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Content of this community: is VN dev stuff in general allowed?

I do remember a guide posted here about how to make a VN solo, which does not sound Ren'py specific.

I'm also wondering about VNs using other software. If someone uses something like TyranoBuilder or Godot and posts their tutorial or experience here, is that okay despite "Renpy" being in the title? If so, is this more just a VN development community or a Renpy community? Honestly curious, not asking as a "gotcha" I'm-being-a-smug-jerk question.

  • Hi, welcome! I decided to create this as a "Ren'Py and visual novel development" community, so topics related to Ren'Py and vn-development in general are allowed. I didn't expect there to be enough engagement to justify a separate "VNDev" community in the beginning. I also have only used Ren'Py myself, so I couldn't offer support with e.g questions related to other engines. 😅

    If there's actually enough interest in vn-dev with other engines, then I could make a general vn-dev community, I suppose? But thank you for your question, I might add a clarification to the rules.