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  • GUys I'm from 2040 2035, here's Microsoft's logo

    MS corporate comms army did a sik job getting across those inscrutable monolith vibes, I bet when it launched they all clapped (even though clapping is in performance reviews)

    BONUS: heres Amazon, Faceberg and Nvideo too (yay diversity)

  • Wow, they really took their logo from sexy, fast and expensive looking, to looking like an over priced soft drink?

    That's impressive, haha.

  • Their logo doesn't have a jaguar and their car commercial doesn't have any cars. Fuck it, whatever

  • oversimplifying logoes and stuff makes me rage, especially this

  • Skoda have done something similar with their latest offering. No Skoda badge, no radiator grill. Just SKODA in a boring font.

  • They probably paid 10 million for that and a 12 year old could have made it.