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No sex. No dating. No marriage. No children. Interest grows in 4B movement to swear off men

  • Ignoring every other part of this movement, the 'no children' bit is a question of safety.

    Even where the laws aren't dystopian nightmare shit, and you have a healthcare team on standby to provide the best care they can without needing to worry about legal fuckery, pregnancy and delivery can still kill you cuz that shit is insanely brutal.

    Disallow that team from intervening when there's a miscarriage or some other complication and the mortality rate skyrockets, as seen in red states post-Roe.

    That's about to be the whole country soon. Ladies, if you do get pregnant, have a plan, and a backup plan, and a backup-backup plan etc with where to go and what to do if shit even even starts to feel like it's hitting the fan.

    ...also if you don't already have a passport, now might be a good time.

    If I were in your shoes, I'd be scheduling a hysterectomy ASAP. And remember your doc isn't going to do a background check or anything, so if they start giving you the shit about "nooo you're too young, you might regret it later!" just remember that your uterus is causing you 10/10 pain, and it makes it almost impossible to accomplish any normal tasks, and even starting to cause suicidal ideation; also you already have 4 kids with 3 dads and feel like you've lost control of your life, etc... probably not all at once or they'll know you're bullshitting, but the point is denying women's healthcare is a problem that goes way beyond abortion, and if lying is what you need to do to receive care, then don't hesitate to do it.

    Good luck everyone. This situation is absolute shit.

  • While I enjoy sex it is often an inverse proportion to the effort.

  • Your body your choice. I'm just glad less wage slaves will be born. Having children while understanding how this world works is child abuse.

    "Here is $2,500 a month in living expenses, thanks for the dopamine and serotonin sucker!"

    I don't get a dog and kick it out after whatever amount of dog years is 18 and say "good luck!". Why is it okay for a human?