harms young people, citing harmful content and addiction.

In Australia, the law fines platforms up to AUD 49.5 million (€30.5M) for allowing under-16s to create accounts, with enforcement trials set before implementation next year. Critics

World News

Most in Germany want Australia-style social media ban: poll – DW

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  • As an Australian social media isn't the problem, like the internet isnt the problem, its commersialisation thats the problem. The need to grow the custoner base sees outrageous behaviours from corporations like Meta, Google, Apple etal but that's what they're incentivised to do, so that's what happens.

    This legilisation won't solve shit. The government and the polotical class forcing citizens to use Facebook or Twitter to get information, they could start there.

    • I'm 63 and addicted to social media. Checkmate government lackey.

    • Absolutely social media is the problem.

      The echo chambers, the propagation of facist ideology, the state sponsored misinformation campaigns, the anti-intellectualism, all made possible by social media. No where else could these banes on modern democracy and society have been so easily bred but on social media.

      • The networks that do the most damage were specifically engineered that way due to the profit motive rewarding engagement of all sorts above positive connection. Social media is the problem, but it's only that way because of the economic and commercial factors involved. Individuals can always be assholes, but nobody has miserable memories of myspace and MSN online as genocide-facilitating false news propagators, because they weren't specifically designed to make people angry and breathlessly message everyone they know about a perceived problem.

        Social media has the capacity to connect disparate groups of people, become a forum for interests, and open the world up to new perspectives and information - the intentional monopolisation of that promise by frankly, evil, multinationals is the root cause of the issue - not the technology itself.

        Australia's new law will do fucking nothing, and as many experts have suggested, will probably make the issues worse. Bullying isn't limited to social media, so a child that previously found refuge by connecting with like-minded friends elsewhere or staying in touch when living remote, now gets to be 'saved' by being kicked off the platform and left with only the real-life bullying they endure at school. Counterproductive.

        Additionally, if the platforms are such violent cesspools for children, why is it then acceptable for them to continue with their perverse rage-bait designs, so long as the user is over 16? The government should instead be regulating the mechanics and algorithms of the sites to make them safer, more reasonable and positive entities - rather than just giving up on any meaningful regulation and saying that meta is fine, because a 17 year old can get bullied in person instead of a 35 year old having revenge porn posted of them, or a 72 year old falling down a facebook conspiracy rabbit hole is a-ok.

        This legislation was half-baked, forced through with little-to-no debate, stands to worsen the stranglehold of monopolised tech. It places the responsibility of parenting onto facebook, twitter, etc. which are the last entities in the damn world that should get to define 'safety' or police responsible usage. It does absolutely nothing to address the serious fundamental problems that pervade our modern, highly concentrated technology ecosystems, and actually gives them a free pass to allow the sites to fester even more (bringing in more profit as people doom-scroll longer, viewing more ads, when their specific fears and annoyances are deliberately tabulated and curated to make them as angry, paranoid, isolated, unhappy, and antagonistic as possible) by saying that it's a foregone conclusion that social media is evil, and we can't fix that, so why even try? /s

        If they actually wanted to fix this problem, investing in education and help resources, probing into the design and function of these sites would be the way to do it. We've just scored a massive own goal at Zuckerberg, et. al's benefit, by asking them to police themselves and sacrificing everyone over the age of 16 to the hellscape of media as it is, instead of as it could be.

  • Urgh. This is a tough one. Social media has been a part of asymmetric warfare for at least the past ten years, and I don’t want my kids to be bombarded with propaganda from Russian and Chinese-funded far-right groups like the AfD.

    At the same time, I understand how important it is for kids to explore the internet on their own.

    If I had the choice, I would ban TikTok and Instagram.

    But if that’s not possible – then honestly, ban everything. I will then work something out with my kids myself.

    • It used to be valuable to explore the internet but the internet has largely been corrupted by corporate greed.

      By and large the experience Young folks have on the Internet is almost entirely through applications meant to abuse and take advantage of their underdeveloped brains. Behavior driven by algorithmic pressure.

      This is bad news bears for society.

      There isn't a whole lot of exploring to be done for the grand majority of kids on the internet. Instead they will be classified bucketed and used for further financial gain by a select few corporations.

    • At the same time, I understand how important it is for kids to explore the internet on their own.

      No more though. It's more important that they spend time at the fresh air & play. The internet has become pretty useless outside of wikipedia & social media, and social media has become pretty toxic outside of a few spots (like we can hopefully keep lemmy).

      • everything is ridden with ads
      • news websites locked behind paywalls
      • news websites reporting agenda-driven propaganda
      • major email providers auto-classify emails from smaller providers as spam (despite correct SPF entries)
      • every good service that is not decentralized, eventually gets hit by enshittification due reap profits

      I would absolutely support a 100% social media ban for all centralized networks (corporation controlled). Because they are used not only to damage the brains of children, but those of adults as well (see Eastern German elections). Only federated chat systems / social media should be allowed. But that's where our fascist overlords have a conflict of interest - they desperately want to see everything we communicate - and chat control (literally, fuck you EU) is not possible in federated networks.

      • Oh, I have to disagree strongly. Precisely because the internet has gotten worse, it’s even more important for children to learn how to navigate it effectively.

        Take my former colleague as an example: a 45-year-old downloading a “better zip tool” from a Russian website full of awful spelling and dubious claims.

        Kids need to learn about ad blockers, VPNs, and how to identify fake news. Not teaching them these skills leaves them far more vulnerable to online threats than if they were taught how to handle these issues from an early age. And as many people tell you, the best way to truly learn about something is by doing it yourself.

        The internet is only going to become more relevant in the future.

      • It most definitely is possible in federated networks to be clear.

        Federated networks are extremely vulnerable to bots. And "organic" online narrative is easily manipulated with bots and bot driven content.

        We see this in centralized platforms like Reddit which have mature and centralized bot detection and control mechanisms which are largely ineffective in an ideal scenario for them to be the most effective.

        The only saving grace for federated services right now is that they are simply far too small to be worth the time and money to manipulate narratives on. The user bases are infinitesimal in comparison to mainstream social media.

        This changes if their popularity skyrockets. The only thing it takes to manipulate opinions and narrative is money and a vulnerable target. The fediverse is largely a vulnerable target and current mega corporations have more than enough money to do what they need done a million times over.

    • The True Problem, is that an actual-safe-space is required, for kids,

      & that costs investment to produce, & to maintain.

      We pay for kindergarten & schools to be safe-spaces, don't we?

      Children's forming brains require healthy place, right?

      Same is required for internet, for them.

      So, a "walled garden" with wikipedia ( not the gore-centered stuff, & there seems to be some of that on there ), & TVTropes,

      etc, is required for them to develop their minds healthy,

      but the only "successful" walled-gardens were made with machiavellian intent, thus-far..

      Apple's walled-garden, Microsoft's, AOL's, Google's, etc..

      Nobody's done a not-for-profit edition for humanitarian reasons..

      Big Tech'd sabotage it any way they could, in order to "prove" it "doesn't work"

      ( it'll never be seen in Google News, Facebook may well disappear all references to it, Apple wouldn't permit it on their platform's App Store, etc.. )

      Exterminating-alternative is required when the stakes are world-possession, right?

      NO competitor allowed, right??

      Nobody's got the spine to create the required walled-garden which simultaneously gives children

      • access to meaningful friends
      • lots of learning opportunities & learning-means
      • gamefied learning, like projects-done-together on interesting-to-them subjects, with real accomplishings, like Science Fairs can be, irl
      • systematic stomping of abuse, predators, bullying, etc..
      • systematic training them in sane privacy-habits, device-health habits ( update your apps weekly! Reboot your device weekly! Use antivirus! )
      • systematically training all children in critical-thinking, dismantling ideology-programming as completely as possible, from the next-generation


      & if anybody did have the spine, then it'd be force-disallowed by Big Tech.

      Humankind waited too long to care, & now the bad-guys own the whole "game", it looks like, to me..

      Human children never will know what honest, proper, supportive systematic-development through interesting challenges, & safe growing-up can be, because our-generations wouldn't do what was required, when we had leverage to be able to do it.

      "fighting over crumbs" is all that's left, it looks like..

      ( lobbied "representatives" wouldn't allow world-integrity to violate their owners' interests, either, obviously.. )

      Sorry for my bitterness, but I'm old.

      _ /\ _

  • Banning social media is the easy cowardly thing to do. Are our representatives to afraid to regulate big tech?

    Force these shitters to make their products healthier for all age groups. Yes it's hard. Grow the fuck up, put on your big boy underpants and do your fucking job.

    • Force these shitters to make their products healthier for all age groups.

      There's a lot of nuance here, but in general I agree. Hank (of vlogbrothers and SciShow fame), summed this problem up brilliantly. To paraphrase: social media is engagement based, not quality based. Upvote/like content on all you want, but misinformation, propaganda, rage bait, and doom-scrolling fodder will dominate any platform where the only valued metric is eyeball time.

      So, the top-down solution would be to somehow strictly define how for-profit ranked media feeds and news aggregators are allowed to operate. Unintended consequences of such a law aside, I think it's possible to legally define a "well-behaved" social media site, but it won't be easy.

      • Begin with the "cherry-picking":

        • Disinformation gets cut out.
        • Fact-checking is protected-speech, not immediately-auto-deleted-because-it-harms-profitable-disinformation.
        • Ideological-prejudice gets cut out.
        • The major racisms: sex/gender racism, skin racism, class racism, & national racism, get stomped.
        • Correct & true journalism ( going to require independent ratings for individuals & organizations & for sub-branches-of-organizations ) gets automatically & consistently boosted.

        You put those in-place, & MASSIVE improvement is inescapable.

        The Problem(tm)??

        Big Tech WON'T TOLERATE anything interfering with their highjacking of the world, with their asserting their claim to monarchic/polyarchic world rule.


        Try linking a Wikipedia article, to fact-check something, on yt..


        Rabies is their means-of-gaining-possession-of-the-world, & NOTHING can be tolerated to interfere with their rabies/means.

        No matter how many humans die, in which circumstances their platforms helped enforce.

        For-profit-corporations are psychopaths, by default..

        So long as we continue maintaining-otherwise, they continue winning..

        until it's too late.

        ( & we don't get told when it is too late, either: that's movie-fantasy plot-point, not reality )

        _ /\ _