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Sukhoi Su-57 - New General Megathread for the 1st-3rd of November 2024

The Sukhoi Su-57 is a twin-engine stealth multirole fighter aircraft developed by Sukhoi. It is the product of the PAK FA (Russian: ПАК ФА, prospective aeronautical complex of front-line aviation) programme, which was initiated in 1999 as a more modern and affordable alternative to the MFI (Mikoyan Project 1.44/1.42). Sukhoi's internal designation for the aircraft is T-50. The Su-57 is the first aircraft in Russian military service designed with stealth technology and is intended to be the basis for a family of stealth combat aircraft.

A multirole fighter capable of aerial combat as well as ground and maritime strike, the Su-57 incorporates stealth, supermaneuverability, supercruise, integrated avionics and large payload capacity. The aircraft is expected to succeed the MiG-29 and Su-27 in the Russian military service and has also been marketed for export.

After repeated delays, the first Su-57 entered service with the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) in December 2020.


In 1979, the Soviet Union outlined a need for next-generation fighter aircraft intended to enter service in the 1990s. The programme became the I-90 (Russian: И-90, short for: Истребитель 1990–х годов, lit. 'Fighter of the 1990s') and required the fighter to be "multifunctional" (i.e. multirole) by having substantial ground attack capabilities, and would eventually replace the MiG-29 and Su-27 in frontline tactical aviation service.

Though not a participant in the MFI, Sukhoi started its own programme in 1983 to develop technologies for a next-generation fighter, eventually resulting in the forward-swept wing S-32 experimental aircraft, later redesignated S-37 and then Su-47.

Due to a lack of funds after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the MFI was repeatedly delayed and the first flight of the MiG 1.44/1.42 prototype did not occur until 2000, nine years behind schedule.

Because of Russia's financial difficulties, the programme aimed to rein in costs by producing a single multirole fifth-generation fighter that would replace both the Su-27 and the MiG-29. Further cost-saving measures include an intended size in between that of the Su-27 and the MiG-29 and normal takeoff weight considerably smaller than the MiG MFI's 28.6 tonnes (63,000 lb) and the Su-47's 26.8 tonnes (59,000 lb).

In April 2002, the Ministry of Defence selected Sukhoi over Mikoyan as the winner of the PAK FA competition and the lead design bureau of the new aircraft. In addition to the merits of the proposal, Sukhoi's experience in the 1990s was taken into account, with the successful development of various Su-27 derivatives and numerous exports ensuring its financial stability.


The Su-57 is a fifth-generation multirole fighter aircraft and the first operational stealth aircraft for the Russian armed forces. In addition to stealth, the fighter emphasizes supermaneuverability in all aircraft axes, capacious internal payload bays for multirole versatility, and advanced sensor systems such as active phased-array radar as well as the integration of these systems to achieve high levels of automation

The aircraft has a wide blended wing body fuselage with two widely spaced engines and has all-moving horizontal and vertical stabilisers, with the vertical stabilisers canted for stealth; the trapezoid wings have leading edge flaps, ailerons, and flaperons. The aircraft incorporates thrust vectoring and large leading edge root extensions that shift the aerodynamic center forward, increasing static instability and maneuverability.

Designed from the outset as a multirole aircraft, the Su-57 has substantial internal payload capacity that allows the carriage of multiple large air-to-surface ordnance. Weapons are housed in two tandem main weapons bays in the large ventral volume between the widely spaced engine nacelles and smaller side bays with bulged triangular-section fairings near the wing root.

The first aircraft in Russian military service to emphasize stealth, the Su-57 employs a variety of methods to reduce its radar signature. Similar to other stealth fighters such as the F-22, the aircraft aligns the planform edges to reduce its radar cross-section (RCS); the leading and trailing edges of the wings and control surfaces and the serrated edges of skin panels are carefully angled to reduce the number of directions the radar waves can be reflected. Weapons are carried internally in weapons bays within the airframe and antennas are recessed from the surface of the skin to preserve the aircraft's stealthy shape, while radar absorbent material (RAM) coatings absorb radar emissions and reduce the reflection back to the source.

As with other stealth fighters, the Su-57's low observability measures are chiefly effective against super-high-frequency (between 3 and 30 GHz) radars, usually found on other aircraft. The effects of Rayleigh scattering and resonance mean that low-frequency radars, employed by weather radars and early-warning radars are more likely to detect the Su-57 due to its size.

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  • So the Nintendo music app thing is like a nice little micocosm example of what I hate about how liberals view the world and respond to criticism of something

    Lot of people pointed out that there’s no credits for any of the people who worked on the compositions

    And a lot of people have unsurprisingly jumped in to say “um ah ha… as a person working for a Japanese company/japanophile/whatever allow me to explain.. you see in Japan there’s an expectation that everything belongs to the company and that’s the face of everything”

    And no shit. That’s what’s being criticized. Pointing at the reality of a situation isn’t an excuse for it? But their brains never work past this point. It’s institutional and is therefore just a fact of nature, beyond reproach.

  • Saw this video of a woman who had a stroke and broke her ankle, was denied care by the hospital who then called the police on her and police office arrested her bc she couldn’t move (I.e. wouldn’t comply in cop world) and she died.

    I’m so beyond ready for the terror. Every day this kind of political murder happens and everyone involved should die a death that has them wishing they had just got guillotined

  • Whenever I feel pessimistic about people, I remember Vietnam and am brought great comfort. When reading about the history of Vietnam, the shocker for me is always that they liberated Cambodia directly after the US war failed, choosing to essentially fight the US again but with China as an adversary instead of support. People who had survived defending their homeland from war crimes like napalm and agent orange deciding to go on the offense for strangers against that with even less support than they had defending. After these people secured their own freedom from the west, when they could have just decided they want to enjoy the freedom they have now, stuck up for the right thing with no support and everything to lose.

    People write stories about individuals doing the right thing against insurmountable odds, but Vietnam's communist history feels better than any of these fictional stories. Instead of just being 1 hero with their gang, it's thousands of working class people stepping up to be that storybook hero and even succeeding

  • I found out one of my acquaintances was Palestinian recently. Zionists killed several of their family members in the West Bank, in shootings in Ramallah, botched surgeries in Israeli hospitals, lack of access to ICUs, and in a church bombing in Gaza. They aren't even allowed to return to their home in the West Bank because the IDF won't let them through the border. But even in a deep blue state, understanding that Kamala is racist towards their people, they voted for her. Their reasoning was they've grown to expect that they would be killed and no one would feel sympathy for them, so they suck it up and vote for the lesser evil on other issues. Fucking depressing. They'll let me spend Thanksgiving with them rather than with my family who thinks I'm antisemitic for caring about apartheid, which will be nice

  • A considerable number of liberals are extremely mad at me for my calloused, political violencing, just as bad as hitler (and stalin guess what flag was in their name?) views that I don't give a shit if Trump shoots Cheney or Cheney shoots Trump or if, preferably, they shoot each other. I have been informed that I am uncivilized, that two wrongs don't make a right, that Liz was not in any way culpable in the invasion of Iraq, and that I am hopelessly ignorant an driven by hatred. This last one is true, and my firm commitment to hate is, I suspect, the only thing saving me from the pit of evil that the libs are merrily wallowing in.

  • Just saw somewhere Jill steins vp pick came out in favor of a nationwide abortion ban lmao. So between that and the transphobia even the greens are doing the “make your vp a republican” thing

  • Lib friend I have been butting heads with a lot lately "obviously I'm a huge fan of rational debate, so I'm going to disagree"

    Me: "bro you HAVE to stop taking pride in being an asshole"

  • People from middle class lack the minimum empathy. They have NO humanity, they don't care about anyone but themselves. These people are scum, they will be the second ones to be gone after revolution. These people are monsters, they see someone with no house and just say they got there for being junkies. I hate half of my family. There is no dialog with anyoje this deep into ideology, if they think business owners are creating jobs, they're too far gone.

  • Youtube: "Please sign in to confirm your age"

    I switch to a different VPN location within the same country

    Video plays

    Preaching to the choir here, but yeah, it was never about age confirmation

  • Got through all 3 steps of a hiring process, having spent about 10 hours on that shit, just to be told in the end that "I don't fit the role enough", why the hell didn't you tell me that after the technical then and I had to spend more of my time with the HR interview?

  • Got absolutely blindsided by a comment that felt like a Hexbear header.

    This was in a thread about videogames

  • Front of house at my work desperately needs a middle aged gay dude. We have every other kind of server and we really really need a Scott Thompson kinda guy to wring tips out of old ladies

  • The kids in captain planet are clearly ring wraiths. Think about it. 9 rings for the kings of men. 7 for the dwarf lords in their halls of stone. Three for the elves. One ring to rule them all.

    What's missing? That's right, 5 rings for the woke dei ruzzian eco-terrorists. Gaia if probably Galadriel and Captain Planet is the Witch King of Angmar living his best life after his shitty boss got ringsploded. This is the only logical explanation.

  • Cascadia General Subthread

    Note: This is less ironic than it may initially sound. If you live in the region, read through before responding and it just might start to make sense.

    For comrades who live in "Cascadia", it is time to make use of the region's political and material environment to advance the socialist cause. There is no socialist future for anyone living in this area until uprooting the influence of the US empire is made a priority. The majority urban population of our region seeks a progressive future, and would likely even support socialist development if they were presented with a strong alternative.

    Cascadian socialists ought to perceive themselves as such, and organize with each other under a regional banner.

    Why "Cascadia" and that dorky flag that they fly at the soccer games?

    Because it exists and is known already. If the Cascadian socialist movement wants to lead a rebrand in the future, then they ought to get some power behind them so they can communicate it. In the absence of such, it's more effective marketing to latch on to the one thing that people may know about, even if you feel like it is sort of cringe (or worse, see below).

    Why is organizing under a regional banner so important?

    Geography is material. Proximity is also material. We know as Marxists that both are important to shaping a political movement alongside all the other material conditions that factor in. When you are close to one another physically, your conditions are going to be in closer alignment. A movement that accounts for geography is going to better adapt to the local nature of the conditions. Call it "Socialism with Cascadian Characteristics".

    Current socialist options available to an urban Cascadian at present include the DSA, PSL, and Socialist Alternative. While our comrades working with them may do some good work advancing the cause, they are organized in their current form as "American" organizations (the largest, DSA, in particular) and are unable to take advantage of the opportunity of developing a Cascadian political identity.

    We also have an opportunity in our region due to a couple of key factors:

    • We are physically far away from the center of the United States' capital territory (the NY/DC megalopolis). Our closest neighbor is California. While our comrades there are under different conditions that may not allow for the development of an independent "Californian socialism" (we encourage them to do so!), there is still a significant amount of separation even from them due to our mountainous and unpopulated border region.
    • The region was settled later than many others in the world, with the Lewis and Clark expedition only opening the door to white settlement after the year 1800. This is one reason the roots here are shallow and can be pulled out (then replaced).
    • The region has historically been an afterthought of the US and Canadian federal goverments, being so far from population centers, and a result of "manifest destiny" drive rather than an intent to develop it economically. Modern technology has lowered this boundary substantially, but it used to be uncommon to see anywhere (besides Seattle on occasion) mentioned in national headlines until around the late 1990s.
    • Many liberals from the rest of the United States have emigrated to Cascadia to seek a more progressive society. We should lament that we were unable to present them with a true alternative, and all they have been offered is an opportunity to vote Democrat without being shamed for it and little more.

    I will conclude this section by pointing out that American Indian activist movements have found great power from their small numbers by drawing on their relationship to the land (yeah I read theory). Even if they have been contained to reservations and unfair treaties over time, they have the advantage of being bound by and to their land. It also goes to say that Cascadian Socialism will engage with and include our First Nations/American Indian tribes and intend to develop a close alliance with them.

    OK so there may be some reasons to merge the "Cascadia" thing with socialism, but it almost sounds like you're taking the "balkanize the US" Hexbear memes a bit too far...

    We are taking them to just the right distance. USian socialists, especially here on Hexbear, recognize that the United States must be weakened substantially in order for socialism to thrive internationally. The same is surely true within its own borders. Cascadian socialists recognize that the path to progress is paved by turning away from the United States politically.

    There are many young communists who develop revolutionary tendencies and demand that a militant revolution get underway at the earliest convenience. Typically, as they become better informed on the history of socialist movements, they recognize that revolutionary movements do not happen spontaneously, and rely on decades of groundwork. Likewise, many Cascadian socialists may initially view themselves as part of a secessionist movement. Secession is one tactic, but it is not core to the movement in the foreseeable future. It is likely a question that will be decided by generations ahead, as centering secession as a goal of the movement will lead to an immediate termination of it as the United States will view it is a direct threat to its sovereign integrity. "Cascadian secession" is its own topic within Cascadian socialist thought, and can be addressed in a future thread.

    So you want to add tension to Cascadia's relationship with the USian (and Canadian?) federal government(s), go our own independent, socialist direction, but we aren't going to secede?

    Yep, you're getting it! Of course, there's much more discussion to be had within the party about how that would be executed.

    What is to be done?

    The author of this post is comfortable with this online community. Let's start with a chat this week in the general mega. Some topics:

    • What are the characteristics of a Cascadian socialist culture, and/or a Cascadia dominated by it?
    • What are the main political and economic issues at hand in Cascadia and its different regions?
    • How can we develop propaganda that would target existing socialists? progressive (but misguided) liberals? the public at large?

    If Cascadian Hexbears can't come together on this concept, what future is there for the greater movement?

    The next best move is to take this offline with /clean/ separation from Hexbear's shitposting. There is a scheme in the works to bridge that gap in a way that's secure. That can come in the future though.

    Last thing, I've heard the talk (/done the research) about the history of white nationalism in Cascadia, and the fact that your doug fir flag has been flown in its name. That's a bit dodgy isn't it?

    Yep, it's critical for Cascadians to be aware of the history of white nationalism in the region. Go ahead and read about the "Northwest Territorial Imperative" here to get an intro and make sure we are on the same page. This makes it all the more important to supplant the liberalism that will at best, give a white nationalism movement room to grow.

    In reality, the common perception of the Doug Flag and "Cascadia" have a lot more to do with "bioregionalism" than with white nationalism. You sort of need to be a nerd to understand that, but socialists are often huge nerds so we want to be cautious.

    It's another discussion point for the future, and could include something like a rebrand like mentioned above.

  • More Su-57 facts:

    • It's the first fighter jet to have directional laser countermeasures (DIRCM)
    • It's the only stealth fighter with LEVCONs (kinda like canards which are integrated into the wings)
    • It has two extra "cheek-mounted" radars for awareness and ability to guide missiles while turning away

    Also, China's Zhuhai airshow is in 10 days

  • in between taking our washer apart several times to deal with clogs in the outlet pump (I'm getting so good at it), I have been struggling to edit a video for our small-engine repair youtube channel, ✨_and I finally fucking finished it_✨ 🎉🎉🎉

    it is by far the best one I've done yet, I would link you if it wouldn't doxx and me

    considering making a little lemmy instance for our small engine stuff to share it in a way that isn't linked to my Hexbear account 🤔 someday when I have more spoons!