Mudd Peeks Into the Future
Mudd Peeks Into the Future Mudd Peeks Into the Future
Explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go in this expanding vast universe.
Mudd Peeks Into the Future
Explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go in this expanding vast universe.
Mudd's 32nd Century Legacy Choice Pack is coming to Xbox and PlayStation this week, together with 50% off Mudd Bundles on all platforms!
... All Mudd bundles, including those that have previously appeared in Mudd's Market, will be on sale for 50% off... from November 28th at 8am PT until December 9th at 12pm PT on PC, and from November 28th at 8am PT until December 12th at 12pm PT on Xbox and PlayStation
... the old Mudd Bundles appearing a little later here on December 3rd at 8am PT.
Mudd's 32nd Century Legacy Choice Pack is coming to Xbox and PlayStation.