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  • (UK) Government.

    It could not be any worse than the most-obvious self-serving pocket-liners of this century.

    • no way you said this, yeah let's allow robots to rule over us. We totally don't have a billion movies and books to show why that is a bad idea

        • My first language isn't english sorry if my writing is not on par with yours. But no i didn't know this was ironic as some people in this thread seemed to be serious about it. I do understand there are problems with how things are now but AI wouldn't fix much, maybe it would help for a short while but then it would all go up in pieces.

          • You're all good, my friend.

            I hope you and your peers are not subjected to a life that is substantially poorer than that of my peers.

            That a person is destined to live with their parents until they are approaching their thirties is awful for that person, and that seems to be happening as a normality.

            I said it wasn't a sentiment that was completely in irony. I'm rather sick of the corruption inherent in this country's government, and that official investigations into the corruption never result in a resignation or job loss.

    • 'murica checking in.

      Yeah fuck it: government. Hard to imagine it doing a worse job than we are.