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  • In the interests of low cost weekend activities, my Minipeelers and I have decided;

    1. to have our own festival,
    2. to do craft about it, and
    3. to call it "Craftmas."

    It will involve liberal amounts of polymer clay and wool, and focus on making Xmas decorations and gifts (for those we would like to give something to, but either don't want to buy for or don't know what to buy). I'm really looking forward to it and am actually excited for this!

    • That sounds like fun! Can highly recommend orange and clove pompadours to make as a cheap gift.

    • sounds so cool , and not just you but all the peelers 🥰

      for xmassy baubles you can press beads into the clay

    • That sounds so fun!!! What a great idea for a family day together! 💜 Ahhh!

    • Back when I was a kid, mum & dad were going through a difficult financial patch so we made xmas decorations from gum tree twigs - painted with thin flour & water glue and tinfoil laid on like it was gold leaf. Then wove the twigs into garlands and a whole xmas tree (small). Peach pits got the same treatment and were the baubles along with gingerbread shapes baked hard. Looked and smelled very nice. I remember it as kinda messy but very fun. I think I remember painting the peach pits before they were covered with tinfoil so the colours showed through the inevitable gaps in the tinfoil. The downside was our cat decided she liked the gingerbread shapes to chew on and this wasn't good for her digestion.

    • A themed crafternoon. Add a snack or two and this is Most Excellent.

      • A Crafternoon! I knew a word already existed for it but couldn't think of it for the life of me, thankyou!

    • This sounds great!

    • Excellent idea! Happy craftmas!

  • Procrastinated a bit long on it but finally made an inquiry re: movers. Have one friend locked in to help with some big stuff on Thursday - was a bit touch and go as her own housing situation was looking precarious but thankfully she got the news today that she has some breathing space and she can take my plants (and any junk that I can't get rid of on FBM). Another friend is locked in to help me with the main move on Saturday.

    If I can get the movers booked by end of tomorrow for next Monday, I'll be feeling very confident about being on track to clean everything up and hand back the keys next Wednesday. So glad that the moving site lets me add extra items up to 24hrs in advance, less stress about generating more heavy boxes than anticipated. I've got to keep reminding myself that I got this.

    Okay! Time to use up this jar of banana blossoms for dinner... then wind down before a 7:30am start tomorrow

    • You’re amazing - so on top of all this. I’ve moved a lot in the past and have faffed around like nobody business with it

      • Man, my house looks barely packed and there's gonna be a lot of last minute shit... but thank you! I've had to try and organise as much as I can ahead of time because otherwise my stress would be through the roof. I'm definitely faffing around a lot in between. No packing tonight or the next two nights I don't think.

  • Hmm, jerboa not working for me this morning so I'm using my browser. Seems to be a few server errors lately.

    Edit: now it's working 🤷🏼‍♀️

  • Back from one week holiday. Really enjoyed seeing another corner of our beautiful country, even if it is super expensive to travel locally. Highlight was visiting Whitehaven Beach, I've never seen ocean water so blue.

    On the to-do list today is holiday laundry, grocery shopping as my fridge is empty, gym session and catching up on many work emails.

  • The Alfred is a tired old hospital in parts isn't it. Feels even disrespectful to the staff that they work next to landlord special paint jobs, dingy fluorescent lighting, mismatched chairs, etc.

    • Oh man, there are parts of the back corridors of that place that would make you go 'holy crap'... it's like they've INVITING the hauntings.

      • One thing haunted hospitals in games or movies don’t do is the smell. That vile old bleach that goes with the weird green paint. Shudder

  • I don't normally have beetroot in the house because I don't really like it but for a change I thought I'd dish it up. Comments were: don't really like it and it tastes like dirt. It's a no from everyone.

    • Was it in a burger? If not, you're doing it wrong.

    • Understood. If you have a household of beetroot refusers, then currying the beetroot can work. Mildish curry paste, and use orange juice as the cooking liquid. The tang tends to defuse that musky taste. Which I love but I can see why people don't. Pickled in a burger - well that hits the tang factor too.

  • Well I’m sad. I overcooked dinner by accident.

    Still edible but was pretty dry and chewy.

    • I did that with one of my shitty home made burritos. Here's to Cajun food!🥂(That's what we used to jokingly call it when a chef accidentally burnt something. Sometimes you can smother in creole/Cajun seasonings and burn it a bit more 😉)

      • I did have quite a bit of seasoning on though me thinks it was burnt.

        It was pretty close to chicken ala charcoal.

        At least it was still ok to eat. Just a bit chewier and less juicy than normal.

    • I had a bit of salad and a meal shake 👍 I don't feel hungry or empty at all.