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Bulletins and News Discussion from November 11th to November 17th, 2024 - Chapo? Like, the President-elect of Mozambique? - COTW: Mozambique

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Thank you to for covering my position as Supreme Dictator of the Goddamn News while I was moving and getting set up in my new home in a top secret Kremlin-funded bunker five hundred feet below the ground. Our regularly scheduled programming returns this week.

On October 9th, Daniel Chapo won the Mozambique general election with about 70% of the vote. Chapo is the head of FRELIMO, the Marxist-Leninist party of Mozambique's liberation, which fought an internal anti-communist resistance called RENAMO which was backed by Rhodesia and apartheid South Africa; Frelimo won in 1975. However, as the USSR fell, Frelimo began to allow elections inside Mozambique, and has ruled the country with significant majorities in each election ever since.

The main opposition party inside Mozambique is Podemos, which is led by Venancio Mondlane, a former member of Renamo and trained inside the USA. He alleges that his polling figures predicted a majority win for him, not Frelimo, and has accused Chapo of electoral fraud. There have been the usual slogans about how they yearn for freedom. The EU, of course, "witnessed irregularities." As has pointed out, Mozambique has massive undeveloped gas fields and is outsourcing the development process to France, Norway, the UK, and the USA, while mysterious Islamist groups have popped up to cause chaos in the exact regions which have the gas, slowing the process of actually developing those gas fields. Overall, it appears to be a cookie-cutter colour revolution attempt by the imperial core designed to install a comprador for cheaper resources. Its proximity to BRICS+ member South Africa may also be significant, noting the colour revolution in Bangladesh earlier this year exerting influence near India and China.

Protestors have been battling against the police and government since late October, resulting in dozens of deaths and injuries as well as massive disruption, as the government has intermittently blocked access to the internet and social media. As of today, calm appears to be returning, with border crossings beginning to reopen.

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  • lil'marco at the wheeeeeeel

    Is he sicko about cuba like desantis or regular sicko?

    • its so funny how Trump pretends to be an outsider and all his hooting hogs believe him, and then he gets in and just appoints a bunch of Neocons and RINOs to everything lmao

    • didnt the NYT float pompeo and/or haley as being in his cabinet until trump came out and said "no"? Stop pretending like NYT have any clue what is going on with trump's team. Nobody who realy knows what is going on in trump's head is going to talk to hostile media like the NYT.

    • hahahahah anti neocon my ass

    • How did he go from lil’ Marco to SoS lol.

      • Both. Massive hawk. Honestly, I can't help but feel RIP the Cuban Revolution unless Russia or China station troops there

        • It definitely isn’t looking good for Latin America. Petro in Colombia is going have a hard time, as is Honduras, Nicaragua, and Brazil. Mexico too.

          Edit: I also worry about my country because if he goes after El Salvador, Guatemala is going to feel the spill-over effects with anti-migrant sentiment getting even worse.

          • I always thought the smarter strategic choice of US empire is to temporary cede Asia and Africa outside of WANA to Russia and China while consolidating hold on Latin America and Europe. They can't fight multiple fronts at once. This is what the US transitioning to a regional power would look like: they give up trying to contain Russia and China and focus on exerting greater control over regions already under their domain. And since they can no longer squeeze the whole world dry, they have to exploit Latin America even harder to make up for no longer getting free lunches from Africa and Asia. In a paradoxical sense, a decline of US hegemony means an increase in repression of Latin America by the US.

          • They are going to start to do drone strikes on the cartels, then escalate to left wing figures. Real dying empire lashing out vibes. At least one of our official enemies isn't going to make it out alive, and I think Cuba, Mexico, and Venezuela are going to be in the crosshairs of the empire.

            Petro always had a very uphill battle. No way he was ever going to get the US out of Colombia.

          • i think brazil is gonna be fine, 3rd term lula has been neolib as fuck, there's no need for americans to do anything against it. lately some social movements have been trying to pressure congress into passing laws reducing the workweek to 5 days (currently it's like 5.5, with a 44h total, 4 hours on saturday) and his own minister of labor and employment came out against it (defending "separate collective negotiations in each sector" instead, but less than 9% of our workforce is unionized - even less in the private sector - and that fucker knows it lol)

            also lula is pretty good at handling people like trump in general

            • also lula is pretty good at handling people like trump in general

              Lula did have better relations with Bush than he did with Obama. Even Biden was really meh towards Brazil, Lula was really hoping for that money Biden promised to give the Amazon Fund, but all of that went to Ukraine and Israel. Then Lula decided to focus on Brazil's relation with China.

              • Lula is truly a land of contrasts.

                • He is known as a good negotiator and pragmatist. I think some Brazilian communists call him the three times “world champion of conciliation”. He allows a lot of neoliberalism stuff pass (cringe), but his social programs and foreign policies are generally very good and even his critics on the left are in favor of most of them.

              • yea i was thinking of bush when i said that, lula can run circles around idiotic neocons/reactionaries. if he has one great talent, one single ability that sets him apart from other people, it's knowing what you want to hear and how to say it (something that he uses to mislead both the right and the left)

                smart libs like obama are another thing entirely though, they don't fall for his shit

            • Didn't stop the US rat fucking PT before.

              Edit: also Trump probably misses Bolsonaro.

              • Bolsonaro can't legally run, the entire Supreme Court hates him lol. Congress is too corrupt and stupid to help him. Lula it's not going to forgive Bolsonaro, and he can't help Bolsonaro anyway. I think Lula will do the same as he did with Bush and play golf with Trump.

              • i don't see any reason for them to fuck us, it's different this time because lula is pretty much just a figurehead now. the real people behind this government are the ones riding with haddad and his neoliberal goons

          • I think Petro still has a strong and loyal base, which is why all the coup attempts have failed, and who is going to run against him? I think Uribe can't run due to legal problems, and Petro still has the important but not good support of the protestants. I think the US has already given up on Venezuela, Maduro has become the Assad of South America, no one can remove him.

            Lula is very intelligent, unlike Bolsonaro, he is already planning on talking to Trump via phone (Lula had a better relationship with Bush than with Obama, at least Bush didn't spy on him). I don't know much about Nicaragua, but I think the Sandinistas have controlled most of the country since the 1980s, and that has never changed. But I think this is very bad for Boric, he's probably fucked.

            It seems that Trump really doesn't like Bukele, but we'll see if Trump actually does something against him or if he just writes some really angry letters, like what Biden was doing. Trump may cut off all aid to Ecuador and Peru, which would be very funny if he just threw away everything Biden did. And he might even tell Milei to fuck off, which would mean the end of Libertad Carajo man

            • Trump may cut off all aid to Ecuador and Peru, which would be very funny if he just threw away everything Biden did. And he might even tell Milei to fuck off, which would mean the end of Libertad Carajo man

              I can honestly see it now:

              "folks, we're getting a very bad deal out of Peru and Ecuador. they want us to send our soldiers in to help them. lots of trouble there, many incidents, most of them very bad. I keep hearing it, they're saying it's bad. we need our soldiers elsewhere, like helping Israel and fighting China."

              meanwhile Laura Richardson is sitting behind him, visibly distraught, her life's work crumbling before her eyes