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Games with absolute banger OSTs (and perhaps good stories / gameplay)

Dear patient lemmings, I am in need of your help. I'm searching for games that have some GOD DAAMN OSTs and come with a great story or/and gameplay.

Games that tick these requirements for me:

  • Danganronpa 1/2/V3 + Ultra Despair Girls (most recently finished)
  • Persona 4/5 (waiting for Persona 3 remaster)
  • NFS Most Wanted (2005, 2012), Carbon, ProStreet
  • Doom 2016, Eternal
  • Test Drive Unlimited 2
  • Life is Strange
  • Ace Combat 7
  • Omori
  • How in the fuck is Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance not mentioned yet?

    A+++ OST, A+ gameplay, and a surprisingly good story for a Platinum game.

    • Not surprised that it was memed a hella lot not that too long ago. Absolute banger songs.

    • The whole set of NES Mega-Man games had amazing soundtracks, although 2 is the best. There's barely a story there, but the gameplay is solid.
    • Final Fantasy VI has Dancing Mad, and that alone would be enough, but the whole damn thing is just amazing, especially the Opera.
    • Similarly, Final Fantasy VII had a stellar soundtrack, including the holy-shit-this-is-amazing One Winged Angel.
      • All Final Fantasy games have great soundtracks, but these two are my faves
    • Someone mentioned Terraria, and I would be remiss if I didn't second it. Not much story there, but I've been playing it for like 12 years and I'm still happy every time I start it up.
    • The Elder Scrolls games from Morrowind on all have bangin' soundtracks. Oblivion had the best one (although Morrowind and Skyrim are both better games, IMHO).
    • Tempest 2000 for the Atari Jaguar of all things had a phenomenal soundtrack. Seriously, it it was one of the first games in the US to have its soundtrack sold in stores. And it stands up.

    I'll add more if I think of them. Most of the others I can think of have already been mentioned.


    • Chrono Cross, I can't believe I forgot it! That OP is unforgettable, and yet somehow I managed to forget it! The game itself pales in comparison to its predecessor (Chrono Trigger, which also has a great soundtrack), but it's not bad.
    • On a similar note, the original Wild Arms had an excellent soundtrack with a western theme. Actually, the whole Wild Arms series has good music, but I just couldn't get past one of the main mechanics that showed up in 2 and stick around.
    • Another one I can't believe I forgot, Nights: into Dreams had the best soundtrack on the Sega Saturn. It's just perfect for the game, not a bad tune in there.
    • Someone mentioned Terraria, and I would be remiss if I didn't second it. Not much story there, but I've been playing it for like 12 years and I'm still happy every time I start it up.

      the soundtrack of one of the most popular mods Calamity for Terraria is also way too good than it ever should be

  • Somehow, nobody's mentioned Cyberpunk 2077 yet. Every track in this game goes so incredibly hard. The in-game radio stations are all full of absolute bangers, and even the ambient world music is fantastic and sets the mood for every scene. It's one of the few games whose soundtracks I listen to on its own.

    • I suspect patient gamers have held off on this one given its relatively high system requirements, need for patches to improve performance, and super recent expansion. I'm sure you're right, but speaking for myself, it's not on my to-play list for at least another year. (Only mentioning it since you seem surprised)

    • Damn yeah you got me there. I forgot about Cyperbunk. Ponpon SHIT will never escape from my mind. XD

    • Roll the bones, I'm CHIPPIN IN! Commit that code, I'm CHIPPIN IN!

  • I can also recommend FTL, Risk of Rain and Risk of Rain 2. Really good OSTs, I'm listening to all of them regularly. They've also got great gameplay! But they're rogue-likes so basically no story in case that bothers you.

    • RoR 1 and 2 are my two most favorite OSTs. So unique and awesome.

      • Yeah, I think it's also very impressive how they have different styles but are still very similar in some ways. Most noticeable with Arctic and Antarctic Oscillation.

        And "The rain formerly known as purple", "Coalescence" and "The raindrop that fell to the sky" are just soooo good. Could listen to them on repeat (and have done so (: )

    • Katana ZERO
    • Metal Gear Rising
    • That one Maze sequence in Control
    • Stellaris
    • Deus Ex: HR and MD
    • Wolfenstein: The New Order (Mick Gordon, same as Doom)
    • I've already played with Wolfenstein, but you got me there with Katana ZERO. Thank you for the list!

  • I'm back with more.

    • Tunic
    • HI-FI Rush (just-playit-playit-playit)
    • Journey
    • ABZU
    • DMC 5
    • Transistor (some tracks have lyrics, but only on the second playthrough)
    • RUINER (absolute GEM of a game)
    • FURI (the whole game is just boss fights, and EVERY one has a sick ass theme)
    • Gris
    • All Homeworld games
  • Outer WILDS - fucking hell, fuck yes.

    TUNIC - ohhhhhhhh fuck yes

    Night in the Woods - I AM AN ANGSTY TEEN AND FUCK YES

    Citizen Sleeper - fuck...... Yes!!

  • It very much depends on your taste in music, but Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice OST is absolutely amazing, especially considering it's all original scores (I think). After beating the game I put the OST on repeat for several days

    • I've heard some great reviews about it's story. Did you like it?

      • A lot: amazing environments and scenery, cool combat with great enemy boss designs, very immersive exploration and the actress did an awesome job throughout it. The "puzzles" bits were a little pain to beat, but everything else was top notch; story was also very cool and made me feel the burden Senua's carrying.

        Definitely recommended!

  • Earthbound and Mother 3 could be exactly what you're looking for. There's just nothing quite like them OST, story, and gameplay wise.

    Little Nightmares and Little Nightmares 2 also have excellent music that perfectly complement their soul-squeezing visuals and gameplay.

    Portal 2 has very little music but it is GOOD, and perfectly timed to key moments in the story. Also top notch unique gameplay, obvs.

    Skyrim music is iconic for a reason.

    OFF's music is similarly iconic and its story and visuals so unique and engaging you'll likely forgive it for being unapologetically RPG-maker. The latest English translation (3.0) is considered the most faithful to the original French.

    FRACT OSC is a "musical exploration game" where you directly influence the soundtrack by interacting with a beautiful, surreal puzzle landscape with Tron-like visuals.

    • OFF? WOOOW okay you definitely got me surprised over there. Half a year a I've tried running OFF on Linux but I just had too many issues with the compatiblity, so I left it there.


        thanks to this lovely FOSS project it can be played on linux and even Android :) I've been playing Space Funeral on my phone with it. Actually if you like psychedelic rock, you'd probably love Space Funeral's music too.

        yeah OFF's soundtrack doesn't have a lot of tracks, and several are rather minimalist ambient music, but it's all very unique and it fits the game perfectly. The main battle theme, Pepper Steak, is so catchy that my mom requested I add it to her phone as her ringtone for me 🤭

  • Cyberpunk Bartender Action Va11-Ha11-A The Binding Of Isaac Antibirth Ridge Racer 2 (PSP)

  • Undertale in case you haven't played it yet... you've played it, right?
    zero escape. going in blind is a must. at least 999 had really banger music and nice puzzles and story. 999 also had its story made for the 3DS, so it's best if you play it on a DS emulator. it's also similar to danganronpa at least stylistically, and makoto has a zero escape logo on his hoodie
    bloons td maybe. the music might not be that good but they're still bangers

    • Actually no, I haven't played Undertale yet. (War crime sounds incoming) A lot of players are recommending Zero Escape, so It's not surprising to see this in your comment. Did you like it?

      • Yes.

        You might want the fast text mod though. You'll also need to replay it multiple times to unlock endings, so you probably also want to make some savestates before every door. Doors aren't the only things you need though...