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Trans Megathread for the Week of November 11th, 2024 to November 17th, 2024

Xenia, the fox girl mascot of Linux, was first designed in 1996 by Alan Mackey. She was meant to be an alternative to Tux, the official mascot.

She had fallen into obscurity, but was noticed by a Twitter user in 2019 and was redrawn as a fox girl. But as it turned out, Xenia was originally meant to be male! The original creator, Alan, was cool with this, saying "It matches the transition of a lot of the smartest, nerdiest Linux users I know" and "And sure, you made her trans!".

So now we have a trans Linux mascot. And I think that's neat.

Join our public Matrix server!

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  • fucking white queer libs i am so fucking done i was on this nice ace kink server, with my partner partner notices a sus profile, and i autotranslate the hebrew on it, and it's a clear zionist. i even asked my friend who speaks hebrew and he told me it was an israeli nationalist slogal. i alert the mods about this, and the mod i speak to says they'll talk to the other mods.

    they tell me to suck it up and they won't do anything. it's not a political space after all (LIKE FUCKING HELL IT ISN'T). this was already too far but i didn't do anything, except privately explain to the mod that this was the wrong decision and why, and ask they convey that to the rest of the mod team.

    next day a mod shuts down a conversation that drifted into politics.

    so i just fucking posted a song in solidarity with palestine, announced i was leaving because the server is tolerating zionists, and left. wish i'd posted screenshots of the mod convo before i left but hindsight is 20/20 i guess. i was told afterwards by a member that this guy had been much more vocal about his zionism on another server and caused a whole drama.

    just. how hard is it to not include reactionaries in queer spaces? this place would boot out anyone who came in with fascist profile shit. zionism is a form of fascism but somehow that doesn't count? like no fash but sure, you support an ethnostate actively committing genocide, why don't you come into our safe space? well great, now there is no safe space. i loved that place. it was the only social space i felt safe in a sexual sense.

    does anyone have a recommendation of a queer kink discord server than does not include zionists?

  • Feeling so much queer joy today 💖

    I'm SO glad I made it passed the initial excitement phase. I was so worried that I was only doing this because it's exciting, and, once the excitement wore off, I wouldn't be interested anymore.

    But the absolute normalcy of my gender is SO much better. When I can present fem in front of my friends and hear my pronouns just as a normal fact of life rather than something I have to build up courage for, it just HITS.

    The more I come out of the closet, the more real it all feels, and doubts start melting away. I honestly can't wait to try E!

  • !CW Venting, social dysphoria:!<

    !Feeling kind of shitty and just generally lost in my transition. There's a lot of stuff about it that feels daunting and that I don't know how to move forward with. Lately I've been wishing I had a cis girl friend who could help me out, and be a kind of 'big sister' I could go to for advice. But most of the women I'm friends with are very butch, and haven't felt super equipped to help me. And the one friend I have who has been able to help, moved multiple States away, and while she's been able to help me with some stuff, the distance has impacted our friendship, and I'm just feeling sad about the whole thing!<

  • I play it cool here, but every week, in my head I'm like, "this is the week I'm going to tell them I'm actually a cis guy and that I can't post with them anymore 😭"

    Lmao so deranged

  • For some reason my tax refund got super delayed this year, but I finally got it! First time in forever I don't feel broke. Time to get some cute winter outfits

  • I remember jumping into the trans coffin in dark souls 2 and never noticing the effect since I was always beef jerky in armor

    was in for a surpise when I used an effigy and changed armor

  • If I backtrack on this in a week, I'm blaming the carousel

  • My friend just sent me a decade old photo of myself when I had a huge beard. Just wearing swim shorts. I'm having complicated feelings.

    Like, idk... I'm handsome, but it's okay to think you're handsome and still want to transition. Sometimes feels like I'm fucking something up.

    I mean, I look at recent photos of me in makeup/dresses, and I'm still handsome/pretty, but... Idk, it would've just been easier I guess.

    Also I had super hairy legs. REALLY glad those are gone. I had actually forgotten what they looked like lol

  • Goodnight comrades, here's part of the code of conduct that i think about alot

    Be aware of your own enjoyment of the site.

    • If you find yourself no longer having fun, do something else. There are many different comms on Hexbear, and many different ways to shitpost and have fun.
    • If the site as a whole is just not cutting it for you, take a break. We'll still be here when you get back. Nothing should compel you to stay.

  • Gonna try linux desktop again. Is there a preferred distro among people who contribute to the kernel? Not that I likely will, I just want to flatter myself lol

  • i've been a mac/linux person for a long long time but i've just kind of happened across the money for a macbook a couple times which has kept me from having to go full linux - i got one from a uni course a few years ago. this one is nowhere near obsolete and i'm sure i have years left with it. but helping my partner set up a linux laptop has made me feel p good about the fact that simply there is no financial way for me to continue my mac habit. i've been kinda stuck on it for so long partly due to disability because for some reason the macbooks give me way less pain to use. but money is money no matter how disabled i am, and i think i could cope with the same laptop as they have, physically, and mentally i am feeling good about a linux switch. so i'd already been thinking a lot about linux when i saw this adorable trans mascot post. so thank you!

  • unchecked transphobia! at the Irish web fishing server:( just got the game and now I never wanna play it again. im prejudiced against the country folk on this island ngl. fuck me for wandering out of overtly communist online spaces for like, 20 minutes i guess lol. it's bad out there.