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  • I'm gonna flip this one over a bit but hear me out. I live in a major city that allows for each and every one of our judges to be voted on. To help with this we have a website that basically pulls the information on where all these judges are coming from, what they used to do. Pretty much they were all lawyers, and so the site explains what type of cases they either defended or prosecuted. They also tell you if they were a defender or prosecutor and if they had any controversies (and what those controversies were).

    So last election of course I gotta sit down and look over every single one of these folks to see what they were up to. My gut was only vote yes on defenders and vote no on all prosecutors, but then I looked into some of them.

    Of course most of the prosecutors were criminal prosecutors, many for kids, those folks can literally go fuck off into the sun. But there were some standouts. One had controversies because she has spent the last 10 years pretty much only prosecuting cops. Another is a prosecutor for securities frauds and white collar crime. A third only takes landlords to court. I was fascinated.

    Of course then I started looking into the defenders too. If someone is prosecuting the above list then of course there are folks defending them too.

    Overall I think prosecutors are bad and defenders are good but it really does depend on exactly what they're prosecuting. I voted for the guy taking down slumlords and the lady whose made it her career to take down cops because of course. Love to see them as judges