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People overestimate the percentage of immigrants in their country

translation: There are people conjuring thoughts like "I've seen one too many brown people".

Also unsurprising where the sentiment is coming from:


More imbecility (from the same src):

  • We have cities in germany where "5.5%" really doesn't paint the right picture. I've recently been to one where most shops had signs i can't read and more muslims than i saw in Turkey or elsewhere. Seeing or hearing (a) german was a rare exception. And this is really no exaggeration.

    Of course if you take all the rural areas into the equation, where usually very few are, you might see the 5% in toto, but in the cities and especially the cores? No way.

  • This does not count Ukrainians for Poland though, even for 2022 before war there were much more of them than 2%, possibly as many as 3 million and that went up in years included here.

    • Yep, that's true, the latest census was from 2021, and the figure was 3.69%.

      Probably the figures weren't available to Ipsos at the time, despite the publishing date :/? Idk..

      • That's different question though on the census, about nationality of Polish citizens. Most of numbers of minorities with citizenship in Poland are Polish minorities who were born in Poland. Like Silesians who are not even officially considered minority and still half million of them wrote that in (in reality there's at probably around a million of them since once the census bureau included them despite government not wanted to admit them at all). And even let's say Polish Germans, Belorussians and Ukrainians (at least those 80000 mentioned in this census) are also living here for generations due to how frequently borders changed in last two centuries.

        Polish state is also relentlessly engaging in polonisation of minorities since 1918.