Love to be attacked by my dad over shit going wrong in his life I have no control over.
Love to be attacked by my dad over shit going wrong in his life I have no control over.
Long story short he needed to use my computer today for his IRA bullshit, something about it being moved from one account to another. ofc he's a stone age boomer so he has no account and it's the weekend so the customer service line is closed. So we tried to get into this arcane system of bullshit and make an account for him so he could access it and it didn't work. Long story short he lost his shit and unloaded on me over it. I had to keep apologizing like it was my fault then he stormed out.
And the kicker is I was going to ask him for a ride to the pharmacy tomorrow to get my meds and now I'm afraid to do so.
Fucking everything is my fault when it comes to him and he's perfect.