Bluesky says it won’t train AI on your posts
Bluesky says it won’t train AI on your posts

It does use AI to power other parts of the platform, though.

Bluesky says it won’t train AI on your posts
It does use AI to power other parts of the platform, though.
Oh it will as soon as the investors demand more ReTurN oN iNvEsTmEnT.
Then we leave that platform too. I have zero loyalty. Zero.
I only have it because my family chose that over Mastodon. Mastodon is better.
But they'll have stragglers just the same as any major social media site. Even though many here have standards they won't easily abandon, there are scores of people that won't even know if/when AI started being used on the site or would care enough to leave if they did.
Plus every time we leave a platform we need to find or build a new one. The time it takes to get others to migrate and develop into a worthwhile community is hard to predict and it may not even work out. It sucks social media is such shit anymore, but it seems inevitable that it will remain that way given the landscape of the Internet at this point.
I say this as someone who's drifted from Fark to Digg to Reddit to Lemmy over the past 20-25 years 🎈 (zero loyalty as well)
It’s a Public Benefit Corp structure, so legally investors have very little power.
Until they restructure the way OpenAI did.
"Well, WE won't train on your data. But this subsidiary company we created on the other hand..."
Or one of our 12675 carefully selected partners
lube can be removed without prior notice
Won't train AI on your posts until we reach critical mass of users.
Sounds exactly like something that someone intending to train an AI would say.
Does it?
OK, what would they say if they weren't planning on it?
IMO, they wouldn't even mention any concept of AI at all, to begin with. They should carry on as they were already going, without bothering to say anything good or bad about AI. If they're really committed to not involve AI within their platform, they could even create strict community rules regarding AI content and AI usage, limiting or blocking them. As some would say, actions say more than words, because even parrots and crows can speak... Even LLMs can speak!
......for now.
"Bluesky has not been offered enough money to scrape user data for AI"
BlueskAI on the other hand...
If the AT protocol allows public access to content, they can’t create a proprietary training set. But the content is available for anyone who wants to add it to a public training set.
Well, it will train it's AI on everyone else's posts. Just not your posts.
…at the moment
Yeah, I remember when Reddit promised similar things...
For now
To be fair, "they" could probably train AI on Lemmy data, they just won't ask for permission and won't be charged for it
AI is 100% being trained using Lemmy.
They also said it was decentralized which is not true.
I don't believe this.
well there's a protocol but everyone is on the main one, i don't think theres even a non personal instance.
Yeah, I looked into it and the backend is proprietary, so the central owner can restrict features. Like for instance independent instances can only have 10 users.
It's "decentralised" except only in extremely limited scope, the code is centrally controlled and the network remains largely, functionally centralised.
They're capitalising on the decentralised, federated buzz while doing it so poorly they're setting up users to say "oh people tried decentralisation, it doesn't work, look at Bluesky".
If it's not open source, it's not decentralised.
Trust me bro, just keep shit posing on here, we won't change out "ToS"
Bluesky is VC backed. They'll want to make money down the road, and they'll definitely train AI soon if not already.
Maybe the VC's are dying soon and they wanted to do something useful with their exorbitant wealth before they die
Can I get that written in a contract?
It's open to the public. So, many other orgs are certainly doing it anyway.
The same can be said of lemmy, mastodon or any publically accessible forum
Absolutely. I worked somewhere where we routinely had alarms go off due to botnets swarming us with weird (and obnoxious) massive download tactics (of publicly available user generated content, that is).
If it can be gotten by anyone, it will be gotten by LLM trainers.
Better BlueSky than Twitter, but I hope everyone understands by now that there’s literally no reason to take a business’s word for anything unless they somehow have legally obligated themselves to doing that thing forever. Otherwise you can only trust them to keep doing it for as long as it’s worth it from an economic perspective. I’m not saying that it can’t ever happen that a business acts out of pure goodwill, but only a fool would count on it.
Nah, first you gotta get comfortable for a couple of years.
It's basically pig butchering for social networks.
The API is so cheap someone is going to do it anyways...
That's my biggest issue with AI. Now all the APIs want me to pay to use them. Originally the API was an incentive to get engineers to build features for their sites without having to pay them. The engineers get data they need to build their thing and the company providing the API gets free product features and user acquisition. It was mostly a fair trade. Now the companies see a few other companies using that data to train API and make a fortune so their reaction is to charge a fortune for the API. Totally disregarding the previous arrangement. If you are an engineer working on something unrelated to AI you are basically shut down from using any APIs that provide useful data. Everything is locked down now when it once was open. It's so sad. It makes learning more restrictive
"Don't be evil"...
"Don't be evil" ...
... for now
I don't get it. They were rich beyond most people's wildest dreams. Why did they jump aboard the enshitification bandwagon?
They want to be rich beyond EVERYONE'S wildest dreams.
Why else?
When you make a lot of money, the number you see in your account starts to become part of your identity because it differentiates you between you and the people you see every day. The same way if I had blue curly hair, that would become a defining factor of where I “differ” from the general public. The numbers in one’s account becomes an obsession-point.
People get obsessed with the number and how much bigger they can make it. It’s like hoarding. No amount will ever be enough. And once you’re able to buy anything, the actual value of that money becomes meaningless. So even more drive to bring the number up because that’s the only novelty you are getting.
That and power.
More money
I've yet to hear a good argument for why it matters even if they did. I've made thousands of comments on Lemmy that are free for anyone to grab and do anything they want with. If I didn't want people to have access to them I wouldn't be posting on the first place.
Lol okay. Sounds good, bro.
Why is this taking off but not Mastadon?
Barrier of entry is marginally lower. With mastodon you'll have to make a decision on what instance you're creating your account. With Bluesky there's just Bluesky.
Yep. 100% this.
Bluesky has the hyper casual "barrier'" of entry that Twitter had
But did they pinky promise?
Why not? Are my posts not good enough for you Mr Bluesky?
Who owns this? Another insane rich, right wing techie?
... for now
This seems like a clever way of saying they don't have an AI team or plans so they have no use for the data.
"we promise ;)"
What’s the problem of training AI with my posts?
Nothing if you do it yourself but someone else doing it without your permission and making tons of money off of it and not sharing it isn't very cool so this is nice.
Yeah, they should ask for permission, I don’t see the point of not sharing it though, they will only make tons of money if the AI is good, don’t they? I think ChatGPT and some other AIs are amazing and if they want my data for helping it, I would allow it.