What games have you put the most hours into?
What games have you put the most hours into?
What games have you put the most hours into?
The game in my Steam library with the most hours played is.....PAYDAY 2.
But I didn't actually play a thousand hours of it. In the late 2010s, the heat in my condo barely worked and our self-managed association refused to acknowledge it because "nobody else [was] having problems with their heat." I had all the windows plasticed up with heavy blankets literally nailed to the wall. I had to abandon the living room and bedroom entirely. I emptied the smallest room (12x10) and moved my mattress and desk in there...In addition to the playpen for my two rabbits that took up the rest of the free space.
You might be wondering what that has to do with PAYDAY 2. Well....the game revved up my video card to max on the main menu so my PC became a supplementary heat source at night...
Good times. Thanks, PAYDAY devs!
ETA: In the spring, the guy who handled yardwork noticed the flowerbed was kind of sinking on one side of the building. That's when they discovered a leak in the radiator line...small enough that 11 units didn't notice but big enough for the water pressure to not reach the farthest unit from the boiler....the unit I owned...
I was gonna check my Steam library for the numbers, but the real answer probably is Shattered Pixel Dungeon on my phone.
Great game, it and the original Pixel Dungeon were my most played phone games for years.
Another high quality mobile experience I can't recommend enough is Slice & Dice. Gameplay is quite different from Pixel Dungeon, but it's basically replaced all other phone games for me. Been playing it almost continuously now for the past 3 years.
When I was a teen I played WoW from vanilla through Cata... Had over a full year of in game /played time on just my main.
...and I made a lot of alts.
100% full-blown addicted.
Blizzard is actually the one example of enshittification that I can actually be thankful for - I didn't really ever quit; they just stopped supplying my drug of choice. They definitely had the power to keep me enthralled, but instead shifted to a younger and younger target audience as I was ofc aging the opposite direction.
The Kung-Fu-Panda xpac trailer was finally my cue to accept that my dealer wasn't going to provide that fix anymore.
Then I started making healthy life decisions discovered Ark >_<
Rimworld 2300 hours or so
Dude! How on earth… maybe pick up writing, the last sentence was fire.
The Bethesda RPGs: Skyrim, Morrowind, Fallout series (although most of the hours probably into NV, which wasn't actually Bethesda).
I have crazy high hours on Skyrim because I replayed it in French and Spanish. It is a very fun way to get the cheapest language immersion ever (though your vocabulary becomes a little, um, specialized)
Minecraft, Factorio, Satisfactory and Dyson Sphere program have the most real playtime, but idle games have the top slots.
the binding of isaac: rebirth. steam claims ~800 hours, but with the time I played offline, its probably closer to 1300-1400
I finally picked up Repentance after putting around 300 hours into Antibirth. I'm completely addicted again. Jacob & Esau is such a struggle for me
Repentance was such a huge expansion. And it's getting updated again shortly!
Minecraft, and the number is still growing.
I've just about got 2,000 hours in Warframe. I tend to play a lot of different games so it's hard to get big numbers in any one game.
Steam says my top 3, in order, are ARMA3 (though more than half of that has to be with the game minimized as I work on scripts for mods), Team Fortress 2, and Rocket League. All have over 2000 hours, Arma 3 has slightly over 3k.
However, from 1997 to 2007 (literally haven't played it since The Orange Box released), I was playing Ultima Online for at least 8 hours a day, every day. So if that kept track of my play time, it would likely be numero uno. Diablo 2 and EverQuest would be right behind it.
STALKER and The Elder Scrolls probably hold the record. I may have wasted even more time in my life on World of Warcraft, but I feel like that doesn't count since you're just in a fucking trance for several years until you finally break away.
Dota 2. I barely enjoy it, but it's hard to find games that a friend group will agree to consistently play.
What an amazing exhausting game. I go through phases where I'll play it for a month straight then I won't touch it for 6 months
Yeah I got over 5000 hours clocked in but damn its toxic af.
My list of multiple hundreds/thousands of hours include, in no particular order;
Kerbal Space program (1800.8) DCS world (1172.2) Witcher 3 (1131.5) Sims 4 (838.2) Stardew Valley (579.3)
I just wish ksp2 wasn’t a massive flop and I eagerly await KSA.
Oblivion, Skyrim, Every Fallout (yes even 1 and 2, but especially New Vegas) borderlands 2, Diablo 2 & 3, Stardew Valley, and there were a few years of CoD, and a WoW phase.
Oh. And ten years worth of Hearthstone.
Hard to say, but I would think Minecraft (over the last decade) then Factorio. If we’re factoring in games from when I was younger then it’s certainly COD followed by Halo then Gran Turismo.
Team Fortress 2
EverQuest was my jam back in the day. It ruined highschool for me. Nearly 5 straight years of farming and raids.
I wouldn't do anything different though. I met some awesome people that got me through the awkward years of high school when the internet was still somewhat new.
Final Fantasy XI and it's not even close.
Heyyyy, high five! I’m not sure what my XI playtime is at offhand but I know it could be measured in years.
Probably League of Legends, I don‘t know how to check how many and don‘t really care, but I‘d be surprised if I hadn‘t spent more than in Rocket League which clocks in at 1100 hours. I don‘t play much of either anymore though. Counterstrike 1.6 is at 400 hours but that‘s gotta be a lie and way more as well lol
Overall? Probably Unreal Tournament (1999). That was when I was at the peak of my gaming time and I would play for hours most weeks and played that basically for a solid decade.
In the modern era? Warframe which Steam says I have over 700 hours in.
Europa Universalis 4, and it's not really a close margin. 1445 hr mark is when you've finally completed the tutorial and can start the real game.
Try Hearts of Iron 4 and the 1936 hour tutorial ;-;
I have 3,400 hours in Space Engineers.
About 1,500 hours in FFXIV, 1,400 hours in DayZ, and 1,300 hours in 7 Days To Die.
Then 900 hours in Empyrion Galactic Survival, 500 hours in Baldurs Gate 3, and 300 hours in Fallout 4.
The rest are well below 200.
Fallout 4 and Skyrim
SteamDB says Rimworld, but I'm almost certain it's actually Fallout: NV, as the Nexus launcher at one point bypassed Steam and so those hours aren't represented. I have about 1100 hours in Rimworld, but probably closer to 3000 in Fallouts 3 and NV.
Lol I somehow completely forgot about Guild Wars 2. Pretty sure my age in that game is over 2 years of active playtime.
Timberborn. 4,677 hours. I enjoy my beavers.
Around 2.6k hours in CSGO. Quit playing CS2 shortly after release :(
Need a buddy to play with? I've got ~5k hours
2000 hours in Garry's Mod, 1300 in TF2. Third place is way behind, Hollow Knight at 180.
World of Warcraft - over 11k hrs
Guild Wars 2 - over 5k hrs
Warframe - 2200 hrs
Minecraft - who knows... a lot
Probably 2048 which is just a fidgeting toy for me.
TF2, Diablo II, and Ragnarok Online. 1k-2k+ hours each.
Final Fantasy XI. Something like 400-500 days, so roughly 10k hours. Though I haven't seriously played since 2011.
KSP. I colonized almost the entire system on chemical rockets alone with bases and ISRU fuel depots orbiting the smaller moons (I'd have to go to each base, do some mining, and refill the orbiting tanker station before every long mission so it's ready when I got there). I'm not at my PC but last I checked it was a couple thousand hours.
I'm not sure if it's wow or League.
I played League for 10 years but in my adult phase, while wow was mostly while studying so a lot more hours to burn.
I have a lot of hours of Morrowind and Doom 1&2, as well as Warcraft 2 and Ultima Online, but I dunno the hour count
WoW, Grim Dawn, Don't Starve (Together), Stardew Valley, Terraria, Skyrim, Borderlands
The X3 games (Reunion/Terran Conflict/Albion Prelude) would be one game with DLC today, combined they're my only 1000hr+ game. X4 is one game with DLC and is well on it's way to that record.
No hard numbers here, but probably Medieval 2: Total War.
Every few months I get the urge to play and log more hours doing a few campaigns.
Skyrim over 2000 hours easily, 400 some into Assassins Creed Odyssey and Ghost Recon Wildlands; I have no idea how many I put into Vindictus, which is an MMORPG I played for more than a decade. For phone games I’ve probably put the most time into the Kingdom Rush series, best TD out there.
World of Warcraft and then Final Fantasy XIV.
And it's not even close.
Civilisation, the original one. Got it in the 90s, and none of my computers was without it. Even now I sometimes launch it for a guick, half-day game.
I'm sure other Microprose games from that era, in particular UFO: Enemy Unknown, are on my top 10 most played games.
From modern games, I probably spent the most time playing Civ4 and Heroes of Might and Magic 3.
I enjoy how old your picks are for the more modern games too! HoMM3 is a stone cold classic.
I'm approaching a thousand hours in Elite Dangerous. Quoting myself from a week or two ago:
It’s different to most other games, by not being goal-oriented except for the goals you set for yourself. No main quest line dictating progress. No mandatory tasks. No win condition. Instead, it drops you into a simulation of our entire galaxy roughly 1300 years in the future, where humanity has mastered hyperspace travel and spread through hundreds of star systems.
(To give an idea of the simulation’s scope: Around 85 million systems have been recorded by players so far, and those are a vanishingly small fraction of what’s out there. Space is big.)
I like that it offers a variety of activities to fit whatever mood I might be in on a given day. I can hunt pirates, mine asteroids, engage in a bit of piracy myself, find and collect bio samples, infiltrate rival settlements, venture into vast unexplored areas of space, discover Earth-like worlds that nobody has ever encountered before, defend humanity against hostile forces, photograph beautiful stellar phenomena, rescue stranded survivors, customize and finely tune my ship to perform beyond its original specs, team up with friends, pledge to a political power and expand their influence, or chill out as a space trucker and haul cargo to earn enough money for my next upgrade. It can occupy all my attention, or just be relaxing entertainment while I listen to music or an audiobook.
It’s an MMO in the sense of having a large game world (galaxy) shared by all players in real time, but PvP is optional. One mode exposes you to other players, while another limits you to NPC encounters. You can switch between them at will.
One warning: A space ship has more than a few controls to learn, and they’re better suited to a game controller or HOTAS than a keyboard and mouse. I use button combinations for almost everything beyond basic flight controls, since there aren’t enough buttons on a controller for everything.
Same, but my hours are definitely boosted by the times I’ve fallen asleep at the yoke.
My most played game is hands down: Borderlands 2.
995h in it!
League of legends, Counter Strike and Warcraft 3 custom maps are waaaay up there.
Factorio is catching up though
WoW, CS 1.6, Warframe, and ARK
I think something like 5k hours into Warframe, 15 years into WoW (at least 2 of my characters have 1+ year of playtime--so 17k hours just on those 2; and I max-leveled every class of character up until Battle for Azeroth) and so far, 2 years into ARK. Just over 3.5k hours of playtime between ASE and ASA.
DayZ, I have around 3000 hours in it.
steam says I played Fallout 4 for 436 hours, but that seems very high. not sure if that count is accurate.
The most that I have proof of is Europa Universalis IV at a little over 1k hours, but I wouldn't be surprised if my time on Guitar Hero 3 in high school surpassed that by quite a bit. I played a lot of Guitar Hero in high school...
Braben & Bells "Elite". The original one on the C64.