Daily Discussion Thread: 🎖️ Monday, November 11, 2024
Daily Discussion Thread: 🎖️ Monday, November 11, 2024
Daily Discussion Thread: 🎖️ Monday, November 11, 2024
Tickets to NZ are booked. Campervan is in the process of being booked. I'm really excited now.
Going to Mordor in style. Nice.
So awesome. 🙂🙂🙂
I have the autobiography by Edmund Hillary about climbing all the peaks and ridges of NZ as practice for Everest. I should read it to get the dwarf vibe. ⛰️ Misty Mountain ensues ...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEm0AjTbsac
In the interests of low cost weekend activities, my Minipeelers and I have decided;
It will involve liberal amounts of polymer clay and wool, and focus on making Xmas decorations and gifts (for those we would like to give something to, but either don't want to buy for or don't know what to buy). I'm really looking forward to it and am actually excited for this!
That sounds like fun! Can highly recommend orange and clove pompadours to make as a cheap gift.
sounds so cool , and not just you but all the peelers 🥰
for xmassy baubles you can press beads into the clay
That sounds so fun!!! What a great idea for a family day together! 💜 Ahhh!
Back when I was a kid, mum & dad were going through a difficult financial patch so we made xmas decorations from gum tree twigs - painted with thin flour & water glue and tinfoil laid on like it was gold leaf. Then wove the twigs into garlands and a whole xmas tree (small). Peach pits got the same treatment and were the baubles along with gingerbread shapes baked hard. Looked and smelled very nice. I remember it as kinda messy but very fun. I think I remember painting the peach pits before they were covered with tinfoil so the colours showed through the inevitable gaps in the tinfoil. The downside was our cat decided she liked the gingerbread shapes to chew on and this wasn't good for her digestion.
A themed crafternoon. Add a snack or two and this is Most Excellent.
A Crafternoon! I knew a word already existed for it but couldn't think of it for the life of me, thankyou!
This sounds great!
Excellent idea! Happy craftmas!
Well mum's eye pressure is back up. When she fell it ruptured the back of her eye where she had an op (for glaucoma) a few years ago which is re-stitched. How they get to the back is beyond me. Her pressure was 2 when it's supposed to be 10-20.
With any luck it won't get worse (basically just before she went in she all of a sudden had a 'blob' in the middle of her vision).
I think this is a situation where the damage is done but not sure to what extent yet.
Brings into question cooking on the stovetop which will be a bit dangerous and golf (her main form of socialising).
Plan of attack is to get the food sitch down first. Can't eat solids too well (it's a long medical history) so I'll make a bunch of different soups that can be microwaved for dins. Brekky should be fine she just does yogurt w/ fruit blitzed.
Socialising will be a tough one but she has a good network of buds so we'll see what happens there.
It's going to be depressing for her so that'll have to be managed too.
It's scary how one fall and head strike can alter so many things so quickly.
My daughter had corrective eye surgery and I still don't know how they did it.
Wishing your mum a quick recovery and thinking of you and your family ♥
Don’t forget the Ensure is an extra option if she doesn’t have some already.
That’s terrifying, I hope it’s not too bad
You are a very responsible and thoughtful child :)
I am definitely taking notes and learning from your exp. Honestly didn't know falls could have such an impact on vision so I'm going to be a lot more vigilant with the olds (and eventually myself).
Meals on wheels ?
and many hugs and best wishes, I hope she gets back on her feet real soon
I forgot to add this. See if My Aged Care might be a go as they might help with a few things including visitors or care workers at home
Hey guys.
I'm not going to start the thread at midnight anymore , or at least I might if I'm up but I just can't keep staying up for the thread. I'm a natural riser with the dawn and I want to stay up in the mornings, not go back to bed because I need the sleep.
You'll still all get good night kisses. 😘😘😘
No problem. How about we just have whoever's up at that time do the thread? Or see if Rusty Raven can revive Botbot.
Raising the dead is always a bad idea, they don't come back right. A zombie botbot could be the start of the AI revolution that sees us all stuck in virtual reality pods.
And even more to the point I think the original bot was a miracle beyond my actual skill level, I don't think I can manage it again.
That sounds like an idea. 👍
I’ll probably be up if needed, I might wait and do if it nobody else has
Maybe this can go against logic but maybe post it up an hour or so earlier if you're awake and we'll just use it when midnight or after rolls over?
I'll do that. 👍
I don't blame you for wanting rest. Thank you so much for your dedication ♥
I'm starting to feel and look haggard. 😩😴
Thanks Gooner🫡
Thanks for all the work you've put in ❤️
Thank you Seagoon!!!
Thanks for your service o7
Thanks for all your work!
Sometimes the Best solution to a bad mood is cat pats and sleep.
Goodnight everyone ❤️
I love how they put 1 paw on you. My cat used to do that
and oh so casually
I have successfully convinced my daughter to move back to Melbourne.
And what sold her on it was Slurpees. I was telling her how good they are and now she wants to move back.
Guzzling water like a hydro-slut for the blood donation.
I did well yesterday too, only one coffee and then just water all day. Today will be the same.
Im here to smash snacks and save lives 😂
I unironically love this
Can't... un-see... :|
Stupid Sexy Magikarp
Hell yeah I am! I'm a water-bed at this point
Is it the weekend yet?
Phew. It's been a long week.
Today's sort of my Friday - I have the next three days off, yay!
I wish, I might take Friday off this week though.
Have the go ahead, just need to book it in if i'm to commit.
DO IT. Think about the 9pm coffee you'll be able to drink Thursday night
Do eeeeet!
Thanking my past self for booking a random day off on Thursday
Have you seen the drama in the other place?
Jane Agirtan has doxxed an r/melbourne redditor for pointing out there's an article detailing her past nasty racist bigoted behaviour.
Omg LOL! good way to break the councillors code of conduct 😂 I don't think the authorities will like this one (would it be a vec issue? Ultimately I suppose a police issue re: the doxxing).
Edit: lol local gov inspectorate
Wow that's amazing. What a piece of shit
😬yeah, I actually read and posted to that.
Great. She’s part of my council area.
Any way to get rid of her?
You could submit a question on the subject to a council meeting or attend a meeting directly, depending on how committed you are. You could also contact the councillor for your ward and raise it as an issue. Not sure what other options might be available.
Sky News article popped up as a suggested read on my phone for some reason:
"Hackers are targeting people who type these six words into their computer."
Wrong answers only - what are the six words?
Edit: you guys should be comedians! I am cracking up.
Straight porn but gay level acting.
Oh my god 😂
Round of applause 👏
Hackers and bengals? I wouldn't download one of them again noisiest little fuckers out there.
E; here was my bad bwoy. Dude was an arsehole (almost lovable though) just not at 4am.
Best Crypto to invest in today
Inventive intercourse invloving small bristly trees.
I want to see inside your mind.
What to do with my money?
I was thinking along the same lines as you
Don't you think they look tired?
How to teach your cat manners
(Hackers realise you're illogical and will probably fall for a scam)
So who really shot Mr Burns?
Where to purchase a pasta tap..
Hand bigger than face mean cancer?
Wrong answers only - what are the
Quick, hurry pull my Mal Meninga.
How to wipe browser history permanently
Bottles of alcohol while working today
Won lottery what should I do?
Dispose of body no evidence left
"Hot ladies"... "How to delete post?"
Both FB posts
See, now I want to know if they’re legal. But I’m not going to type that…
Alright gang. I have managed to connect to the multi dimensional VPN. I can now download you TV shows or movies that dont exist in our reality from other dimensions. Hit me up with your favorite shows that almost existed or got cancelled early. Personally, i cant wait to watch season 2 of firefly. And maybe figure out where TF stargate universe and stargate atlantis were going with their next seasons.
My actual answer:
You're not an idiot. There are some solid requests there!!!
Two more seasons of The Expanse
Proper S4-S5 of Boardwalk Empire
Newsradio with a very much alive Phil Hartman
3 more seasons of 30 Rock
Definitely putting Seasons 2-10 of Firefly on the list.
The book-accurate version of the later Game of Thrones series, please (and I'll take the completed eBooks of ASOIAF while you're at it).
And there's an error with the final episode of Star Trek Enterprise in our reality. Can you grab the real one without the stupid stuff ours had, please?
Hyperion movie directed by Denis Villeneuve
Season 3-5 of Carnivale pls.
Please don't tease me on all those shows, I literally had a wave of sadness. And if they don't exist in my places I know you're lying :'(
Helliconia Trilogy by Denis Villeneuve please
Kubrick's Napoleon movie
Boondocks - 2 more seasons
Adventure Time - many more seasons
Heroes - 1 more season
Lost - 1 more season
Please and thank you 🙏
District 9 sequel please
^^ I might die for this ^^
Any more Breaking Bad, that doesn't invalidate or ruin what we already have?
Ooh or any more Wonderfalls? Ended waaay too soon.
I would like more Babette’s Feast in some form please
Also someone to take on Tim Powers properly, either Declare or Last Call (less fussed about the related books)
More A Stitch through time
More Trapdoor
Tanith Lee’s Don’t Bite the Sun would be difficult and expensive, but probably worth it
And undead Anthony Bourdain
better off ted s3 pls
Oh heck yes!
Quick update on the Christmas saga. Mrs B spoke to my mother in law who was like "Of course we dont have to go to the extended family thing if you dont want to". And Mrs B now sees the light of how dumber idea it was in the first place. More than a little annoyed that it speaking to her mum rather than listening to her husband to see that, but whatever. Saves a fight, 1k and promises to be a more chill Christmas.
Good Night everyone. Sweet dreams. 😘
I used chatgpt to write an email, and the response I'm pretty sure was also from chatgpt.
The circle of life lol
Procrastinated a bit long on it but finally made an inquiry re: movers. Have one friend locked in to help with some big stuff on Thursday - was a bit touch and go as her own housing situation was looking precarious but thankfully she got the news today that she has some breathing space and she can take my plants (and any junk that I can't get rid of on FBM). Another friend is locked in to help me with the main move on Saturday.
If I can get the movers booked by end of tomorrow for next Monday, I'll be feeling very confident about being on track to clean everything up and hand back the keys next Wednesday. So glad that the moving site lets me add extra items up to 24hrs in advance, less stress about generating more heavy boxes than anticipated. I've got to keep reminding myself that I got this.
Okay! Time to use up this jar of banana blossoms for dinner... then wind down before a 7:30am start tomorrow
You’re amazing - so on top of all this. I’ve moved a lot in the past and have faffed around like nobody business with it
Man, my house looks barely packed and there's gonna be a lot of last minute shit... but thank you! I've had to try and organise as much as I can ahead of time because otherwise my stress would be through the roof. I'm definitely faffing around a lot in between. No packing tonight or the next two nights I don't think.
Hmm, jerboa not working for me this morning so I'm using my browser. Seems to be a few server errors lately.
Edit: now it's working 🤷🏼♀️
Back from one week holiday. Really enjoyed seeing another corner of our beautiful country, even if it is super expensive to travel locally. Highlight was visiting Whitehaven Beach, I've never seen ocean water so blue.
On the to-do list today is holiday laundry, grocery shopping as my fridge is empty, gym session and catching up on many work emails.
Beautiful. So jelly. 🙂
It's so beautiful up there. Your eyes can't believe what they're seeing. South Molle island gave me a giggle.
The Alfred is a tired old hospital in parts isn't it. Feels even disrespectful to the staff that they work next to landlord special paint jobs, dingy fluorescent lighting, mismatched chairs, etc.
Oh man, there are parts of the back corridors of that place that would make you go 'holy crap'... it's like they've INVITING the hauntings.
One thing haunted hospitals in games or movies don’t do is the smell. That vile old bleach that goes with the weird green paint. Shudder
I should have everything to finish the work from home request now. At least today can count as one of my days in
If you want to hate musicians, go to any music technology site and read the comments.
Just checking in with you, did you manage to get your bank stuff sorted?
Thankfully yes. Required ID at a branch.
So I made an account with another bank that has some emergency funds.
Even Ultimate Guitar I've seen some nasty things.
coffeeeee, coffeeeee....!
oh dear god yes
this under 16 age ban thing is interesting. As a kid or teen I would have been FURIOUS. As an adult... I totally get it!
Me: I need to wake up extra early tomorrow
My brain at 3:30am: hey, you're thirsty and need water, also you should get back on social media so you can apologise to your ex for being an idiot many months ago.
I thanked my mind and I fell back asleep an hour later 😴 after listening to a podcast called I Can't Sleep where the host read the Wikipedia page about ducks. Fun fact - most ducks don't say quack.
Time to attempt to take a nap.
Does anyone here use Whatsapp? A dear friend is travelling overseas and wants to stay in touch using it. Is there anything I should be wary of? Would prefer to get some opinions before signing up.
EDIT: thanks everyone - that's super helpful info.
Scammers who have your phone number (like those scam call thingies) will send you msgs, you can just block and report them.
Otherwise, you just add your friend by the number they will be using overseas (mobile) and you two can msg.
You add people by their phone number. Just ignore any contacts from anyone who isn't your friend and only add them
Whatsapp is about contacts (i.e. phone contacts) rather than friends or followers. It means someone with your phone number can get access to info you set in Whatsapp unless you tweak the privacy settings. When you sign up, go to the Privacy tab and go through the "Who can see my personal info" section to make sure it suits your preferences. I don't like to show my picture to anyone who has messaged me unless I've saved them as a contact, for example.
The other quirk is "auto-download" I think turned on by default, which means images etc. that get sent to you get saved to your phone. If you're just swapping memes it can clog things up. Have a play and see what works for you.
Its owned by Facebook, so its a no from me dawg
Working on my resume and thinking maybe I can just live in a cardboard box.
e: and by writing a resume I mean convincing the Applicant Tracking System into passing my resume onto an actual human.
I heard a trick about putting the ENTIRE job description in there invisibly
Yeah that's the plan for all the criteria I didn't directly address.
Stationary vs stationery is one thing my brain just refuses to hold onto. Can’t type management or ophthalmology without finger glitching either.
I never realised there was a difference 🤦🏼♀️I just thought it was US vs UK spelling or something 🫣
I don't normally have beetroot in the house because I don't really like it but for a change I thought I'd dish it up. Comments were: don't really like it and it tastes like dirt. It's a no from everyone.
Understood. If you have a household of beetroot refusers, then currying the beetroot can work. Mildish curry paste, and use orange juice as the cooking liquid. The tang tends to defuse that musky taste. Which I love but I can see why people don't. Pickled in a burger - well that hits the tang factor too.
Man I just don't have the vibe tonight for singing. I'm just like blerghhhh, I want to get this over with.
Sometimes its just like this. You do the practice anyway, even if it's mechanical.
Trying to lock down 2 new songs. Hopefully I can get this sorted by Thursday
Edit: I give up. Will try again tomorrow.
Ok on some wise advice I have kept only the 4 plants I already potted up, and put the rest of the little Audrey II’s at a visible spot where people often leave hard rubbish.
Feels like abandoning them :( Maybe I should swing by occasionally over the next days with a water bottle and see if they’ve all been taken. I hope they don’t just get trashed
New glasses have been obtained and are being worn. Everything is weird. The difference between my prescription and the "real world" is now so big I can't use these reading specs at all to look around the room
and lots of those aldi meal replacement sachets have been bought. I will have to take lacteeze but I do not care. Husband says he will eat them too , which is a huge relief.
If it helps there is a Nature’s Way plant based protein powder.
I’m a bit worried the unflavoured one is discontinued as you can only get it at CW now but Coles still sells vanilla and chocolate
Well I’m sad. I overcooked dinner by accident.
Still edible but was pretty dry and chewy.
I did that with one of my shitty home made burritos. Here's to Cajun food!🥂(That's what we used to jokingly call it when a chef accidentally burnt something. Sometimes you can smother in creole/Cajun seasonings and burn it a bit more 😉)
I had a bit of salad and a meal shake 👍 I don't feel hungry or empty at all.
Today we have sardines and jalepenos in a spicy tomato sauce
me at five guys: lettuce tomatoes
staff: lettuce tomaytoes
Wait until you hear what they call tomato sauce.
I am guilty of that
Miniest says tomayto. When I explained why we don't she said she didn't care! She likes it better! My own child!
It's nice hearing birds in the morning again. :)
Beep Beep 🚚
🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍈🫐🍓🍇🍉🍌🍒🍑🥭🍍🥥🥦🥑🫛🍆🍅🥝🥬🥒🌽🥕🥐🍠🫚🥔🧅🥯🍞🥖🥨🧀🧇🥞🧈🍳🥚🥓🥩🍗🍖🫓🍕🍟🍔🌭🥙🧆🌮🌯🥗🍲🍜🍝🥘🍛🍣🍱🥟🦪🍥🍘🍚🍙🐠🍤🪼🦀🐙 🍗🥮🍢🍡🍧🍰🧁🥧🍦🍨🎂🍮🍭🍬🍫🥜🌰🍪🍿🍯🥛☕️🍵🍺🍶🥤🧋🧃🥂🍷🥃🍸🍹🧉🔋
A variety of foods involving custard please.
Something to cure my Monday grumpiness.
For some reason sew's 'oopsie' reminder pisses me off.
Especially when they didn't send the original fcking bill.
I forgot that I already ordered the extra potting mix. Barely remember doing it. I’m a dumbarse. I still have pots but they’re too deep and narrow for the round carrots and baby spinach I have.
Maybe I should get those mini pumpkin seeds as it’s planting time… but I don’t need an entire pack and that drives up the money spent on stakes which are a bit expensive and I don’t want to pay $25 in postage alone.
I also liked the thought of tomatoes but it’s too late unless I buy seedlings. Which I can’t get posted and also require stakes.
Maybe I can plant the spinach and let it get full sized.
Edit: Or natives for pollinators
You can probably still get away with tomatoes, particularly cherry tomatoes. I had great success last year with some seeds planted from a punnet of mixed cherry tomatoes from the supermarket, and they went in a bit late.
Natives are a great idea! It'll support bees and native bees, and insects, and you'll get more wildlife in general that want to eat the insects. Plus depending on the native plant, they'd require generally little upkeep as they are suited to the environment.
I think you could plant a little flora paradise honestly 💜
The pack sizes tho… I do have sunflower seeds and could try starting them inside. They have deep roots so would use the pot size