It's also conveniently about a poor poor middle class white man and how having a bad day leads to him killing people. A entitled jerk who thinks the world owes him and is ready to ignore his wife's restraining order. What a stand-up guy. /s
Honestly, despite this movie not being absolutely terrible, kind of fuck this movie because it glorifies the fucking society we live in now.
God Bless America is a much more self-aware take on that... for better and for worse.
It also illustrates what I call "the woods." Some works have a filter where half of the audience bails. The namesake is The Hobbit, where the characters go into the woods, and if you are not enthralled by Tolkein's writing style, you are not making it out of the woods. There's a point real early on, in this movie, where you are either laughing your ass off or hammering the nope button. Neither group will regret the decision.
I never made it out of the woods with God Bless America, myself. Which always disappointed me because I've been a long time Bobcat Goldwaith fan otherwise.
I maintain that it’s an allegory for fascism. Defens is the man who has done everything “right” and his life is hell. It must be someone’s fault and it certainly couldn’t have been his. The whole film is him railing against whoever he can cast as the other, the villain. “Oh, I’m the bad guy?”