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Political Memes

New political compass meme just dropped

Updated it with better placement for Reagan and added FDR/Ike

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  • Well, yeah, socio-political and economically left are two different things. But honestly, this "chart" is just very biased towards the argument that we should be less socio-politically progressive. Which is wrong, socio-politically progressive are things like that trans people aren't discriminated against and can be addressed properly and get support, that gay people don't need to fear kissing in public, that drugs like Cannabis are legal, that it's okay to be different and such. Personally, while I'm left on both axes, that one is the more important one to me.

    And honestly, Reagan was really socio-politically conservative. Maybe not as bad as Trump (although honestly, I don't know), but like at most, that dot would be at the lower ending of the "Trump Republican" text. Just look at his war on drugs or lack of any help during the AIDS crisis.
    Conversely, Obama and Biden are of course not economically very left (especially not when compared to western European countries), but there is still a huge difference to someone like Trump that made huge taxes for the rich, especially when that has been a major talking point in the election. So the differencece between Trump and Obama / Biden on that axis should be at least as much as between Reagan and Trump.