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You are diagnosed with cancer but have no money for treatment. You've no option but to steal the money somehow. What's your plan?

Assume you're life-lusted and are willing to abandon every moral you have just to live. Paying for cancer treatment is also worth prison time to you.

Also assume you've exhausted all ethical fundraising options, i.e. GoFundMe, loans, etc. and that insurance won't cover treatment for whatever reason.

  • Create a fake news website and make sure there’s a floating donate button on every page.

    Complain about Klaus Schwab and the WEF and talk about eating bugs and not owning anything.

    Say the donation is for gods army to take on Bill Gates and his Clinton’s.

    Make absolute bank in less than a week. Tried and true. These people aren’t going anywhere so you might as well mine them like the resources they are.

  • I don't think I am able to make that much money even if I played along with your no morals all goes scenario.

    Realistically I have zero chances of successfully robbing a bank or avoiding police if say, I choose to kidnap a baby and ask for a Ransom.

    Drug dealing would be more believable, I guess I could start my own mushroom and marijuana business but I don't think I'll be able to make enough or grow my network as much as necessary to cover for expenses.

  • You don't need money to receive treatment in the US. But to answer the prompt, I'd just rob a bank with a note and no weapon. Immediately surrender when the police arrive and spend the next few years in prison getting 100% free healthcare