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Trans Megathread for the Week of November 4th, 2024 to November 10th, 2024

DEMOS (Dialogovaya Edinaya Mobilnaya Operatsionnaya Sistema: Russian: Диалоговая Единая Мобильная Операционная Система, ДЕМОС, lit. 'Interactive Unified Portable Operating System') is a Unix-like operating system developed in the Soviet Union. It is derived from Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) Unix.

It's development was initiated in the Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy in Moscow in 1982, and development continued in cooperation from other institutes, and commercialized by DEMOS Co-operative which employed most key contributors to DEMOS and to its earlier alternative, MNOS (a clone of Version 6 Unix). MNOS and DEMOS version 1.x were gradually merged from 1986 until 1990, leaving the joint OS, DEMOS version 2.x, with support for different Cyrillic script character encoding (charsets) (KOI-8 and U-code, used in DEMOS 1 and MNOS, respectively).

Initially it was developed for SM-4 (a PDP-11/40 clone) and SM-1600. Later it was ported to Elektronika-1082, BESM, ES EVM, clones of VAX-11 (SM-1700), and several other platforms, including PC/XT, Elektronika-85 (a clone of DEC Professional), and several Motorola 68020-based microcomputers.

The development of DEMOS effectively ceased in 1991, when the second project of the DEMOS team, RELCOM, took priority.

An archive of the DEMOS source code can found here: There's some interesting comments and mailing list archives in that repository as well. :)

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As a reminder, be sure to properly give content warnings and put sensitive subjects behind proper spoiler tags. It's for the mental health of not just your comrades, but yourself as well.

Here is a screenshot of where to find the spoiler button.

  • BEWARE of the transfem fashion pipeline:

    1. dysphoria hoodie and hidden thigh highs
    2. basic pastel doll phase
    3. dommy goth mommy or pefectly normal futch
    4. full plate armor and soul-eating zweihänder
  • looking at a bunch of selfies i took the other day and god dammit i really do look like my mom now, don't I?

    I texted my mom about it and she just responded with "Congratulations!"

  • I'm hope I'm not breaking any rules fouling up the trans mega thread with cissitude but I have a bunch of trans and otherwise queer people in my life who all are in really bad headspace right now, and they've all been venting to me because I am apparently the Politics Understander for them

    Is there any boilerplate advice I should be giving them? Any insights from people a bit older than their 20s for the trans youngins who are terrified? It's becoming a real emotional burden for me to hear how scared some of these friends are and I'd like to have something to say to them from the experts

  • Attention queers,

    I've been wanting to post something, but I've been worried about backlash, so I've waited until the last day of the mega.

    It has come to my attention that many of the posters here have notable patterns of behavior that need to be discussed. Said posters have been on my radar for some time, and it can't go unsaid anymore.

    These posters have shown, time and again, that they are great, and cool, and gay. I would like to hug them.

    I've said what I've needed to say.

  • So, uh, in case anyone in America may need to know this down the line, there is a rail bridge crossing the border from Windsor Ontario to Northern Michigan and freight trains handle customs and entry stuff ahead of time and don't stop at the border.

  • oh boy the liberals are truly going full insufferable bigot mode huh

    i think i'm going to buy a flamethrower

  • I'm kinda envious of other people's special interests. One friend is a walking encyclopedia on history and can go over events in incredible detail, another can go into deep dives into entire genres of music and list of obscure facts about entire discographies and how artists influenced each other, and another can talk for hours on about the CIA and how that intertwines with the trajectory of the US.

    I just know a lot about Final Fantasy

  • I pre-emptively saved myself the psychic damage and unsubbed from every trans subreddit I was subbed to in advance. I couldn't imagine what's going on on r/MTF right now, other than lethal levels of liberalism

  • I've finally been able to change my name today. Will be quite busy in the next days to get my documents in order, but i'm so fucking happy. It's finally official that i'm me.

  • Pretty glad that I solidified my identity before all this crap hit the fan in the US.

    If I were less comfortable with my identity, this might have scared me off transition.

    If anything, the fear I feel is showing me just how important all this is to me.

    And the thing about fear is that it won't stay fear for long. It's gonna turn into something else. Something more helpful

  • Hello fellow trans people. I have my first appointment at the gender clinic coming up next week and I’m excited. I won’t be able to start hormone treatment yet but it’s a step in the right direction

  • fat tiddies

    shoes off torrid coming in the mail

    thigh full of E

    extra cozy cardigan

    one hell of a mahjong soul winning streak

    what more could a t girl ask for?

  • According to my mom my face looks softer and more feminine

    She also said my nose has gotten thinner
    Seems HRT is still doing it's thing, I'm just really bad at noticing it.

  • Explained to my parents years ago that I'm

    and like my dad still doesn't know what that means and my mom is like "if you ever get with a a woman you like...... or guy"
    please I maybe be a loser with no pull but at least I'm a gay loser with no pull

  • The fact that I've had an account on this website for approx. 7 months is baffling to me. I remember having too much anxiety to even create an account on here. I remember thinking I was cis. It feels so long ago, yet so recent, at the same time.

    Here's another appreciation post for you all. I genuinely have no idea where I would be or what I would think without you all. I love my trans comrades :trans-heart:

  • If I hear one more "ally" using AFABs and AMABs as nouns I'm literally going to jump out of a building. JUST CALL ME A SLUR, PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU TO GIVE ME YOUR BEST SLUR THATS ALL I WANT JUST STOP USING AFAB AS A NOUN THATS ALL I ASK.

  • I HATE having things I want to say, thoughts I want to share, but knowing I can't. Inappropriate to share here, therapist will try and send me to inpatient. Also just like, fuck him. Last session he brought up for the fucking hundredth time he's worried I'm "being influenced" and "going with the flow". Dipshit. Because I guess that's what people with avpd do. Honestly I should just never mention my diagnosises to anyone again if they're going to be used against me like that.

  • Today marks a full year since ::: spoiler (cw: transphobia, abuse) my parents kicked me out for starting HRT. ::: I wasn't sure how I'd feel today, either good because I actually managed to stabilise and have done a lot in this past year, or shit from the whole affair having happened and the stress that I'm still feeling from it. Trying to keep myself busy and do my usual chores so I mostly feel numb. In the end though it seems to be some weird mix of all three of these feelings during my breaks between chores. Not good or bad really, just odd.

    Gonna probably try to treat myself a bit once my chores are done to see if that helps any. Got nicer food than usual and my roommate is out so I can take a nice long bath. Might also finally put in that order for a pair of custom sized lolita shoes.