Signaling that you are a man that can provide for a family
Signaling that you are a man that can provide for a family
Signaling that you are a man that can provide for a family
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i can't help but think that if your first date with someone is drive thru mcdonalds, maybe that should have been the first clue
My first date with my girlfriend was at a Wendy's and we took the bus to get there. That was 2005. We got married in 2009 and just celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary. It doesn’t matter where you go or how much you spend, it just matters who you’re there with.
How many times did they say, "Sir, this is a Wendy's" before they just gave up and let you stay all the way until you got married there?
They said “drive through” explicitly. I think there’s a difference between going somewhere because you’re poor and going somewhere because you’re lazy.
If your first date is a glorious scam heist, the future looks promising
Maybe don't order carnist options though
a glorious scam heist
You son of a bitch, I'm in.
Maybe don't order carnist options though
Why not let people excercise their liberty to decide for themselves. Plus how is this relevent to a date a majority of people are omnivorous anyways
Was their comment one of those ‘self-identifying without being asked’ moments? Certainly feels stereotypical to me. But, it couldn’t be that obvious.
It is. Some stereotypes exist for a reason, they're earned.
I prefer Arch Linux over the Golden Arches. It's much better for your health.
I want to say ‘exactly’, if I’m reading your comment right. The ‘carnist’ commenter could have ripped on McDonalds, or chicken nuggets in general, which both would have been super easy and everyone would have agreed with, and not made it weird by specifically falling into the stereotype here.
Yeah lol. The memes are real.
Its not the liberty of the animals to be exploited and murdered.
The animals have no rights and no liberty. Plus if it wasnt for us farming them then their evolutionary niche wouldnt exist so if u think about it we are doing them the favour.
The animals have no rights and no liberty.
Evolutionary niche
On the one hand, the breeding of animals dependent on humans destroys evolutionary niches for animals independent from humans, on the other hand, humans destroy evolutionary niches directly.
Farmers won't release or breed animals to improve their evolutionary niche, because farmers and consumers don't farm animals for conservatory reasons.
That’s not entirely true because there are expectations depending on the jurisdiction on the standard of care for animals, in several countries they’re legally seen as sentient beings not property.
Putting them in filthy crowded slaughter houses where they’re kicked and shoved only to be slaughtered as children relative to their life spans is not doing them favour. It is our responsibility to stop exploiting them.
the natural lifespan of livestock is exactly when they are slaughtered
Nothing but a suggestion
I suggest you keep it to yourself next time, then, as you have only furthered the image that vegans are smug asshats who can't shut the fuck up about being vegan.
Maybe that's what you want though, it's just a suggestion. c:
Why are you angered?
Rude comment.
If u took offence then it proves u are everything they claimed u to be.
That logic is bad and you should feel bad. You suck. If this comment makes you mad, you're only proving my point /s
It is not polite to use ad hominems rather than a logical argument.
yet you, without evidence, attack your interlocutors as murderers.
They made an "if/then" statement based on your statement. They attacked the idea, not the person making it. No ad hominem detected.
I dunno. McDs was mine and my spouse's first date, after church.
We are married 27 years now....
I'm barely older than you're marriage but McDonald's was a very different vibe when I was a kid. I still wouldn't say anything to shame people going to McDonald's for a first date today.
Some people are poorer than you