Ok wtf is Stellar Blade and why are Chuds angry about it?
Ok wtf is Stellar Blade and why are Chuds angry about it?
Ok wtf is Stellar Blade and why are Chuds angry about it?
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Shaun said it was a shitty nier replicant/automata clone with shitty writing and no attempt to contextualize scantily clad women
Chuds were excited about big booba in the demo and thought the game was anti-woke because it only appealed to the male gaze. In the release the outfits added SLIGHTLY more fabric to cover up 1 cm more booba, and they're losing it
Lmao FFS why don't they just watch porn or something?
mad about not being the default audience and how things are no longer made just for them
Lmao the shoehorned T&A was always the worst part about older games. Seriously, it always seems so forced and pandering. Especially in horror games. How can I be scared if I'm laughing at the boobs flying everywhere?
Like if I was into big booba women I'd be insulted "You think I'm dumb enough that I'll buy anything if it has boobie jiggles in it?"
yep, but to the reptilian gooner brains it was the "good old days".
grums eat shit and [redacted] challenge
Good old days to them was Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball and saying slurs in CoD voice chat. They might sometimes even think of a game they like!
There's only one "good old days of gaming".
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
I really hope the battle heels are next.
Kelly cartoon where the booba sex doll main character is without the heels,
if you take away Raiden's battle heels I'll fucking lose it
The thing about horror though is that it's a question of tone. Looads of horror movies play the booba card, to great effect. The silly horniness of Friday the 13th is a vital part of the recipe, for example. What doesn't work is trying to grimdark at the same time. But these people demand both SERIOUS and BOOBA at all times
Being in a state of undress to both titillate and underscore vulnerability is different from GGG honkadonks with jigglebone physics blocking the camera during cutscenes
They don't want to be reminded that the act of sex exists, and that people other than them are doing it all the time, just booba
Or play a porn GAME?! Gamers truly belong in a dark pit
every game a porn game
Don’t besmirch my man evrart ny using him like that :screm:
Mr Evrart is helping me find my cum
a shitty nier replicant/automata clone with shitty writing and no attempt to contextualize scantily clad women
So... Nier Automata?
As much as I dislike the fan service in Nier Automata it does tie back into the game's themes.
I didn't really play enough of it to find out why she was dressed like that. Would you mind telling me?
This is a bit of a rambling, stream of consciousness mess, apologies if it's hard to parse, I'll try to reword it more clearly later.
I don't think there's a specific lore reason why Yorha androids dress the way they do, but rather instead it feeds into, like, some of the meta-textual themes of the game.
All of that sounds like an interesting story, but it feels very ill-suited to such an extremely long game. It feels like a story that could be told effectively in a 2-hour movie or a single novel instead of being needlessly padded by grindy fetch quests in huge empty areas.
Actually, now that I think about it, a story similar to that was already told effectively in novel form. Isaac Asimov's "The Naked Sun".
Thats about the best explanation I've been given or found yet. I'm curious about that theme being half assed, or whole assed apparently, into stellar blade now.
Please feel free to ramble about Automata whenever. This is lovely analysis, and I think you are on the money in that last part
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Seconding this. I just got bored silly by all the fetch quests and repetitive button-mashing combat after a few hours. I remember the last thing I was doing was crossing a desert. When I found out from fans that I had to play the game multiple times to figure out what was going on, I just gave up on it entirely.
Each playthrough is different though and has you doing different things.
The fetch quests are mostly there to show you the world before it .. changes. Before everything changes.
The first playthrough is the worst. The second is like wait what? Wait...what? The third is
It's worth it to trudge through the first playthrough. I think at least.
Lol same exact thing happened to me. Music was sooo good though.
Visuals too. Even on the original Switch. It's one of the most beautiful games I've ever been bored out of my mind by.
Visuals too.
Jokes aside very pretty game. I remembered the 2010 Nier to be a pretty fun romp but maybe I'm just nostalgic