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Warren: Trump transition ‘already breaking the law’


Sen. Elizabeth Warren accused President-elect Donald Trump and his transition team of violating the Presidential Transition Act by failing to prevent conflicts of interest and sign an ethics agreement, a law Warren helped author.

Her comments follow a CNN report suggesting that Trump’s team has withheld necessary transition agreements from the Biden administration due to conflict-of-interest concerns.

Rep. Jamie Raskin also criticized Trump’s refusal to engage in standard transition protocols, warning it could disrupt the peaceful transfer of power. Trump’s actions break a precedent set by presidential candidates since 2010.

Trump Watch

Warren: Trump transition ‘already breaking the law’

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  • Then fucking DO something about it. Every breath the man takes, he's breaking a new law, but nobody ever does anything about it. They just keep letting him get away with every fucking thing he does, and it's emotionally exhausting hearing about Trump's Crime Of The Day every single day and never seeing any consequences.

    The Dems are really losing my support lately. The inability with the party to take any sort of meaningful action has given Trump the presidency twice now, and is driving me fucking insane. Put the cunt behind bars already.

  • Bless your heart, Elizabeth. You think you still have a say in Trump's America. You're both a Democrat and a woman.

  • That is fine they own the government now they will just ignore the law or change it.