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  • Stage 5: I both know that I'm a girl and am consistently too depressed to do anything about it. Hrt is hard to get where I am and tbh I don't have the energy to fight back against the world as they crush my spirit every day.

    • Affirming my gender is necessary for me to have the energy to get out of bed. I was literally nonfunctional before I came out. Starting and staying on e has been the driving force in my life for the past year. Why fight for myself if I hate who I am?

  • Stage 5. I have persistent and horrible dysphoria from my voice which I know will never pass as a girl without voice surgery. Which I'll probably be unable to get for quite a while.

    Maybe I should learn sign language and say I'm mute. I'd rather be mute than have a horrible masculine ass voice.

    • I personally feel the same, but I'm still interested in voice training on the grounds of using it to fuck with people 😆

      Testosterone fucked me harder than the government as far as my voice goes.

      • I did voice training for years and even though I did get good I was never able to pass. People who are trans supportive say my voice sounds feminine to be nice to me but I know it doesn't pass because I got second opinions anonymously from people who didn't know I was trans or at least whether I was masc or fem. They all said my voice sounded masculine, even though I was trying as best I could do to sound feminine.