"Ugh, this news clip is depressing. Fuck Coke for making me think about other countries, I'm just gonna grab a Pepsi instead. Their door ads are funny."
“This is the future of retail and shopping,” Avakian said.
the main reason this tech can proliferate is that the people who decide to insert ads into every area of our visual field are rarely within striking distance of the common person. these assholes all have personal shoppers/assistants, live behind walls, and we don't know what they look like. honestly, the only thing cool about any AR tech would be its hijacking by culture jamming leftists to identify/add callouts to our enemies (secret police/undercover cops, informants, ultra high net worth individuals, etc).
also, there's a great dystopian visual gag here, where it's like post apocalyptic and some plucky hero scavenger stumbles across a display fridge running on solar power with bottled water in it that is running at like 16K so it looks real and shifts with perspective, only for him to open the door and like it's empty or has a bunch of skulls in it and it's a trap set by cannibals or baddies.
people who decide to insert ads into every area of our visual field are rarely within striking distance of the common person. these assholes all have personal shoppers/assistants, live behind walls, and we don't know what they look like
Just gotta look up the board of directors and executives of the companies whose ads are on the screen and the adtech companies. All pretty public and openly available
"Sorry, you simply buying something doesn't create enough value for our shareholders."
What a fucking crock of shit. Absolutely no respect for anyone's time or dignity. Even being a good little consumer isn't enough anymore, you have to subject yourself to degradation and psychological manipulation even to participate in the basic market activities required of you to exist.
Every door like this is an assault on human decency and smashing them in with a hammer is a moral act.
I really want to emphasize that advertising is a potent form of exploiting human psychology. The advanced and pervasive form of it we see today, where it is tailored to individuals and consistently assaults them using a level of knowledge that many people's loved ones wouldn't even have access to is tantamount to abuse.
If a friend or a partner kept careful notes of your behavior, where you were looking and for how long, what you tended to buy and when based on your surrounding behavior and mood, and used it to manipulate you, we would rightfully call such a person a dangerous abuser. It is absolutely abhorrent to accept that from strangers who also already have massive structural power over us.
Not just what you buy, but what you search, what items you look at on other websites, and correlating data with demographic information that is either "lying around" or supplemented with targeted surveys to fill out the profile.
human attention is a finite resource. what does capitalism call those? externalities. what does it do with them? carves them up and destroys them for profit.
Unless they are locked until the ad finishes then there is a solution. The solution is to open every single door and leave them open. These freezer doors stay open for easy restocking by fully opening them until they click, just do that or jam something into the locking mechanism.
Pretty soon all of these will display a Windows login screen or bash script with an error and the Walgreens minimum wage employees will have to write post-it notes about what's in the fridge
It'll be baffling if it even hits any market at all. They're a decade or more behind the actual research outfits working on brain interfaces and all their "research" has just been replicating the same experiments that were being done by actual researchers 15 years ago.
Sorry, you cannot remember [mother's voice] because you have run out of Complimentary XMemory Data. In order to remember even more precious parts of your life without waiting for the XMemory Cooldown to complete, you can pay for a premium subscription to XLMemory and pick up where you left off right away!
With Tesla Dreams, we are able to deliver incredible services to our users for FREE* thanks to our Re-Branding algorithm, which replaces positive memories of interacting with non-sponsor items with the equivalent from our sponsors! Remember when you learned to ride your bike thanks to Skillshare? Now you do!
Good on them. They were on the verge of bankruptcy with all the theft going on all the time. Now they have the money to put screens on coolers! Good to see them do better and crime on the decline.
Can we get past the bullshit need to buy things from and sell shit to other people already? Make technology that actually fucking matters, that's actually interesting and assists in national development, and frees up the common person's schedule to engage in leisure, so we can all get the fuck on with our lives already?!
It's boring as hell and annoying as fuck how commerce continues to chase after people and becoming an increasingly obstructive, invasive phenomenon. People don't want their lives to be plagued with ads! Why do you think daytime television is on its deathbed (apart from being an endless sea of reality TV)? If we need something, we'll fucking go looking for it.
They have these at my local Walgreens; not only are they stupid AF and annoying, they actively make me to not want to shop there. Like, just a clear freezer door, I’ll scan my eyes over the products to see if there’s anything I want. With those, my brain just straight up nopes out of considering anything behind the doors, it gets dismissed as noise in the sea of advertising.
The power of Juche had not yet broken the seals on Marx's forbidden treatises on proletarian necromancy, and so a devastated and exhausted USSR was forced to relent for the time being.
Being the first socialist experiment made things a lot harder. The socialist world hadn't yet developed the Cuban moral vest, the Laotian cloak of invisibility and forgetting, The Vietnamese power of turning into killer trees, or the Chinese power to get stronger every time it collapses. All they had was tactical deployments of Stalin to devour the enemy's granaries in single fell swoops of the man-sized steel spoon from which he took his name.
Not even white! It's all so goddamn bluish, like it's worst than blaring pure white. Or they may be due to me having reading mode on my phone and other devices 24/7
It fucking sucks, and if something doesn't have the warm light of a high pressure sodium lamp then I ain't buyin' nothing
The freezers have front-facing sensors used to anonymously track shoppers interacting with the platform
Time to start wearing a hat with eyes on the front and side to mess with their gaze tracking software.
Can't track where you are looking if your shirt has 10 pairs of eyes at different angles and heights.
But for customers who just want to peek into the freezer and grab their ice cream, Walgreens (WBA) risks angering them by solving a problem that shoppers didn’t know existed.
In my little town of 12,000 people, the only stores open past 7pm are the 7/11, the gas station and the Walgreens
This is the reality for a lot of people, especially in places where your choices are a five minute walk to the Walgreens or a 20 minute drive to the Walmart two towns over