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  • When I was a teen I played WoW from vanilla through Cata... Had over a full year of in game /played time on just my main.

    ...and I made a lot of alts.

    100% full-blown addicted.

    Blizzard is actually the one example of enshittification that I can actually be thankful for - I didn't really ever quit; they just stopped supplying my drug of choice. They definitely had the power to keep me enthralled, but instead shifted to a younger and younger target audience as I was ofc aging the opposite direction.

    The Kung-Fu-Panda xpac trailer was finally my cue to accept that my dealer wasn't going to provide that fix anymore.

    Then I started making healthy life decisions discovered Ark >_<

  • Steam says my top 3, in order, are ARMA3 (though more than half of that has to be with the game minimized as I work on scripts for mods), Team Fortress 2, and Rocket League. All have over 2000 hours, Arma 3 has slightly over 3k.

    However, from 1997 to 2007 (literally haven't played it since The Orange Box released), I was playing Ultima Online for at least 8 hours a day, every day. So if that kept track of my play time, it would likely be numero uno. Diablo 2 and EverQuest would be right behind it.

  • STALKER and The Elder Scrolls probably hold the record. I may have wasted even more time in my life on World of Warcraft, but I feel like that doesn't count since you're just in a fucking trance for several years until you finally break away.

  • My list of multiple hundreds/thousands of hours include, in no particular order;

    • Minecraft (unknown, been playing since browser alpha demo)
    • Skyrim (600)
    • Rocket League (4000)
    • Fall Guys (1500)
    • Stardew Valley (unknown, play multiple saves a year on different platforms)
    • Vampire Survivors (400)
    • No Man’s Sky (1200)
  • I have 3,400 hours in Space Engineers.

    About 1,500 hours in FFXIV, 1,400 hours in DayZ, and 1,300 hours in 7 Days To Die.

    Then 900 hours in Empyrion Galactic Survival, 500 hours in Baldurs Gate 3, and 300 hours in Fallout 4.

    The rest are well below 200.

  • SteamDB says Rimworld, but I'm almost certain it's actually Fallout: NV, as the Nexus launcher at one point bypassed Steam and so those hours aren't represented. I have about 1100 hours in Rimworld, but probably closer to 3000 in Fallouts 3 and NV.

    Lol I somehow completely forgot about Guild Wars 2. Pretty sure my age in that game is over 2 years of active playtime.

  • 2000 hours in Garry's Mod, 1300 in TF2. Third place is way behind, Hollow Knight at 180.

  • World of Warcraft - over 11k hrs

    Guild Wars 2 - over 5k hrs

    Warframe - 2200 hrs

    Minecraft - who knows... a lot

  • Final Fantasy XI. Something like 400-500 days, so roughly 10k hours. Though I haven't seriously played since 2011.

  • KSP. I colonized almost the entire system on chemical rockets alone with bases and ISRU fuel depots orbiting the smaller moons (I'd have to go to each base, do some mining, and refill the orbiting tanker station before every long mission so it's ready when I got there). I'm not at my PC but last I checked it was a couple thousand hours.

  • World of Warcraft and then Final Fantasy XIV.

    And it's not even close.

  • steam says I played Fallout 4 for 436 hours, but that seems very high. not sure if that count is accurate.