Who/What are your favourite content creators?
Who/What are your favourite content creators?
I'm Enjoying some Northernlion and lamenting about Drawfee during there 2 week vacation
Who/What are your favourite content creators?
I'm Enjoying some Northernlion and lamenting about Drawfee during there 2 week vacation
Kitboga all the way
100% That video where he voice changes as an old lady and convinces a scammer that she wont use any piece of technology because she was afraid of the robot uprising was gold. His ability to improv like 3-4 people on the phone switching voice changers seamlessly is amazing
Yes!!! I genuinely think he's the best improv artist I've ever seen, and he can multitask so well. I've also learned a ton about scams from him and use the information to reach out to companies and try to enact change.
Something else I appreciate is that he treats anyone and everyone with respect (no matter how vile they are towards him); not something you see on the internet often.
By topic, in order of how likely I am to immediately click on their video if I see a new one:
• Viva La Dirt League D&D
(Including hammy greenscreen reenactments! Beyond hilarious. Top of the list. My god.)
• Viva La Dirt League (gaming)
• Dr. Glaucomflecken (medicine)
• Ryan George
• Paint (parody music)
• MTGRemy (Magic: The Gathering parody music)
• Brian David Gilbert (music)
• Fire Department Chronicles
• Steven He (being Asian)
• Daniel Thrasher
Interesting/horrible facts:
• Casual Geographic
• Tom Scott
• Kurzgesagt
• Pitch Meeting
• CinemaTherapy (psychology of movies)
Psychiatry (gaming bent):
• HealthyGamerGG
• Tierzoo (prehistory if it were an MMO)
• Linfamy (Japanese)
• Fall of Civilizations (all 1-3hrs long but great)
• Townsends (US colonial)
• Shadiversity (medieval)
• The Escapist (zero punctuation)
• JelloPlaysGames
• Razbuten (highly recommend checking out his "Gaming for a Non-Gamer" series)
Art (chill):
• Sultan Sketches
• LavenderTowne
• ABD Illustrates
Art (tutorial):
• David Finch
• Bobbo Andonova
• Winged Canvas
• OwlKitty (cat greenscreened into movie trailers)
• Exurb1a (emotionally distressing prose)
• LegalEagle (lawyer drama)
• JelloApocalyse (misc/gaming, can genuinely recommend the hilarity of a video about lemonade reviews, of all things. His delivery is fantastic.)
• b2studios (programming fun)
• Huggbees ("How It's Made" parodies)
• The Onion
Please keep this up, because I need to be able to come back to this and check out the stuff I don't already follow and look at. Since you had quite a few I already enjoy I'm mostly assuming you've got good taste...
Have young kiddos so apologies for that POV.
YouTube: Mark Rober, Kurzgesagt, and Dr Plants
For podcasts I like Dan Carlin.
So glad youtube has these kinds of channels and its not all just clickbait cringey trash. I wish there were a browser plugin or something to filter out reaction videos and anything where there’s a gen-Z-er just straight overreacting and yelling at their phone
I’ve been obsessed with Jacob Geller’s video essays for months now. There’s just something about the way he writes that lands with such a punch for me, I can’t get enough of it. Notable mentions are his video on orbital lasers— one of the best openings to a video essay I’ve ever listened to— and the comparison video between RE4R, HBO’s TLOU and Dead Space Remake. If you’re into video essays and/or gaming in any capacity, check him out. You won’t regret it.
In no particular order,
Gaming adjacent:
On YouTube, I like:
Alasdair Beckett-King
Alien Theory
Like Stories of Old
Pitch Meeting
For podcasts, I like:
Adam Buxton
The Watch
IIIIIIIII added one more podcast…
I really like Corridor Crew / Corridor Digital: I have been following them for over a decade and they have so many good videos where they dissect Visual Effects and stunts or experiment with new tools (lately they have been toying with Stable Diffusion and they did with Deep Fakes earlier).
On a similar subject, Captain Disillusion is underrated, he's debunking viral videos using his knowledge of VFX.
Ahoy makes mini-documentaries on video game history (mainly retro PC gaming) with really nice graphics and music made by himself.
And lastly, not so much a creator, but a documentary series that sucked me in: PsychOdyssey follows the developers from Double Fine during the production of Psychonauts 2. It's a very rare and honest look into the creation process of video games and it particularly hit with me because Psychonauts 2 is my favorite game of 2021.
Hey guys, ChrisFix here!
Acollierastro Physicist and academic breaks down varying topics in casual and fun long-form format. string theory lied to us and now science communication is hard
Value Select Multi-talented (really) independent content creator, who flavours his borderline surrealist humour with 80's stylings and DnD/medieval vocabulary and theatrics. Pushes for good vibes while keenly aware of the grind "Embrace the mirth".
He's always experimenting and pushing his production to unbelievably comedic quality, so I discovered him when he was doing musical skits such as Tell me your name again (again) Hit Me With Your Car 2020
Right now he's been on fire with his youtube shorts. Not everyone's thing and if you wanna take a glance, personal favourites include:
Here is an alternative Piped link(s): https://piped.video/kya_LXa_y1E
Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.
I'm open-source, check me out at GitHub.
Realcivilengineer on YouTube
• Thorhighheels: Video game analysis, mainly older or more obscure games. Tends to focus more on vibes than gameplay. Makes really good music too. • Jacob Geller: Another mainly game analysis channel but he covers other forms of media as well. Check him out on Nebula if you like his content for extra and longer videos.
My wife and I'd top 3 on YouTube:
Internet Comment Etiquette with Eric Ordinary Things Brutalmoose
Plenty of others, but these are the three I always recommend to people.
I'm surprised he hasn't been mentioned so far, but DougDoug is my favorite YouTuber/streamer. He has some of the most creative and entertaining videos of any currently active content creator imho.
My Favorite Youtube Channels (Not in any particular order):
Jacksepticeye - Gaming and variety content - Very wholesome Irish dude, never heard of any controversies about him
Ted-Ed - Education channel with variety of history, science, some philosophy, and a lot of good riddles (actual good riddles, unlike some other channels)
CGP Grey - Hexagon is the bestagon! - But seriously, it's a bunch of cool stuff about various topics
Exurb1a - Philosophy that can trigger an Existential Crisis
Vsauce - Science, but weird
Veritasium - Science, but interesting
Mark Rober - Engineering, and pranking scammers and "porch pirates" with a fake package containing a device that shoots out glitter
Mentour Pilot - Interesting stuff about Aviation, story-telling of aircraft accidents/incidents with an explanation of the technical stuff he knows as a pilot (I don't work in the aviation industry and I'm not a frequent flier, I'm just obsessed with aviation stuff)
Louis Rossmann - Right to repair, technology stuff, and occasional cat videos (and some in the "shorts" section)
D&D: Critical role Dimension 20 Matt Colville
Makers: Tom Stanton Christopher Helmke Miscast
Science: PBS Spacetime Sabine Hossenfelder Anton Petrov
AI: AI explained Alan Thompson
Beau of the Fifth Column and Glenn Kirschner make some quality content on YT
In the order they popped into my head
I did a thing
Cold ones
Cowchop (house/barn era)
Call me Kevin
In tech: GeekerWan Therelaxingend Mr mobile (Michael Fisher) Mkbhd
In Cars: Doug Demuro
In Games: Motogamestv Calem Mrnazreenn
As far's 'tubers go :
I'll eat up anything they put out:
Perun (War economics, logistics, procurement, etc)
The Chieftain (Tank history and doctrine)
CGP Grey (Deep dives on random topics)
The Operations Room (High quality visualizations of historical battles)
The Intel Report (Followup topics related to Operations Room)
dnsl (Trolling in games)
Channels I'll binge on once in a while:
Drachinifel (Naval history)
agadmator (Chess breakdowns)
Forgotten Weapons (Firearm history and mechanics)
Lockpicking Lawyer (Lock history and picking)
LifesAGlitchTV (StarCraft 2 commentary duo)
Spookston (War Thunder gameplay)
The Tank Museum (More tank history)
Real Engineering (Deep dives on interesting engineering)
Scott Manley (Space & rocketry related topics)
Hand of Blood Kalle Sterzik
Name a better one
My favorite let's player is Mr Samuel Streamer
Constant uploads (1-2 a day most days all high quality) funny memes, and a real focus on story telling and not just meta gaming which leads to chaos and more fun times. Also makes ridiculous mod packs for the games he plays. Mostly RimWorld and Crusader Kings stuff.
One of my favorite yt channels is currently Stumpt. They got a ton of series on mc from their older backlog, and a variety of other games they've done videos as well if you don't necessarily like mc.
There aren't many I follow. I don't watch much YouTube, but I like Kand Hayati. She posts videos of her life in rural Azerbaijan, showing some of the family's small scale agriculture and lots of the delicious food that they make.
I'm on the other side of your opinion - I like that phrase. "Content" can mean art, audio/visual media, writings, etc. - basically anything that we consume.
IMO, Professional creative like artists/writers/performers are all content creators but not not all content creators are professional creatives.
In this day and age, everyone creates music, comedy, videos, skits. Some work a job primarily but create media or rabbitholes that can be scoured through.
I think "content creator" is a nice catch-all term for personalities that do a lot of stuff that can be casually consumed for entertainment or discourse, especially because it stops limiting said people to one occupation like "musician" or "author", while also preserving the seriousness of those occupations.
Mr Samuel Streamer is my daily bread. Funny dude. Never miss a video.
Internet Comment Etiquette and Warlockracy mostly
Thoraya's yt channel has been one of my faves for years now. She basically asks questions and such to stranger on the streets, I love hearing about peoples' experiences, thoughts, life stories etc
I also enjoy EXPLORE WITH US' content, it's a yt channel focused on true crime, unsolved cases etc. The majority of their videos include clips in the interrogation room that are being analysed, it's super interesting
Harald Baldr.
I like Michael Jackson, he has some smooth tracks. But the man hasn't published in a while
@Tsouintsouin Yeah, I hear some of his team worked with a big video game company in the 90s?
H3h3 podcast best show on the internet baby let's go